Copyright 2015 by Paul D. Weaver.
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Cover picture is of the Qumran Caves where the oldest manuscript of the book of Isaiah was discovered.
First Edition: July 2015
Unless otherwise indicated all Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Introducing the New Testament Books video series, produced by the author to complement his book by the same name, is available as a free resource on youtube: Video Series .
Ever struggle to grasp the background, meaning and flow of the Old Testament? Designed to assist every student of the Word, Weaver masterfully puts the proverbial cookies on the lower shelf. The pages that follow will certainly launch you towards an informed and rewarding study of the first half of your Bible.
Don Lough, Jr., Th.M.
Executive Director
Word of Life Fellowship
People interested in understanding the Bible too often get overwhelmed and confused by what they read in the Scriptures. What they need is a guide to take them by the hand and lead them to the path of discovery. That is what Paul Weaver does in Introducing the Old Testament. Making good use of his years of experience as a Bible teacher, Weaver organizes the details of the Old Testament books into a coherent big picture, so that the Bible student can see the forest rather than getting lost in the individual trees. He is clear, concise, and yet not simplistic. This book will be a great help to many.
Daniel J. Estes, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament
Cedarville University
The Old Testament can be an intimidating book. Paul Weavers Introducing the Old Testament Books helps the reader understand the basics of each Old Testament book within their individual historical context. Such an understanding of each books purpose is vital in knowing the message of each book and more importantly to know the God who inspired them.
Mark McGinniss, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Old Testament Literature,
Languages, and Exegesis
Baptist Bible Seminary
History involves many names, dates, places, events, culturally significant artifacts, languages and customs. Due to the amount of material in the Old Testament, this is more of an issue for the student of that body of material. This overview of the Old Testament excels in presenting this intimidating amount of information in a variety of well-organized ways: pictorial illustrations, charts, outlines and concisely written descriptions following the same pattern for each of the 39 books. It is a great general introduction and will guide students as they consider further specialized studies.
Dr. Tom Davis, Ed.D.
Academic Dean/Professor
Word of Life Bible Institute
Wow, what a great contribution to the tool kit for skilled workers in rightly dividing the Word. Paul Weaver is a shepherd, a teacher, an evangelist, and a scholar. He is called, gifted, passionate, and carefully scholastic. This book leads students of the Word to a powerful understanding of the context for framing a sound interpretation of the message God intended and has for us today. I offer my highest commendation of this resource for your growth in the interpretation and communication of God's inspired Word.
John Barnett, D.Min.
Senior Pastor, Calvary Bible Church
Founder, Discover the Book Ministries
How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time! The study of the Hebrew Scriptures is a mountain of a task, but Paul Weaver's book Introducing the Old Testament is a guide to help step by step. The Hebrew Scriptures are the foundation for the Christian faith, to understand them will lead to a better understanding of the Messiah of whom they speak and the New Covenant to which they look forward. In an age when the Scriptures are under attack, the archeological references are also very helpful and relevant. I encourage you to use this book in your climb.
John B. Standard, Th.M.
Senior Pastor
Springfield Bible Church
I want to express my thanks to Debbie Greer for her quality work editing and proof reading this text with great care, enthusiasm, and in a timely manner. Thank you Al Green and Lili James for doing the same. The final product is far better due to these individuals careful attention to details. I am also thankful for Szalontai Lornd for his time invested designing the attractive cover.
I would like to make a special acknowledgement of two former professors and mentors, with whom I now have the pleasure of serving (both are Adjunct Professors at WOL Hungary Bible Institute). Dr. Daniel Carfrey, who literally invested hundreds of hours into my life: in the classroom, in his home, and in his office, helping to sharpen me and my understanding of Scripture. And Dr. Thomas Constable, whose example of remarkable personal discipline, careful scholarly documentation, and strong commitment to provide resources to help the common Christian understand the Bible, has inspired me to attempt to do the same.
Most importantly, I am thankful for my loving wife, who is always incredibly supportive and encouraging of anything that I put my mind to doing, and who has sacrificed much to serve with me across the globe.
The City of Nineveh
Scripture is a divinely inspired revelation of an infinite God to finite sinful man. It is unique in its content, exceptional in its character, and accurate in its claims. It was written by men of God, who were inspired by the Spirit of God, to record the words of God, and in such a way that we can understand it! This conviction embraces the Divine origin of Scripture while following natural principles of communication.
Unfortunately, many modern literary approaches to biblical interpretation have banished the original author and usurped his place.
Before one can apply Scripture to ones life (significance), one must first come to a proper interpretation of it (meaning). Arriving at the proper interpretation (meaning) of a passage of Scripture requires studying the historical context in which it was written. For this reason, approaching the Old Testament Scriptures can often be very intimidating. Introducing the Old Testament Books was written to assist the reader to gain more confidence and a better understanding of the Old Testament books in their original historical context. This introduction will discuss the author, recipients, place of writing, date of writing, historical context, purpose of writing, and message statement for each book of the Old Testament. It will also introduce the most important theological themes, discuss any specific interpretive issues, and highlight any significant archaeological discoveries. Charts, timelines, and pictures will also be utilized to illustrate and assist the reader to better understand the subject matter.
Introducing the Old Testament Books is successful if, and only if, it assists the reader to better understand what the Divine author intended to communicate through human writers to their original recipients. It is the authors ultimate goal that this book encourages its readers to be like the noble Bereans who, received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:11). What a great honor and privilege we have to study the inspired and infallible Scriptures to gain a knowledge and understanding of the words and workings of the eternal God! Let the learning begin!
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