Kundalini Release
by J RobinE Harger
Copyright: J Robin E Harger, January 2005
Smashwords Edition
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Discharge of the stored energy thataccumulates within the Chakra system promotes direct understandingof whom and what one is. In effect, it constitutes the mechanismgoverning direct recall of ones true source. As such it is themost fundamental act of conscious recollection that is available toany human being since it has the effect of immediately transformingones comprehension of the relationship that exists between theultimate observer and the world of name and form. In an instant itis realized that the world is not an external self-extant constructbut is instead elaborated by the mind (self) only. Thus emerges theunderstanding that we are not in the world but, on the contrarythe world is in us. In one swift act of comprehension thisrealization profoundly affects ones understanding of ones Self asthe world is seen to dissolve leaving the observer alone, isolatedyet still containing all the memories it had garnered in itsimagined association with the world as reality.
This presentation is written under theassumption that the reader has at least some basic knowledge ofmeditation techniques and practices. Briefly, one should know howto sit in a relaxed position The lotus posture is recommended:spine erect, with hands placed in the lap, comfortably on top ofeach other, palms upwards. Be comfortable, become passive andmotionless. The surroundings should be pleasant and relativelyquiet. The early morning is the best time to practice meditation, asmall flame can be burned to represent the light of the spirit andincense may be burned to aid in easy realization and recall of thestate of consciousness attained at the previous session. The mindshould be cleared by first focusing on the level of consciousnessthat appears to be aware of the creation represented by the worldaround one. The mind should then be allowed to slip quietly intoits source, free from extraneous thought, by focusing on thefeeling of self that exists prior to speech. This is, in effect,the level of consciousness held by the individual prior to cominginto body, prior to birth so to speak. This may be termed theroot consciousness of personality.
It is thus proposed and anticipated that thestate of root consciousness can be attained by the reader of thistext at will. Further information concerning details of meditationtechniques suitable for assisting in attaining this state isavailable here. [ Meditation, thedoorway to the Self ].
Note: kundal can mean the coil in the curlof the hair of the beloved. Kundalini (from the Sanskrit wordskundal meaning coiled and kund meaning pit or hole), is thedivine light. In coiled form it rests in the root chakra. Onceroused into a fully awakened state, the energy mimics the movementsof a coiled serpent unfolding vertically upward from within theroot chakra - it is thus sometimes taken to be represented by aserpent
The human body may be conveniently thought ofas being comprised of four fields or levels. From the gross tothe most subtle these are:
1) the physical body;
2) the life-force body (i.e. the prana-body);
3) the subtle or ethereal body; and
4) the spiritual body.
Taken together, these largely co-extensivelevels or fields, constitute the presentation of a vast being thatstretches from beyond time and into the three-dimensional (andtime-limited) space that is familiar to all. The physical bodyrequires no further explanation as it is the object of both medicalscience and of elementary-school instruction.
The life-force body or prana body is afield-potential arising from the expression of life itself. As suchit is really the appearance within the physical body that arises asthe direct result of the workings of the life-force. Thisappearance is both promoted by the life-force and at the same timerepresentative of that force in action. The force-of-life arisesfrom the light of an infinite Being which also denotes thesingle, but isolated, sense of I in the human body. Thelife-force body is, in the large, particular to a given personalvehicle (physical body) and is not directly transposed with thesoul or spirit at the time of death. Everyone knows the appearanceof this level of activity for it is reckoned as the apparentdifference between a living body and a dead body, that is, acorpse. The gross effects of the life-force in operation can bemeasured by radiation and electromagnetic scanning techniques andso forth such as CAT scans and the like. The life-force is thesubject of direct intervention in enlightenment practices such asKundalini Yoga and Chi Gong.
As with the life-force body, the subtle orethereal body everywhere penetrates the physical body of thehuman person. It projects beyond the physical body as a (sometimes)discernable aura and it is centered on the spiritual heart,slightly to the right of the physical heart, around the area of thechest where one might touch in self-identification. Unlike thephysical body and even the life-force body, the subtle body istotally transparent to physical detection. It is a subtlederivative of the life-force body and its influence can only beseen as reflections within the life-force body and by somesensitive people. It does however, carry with it impressions thatarise from past-life experiences where they are largely initiatedby physical events in previous lives. These impressions can bedetected by an array of simple techniques and can thus function askeys which can be used to open the locked doors of the mind soenabling insight as to their initial cause to flood into the wakingmind.
The spiritual body is the true source of allthe preceding body-images. In essence it is unaffected by thedream of the world, that is by its time to time immersion inphysicality. Like the subtle body it totally penetrates both thelife-force-body and the physical body and although it is alwaysaware of its surroundings it never participates therein. In thisway it can be spoken of only as an observer.
This completes the simple description of thebody, a co-existent assemblage in four levels. The driver, occupantor charioteer that maneuvers the physical body from moment tomoment, although derived from the spiritual body, is comprised ofan admixture of the subtle body, the life-force body and thephysical body (the brain and nervous system etc). As a self-awareentity, the ego or personal self acts to control the body butwithout having access to the full data-base of experience possessedby the spiritual body. The limited comprehension through which itfunctions is sometimes called the personal consciousness or morebriefly, the mind.
In a word, the ego-self becomes so engrossedin the mechanics of control and hence of life itself that itforgets its true source, the Spiritual Body extending beyond timeand space. Thus there is some form of parallel subtle-body ofconsciousness that both cloaks and penetrates us and the physicalstructure, the day to day body that we normally observe, is a veryminor player in the fields of higher consciousness if it is indeeda player at all. However, as stated above, the personal selftogether with its busy mind, is largely oblivious of therelationships above indicated. Therefore, to remedy this situationof apparent spiritual blindness, the serpent-power meditation isdesigned to break-down the walls of the mind and reveal the trueSpiritual Self to the otherwise distracted charioteer.
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