Blue Marsdens Soul Plan offers the most comprehensive guide to your souls own purpose. Drawing from years of experience as a spiritual teacher and healer, Blue has uncovered a system that will make sense of who you are, why youre here and what your souls destiny is. You will come away with renewed spiritual energy and pristine clarity about the newfound possibilities of your life.
Venetia David, Director of Alternatives, St James
Blue Marsden has spent most of his life studying, adapting and teaching the healing arts and the wisdom of ancient traditions. He has researched, developed and modernized this amazing system to make it accessible to a modern audience. If you want to discover your greatest strengths, learn how to overcome your life challenges, and find your true soul purpose, I suggest you look no further.
Stephen Gawtry, Managing Editor, Watkins: Mind, Body, Spirit
We all wonder what our life purpose is. Soul Plan provides an answer, offering a fascinating and accessible method to align yourself with your true potential. You will be left understanding your challenges, talents and goals from a spiritual and worldly perspective. This book will help you embark on a thrilling journey of self-discovery and you will never look back!
Cristina Garcia, Silent Voices, book review (book of the month)
For whatever reason, Frank Alper never wrote a book on The Spiritual Numerology of Moses. It was Blue Marsden, who channeled the title of Soul Plan which, at this point in time, is more accurate and absolutely perfect.
It is most amazing for me to read this book and to wonder, who was dictating this? It is absolutely wonderful for anyone who wishes to find out more about their Soul purpose for this incarnation.
Congratulations, to Blue for your trust and faith, to Spirit and to Frank, who could not have chosen someone better.
Katharina Alper, holder of Frank Alpers spiritual legacy
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Text Blue Marsden, 2013
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-78180-076-8
E-book ISBN: 978-1-78180-085-0
To Raphaella for being everything you are
![What if there was an overall guideline that clearly described the challenges - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/411857/images/common.jpg)
- What if there was an overall guideline that clearly described the challenges you face in life?
- What if it could point you in the direction most likely to help you feel fulfilled?
- Wouldnt you wish to understand yourself at a deeper level?
- Equipped with such information wouldnt you seek to become more aligned with the path that will bring you most satisfaction in life?
Although there is no one who can tell you precisely what will occur during your life, there is however an overall plan that exists for each individual.
This is your Soul Plan.
One morning, in the first year of the new millennium, I was sitting in a therapy suite awaiting my next client. During the decade prior to this appointment I had built a varied clientele and enjoyed switching hats between psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, sound healing and intuitive energy work. Some of my clients led conventional lives, some were singers or artists and many were active spiritual seekers. Well, actually, they were all spiritual seekers without necessarily realizing it.
Unless my clients were particularly amenable, however, I would generally introduce holistic concepts at a gentle pace. I had found it was important to maintain rapport and so, during initial meetings, focused primarily on the clients presenting issue. Occasionally though, I felt intuitively guided to stretch those boundaries a little and, as my next client entered the room, I knew this would be one such occasion.
Sarah began by describing a number of stress-related symptoms that were affecting her and also mentioned that she worked in the City and held a successful position in a financial company.
So when do you plan to open your spiritual centre? I asked.
Her eyes widened in response as she leaned forward in the chair. This wasnt a standard question that one might expect from a psychotherapist consulting a high-flier on stress-related matters.
This is too surreal have you read my mind? she replied.
She then proceeded to relay an experience from two weeks earlier:
One night she had been working late at the office and had fallen asleep at her desk. As she began to wake she found herself doodling and to her surprise witnessed a spontaneous stream of words appearing on the page. This phenomenon is commonly known as automatic writing.
The message she wrote was clear: Open a centre where people from the City will come for healing.
Sarah hadnt told anyone about this unusual experience and so, having met me for the first time the question arose, how could I be relaying a similar message?
The answer, as you will discover, is that in preparing for our session, I had examined her higher purpose and goals.
By that time, I had already integrated the foundations of the method described in this book into my work. Over the next decade I developed and incorporated it into the therapy training I taught but, at that time no matter what the client presented with, I would nearly always take the time before the first meeting to consider a most important factor. I would examine what I now call their Soul Plan.
Even though Sarah came to see me in my more conventional therapists role, about something seemingly unrelated, I knew intuitively that she was really there to connect with her higher purpose. However, it was only through the medium of working out her Soul Plan that I received the inspiration that the time was ripe for her to open that (yoga) centre.
Back in 2000 this was just another example of the catalytic power of this work and typical of the many synchronicities and validations that continue to unfold through the use of this remarkable tool. Although I hadnt offered Sarah an in-depth Soul Plan analysis, she now felt that her doodling experience was fully vindicated and gave her the empowerment she required to realize and follow her true path. For those who receive the full message, the level of healing, transformation and confirmation of their life path is astounding, as witnessed not only by myself but also those I have trained in this system.