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Winning Over Lifes Challenges
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2019 Dr. Sandra L. Bailey. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 07/29/2019
ISBN: 978-1-7283-2096-0 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019910677
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To my daughter Sanian who I am so privileged to have mothered for the past twenty-two years. You have been an inspiration to me over the years, and unintentionally motivated and encouraged me to endure some of the winters that I had to go through. Unintentional motivation, because many times during my winter seasons you were at the forefront of my thoughts because I desperately wanted to get through it for you. My reason for surviving was not only to see you grow up. It was primarily for you to understand the importance of being resilient in the challenges that you will face in life.
San, life is not a bed of roses, the streets are not always paved with gold, and everything will not always go your way. The fact that God allows you to go through lifes winter, it means that He can trust you with life. His word declares, Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble, (Job 14:1). Trouble is inescapable. This book will encourage you to recognize that you can WIN over lifes challenges if you put God first. You must face your winter with the knowledge that winter does not change Gods plan and objective for your life. It simply means that He is preparing you for the next dimension.
San, I love you and truly wish that I could protect you from all of lifes winters. The reality is I am unable. However, I know God can! My prayer is that you will continue to commit the keeping of your life to Him, because He promised that He would provide you grace and warmth in your time of need. Do not fear the cold that comes with the winter. Equip yourself with the word of God and surround yourself with individuals of like precious faith. This is the winning formula to get through it! I believe you CAN, and I know you WILL!
Love you Sanian!
Your helicopter Mom!
The title of this book When Winter Comes ~ Wining Over Lifes Challenges, came to me six years ago. After co-authoring two devotionals and being hesitant about sharing my challenges it is finally published. The journey was long, I have preached, talked and testified about it, whetting my hearers appetites, leaving them asking when the book is coming out. Well, if you are reading this acknowledgement, it is finally here. Thanks, be unto God who ALWAYS causes me to triumph! His leading and constant reminder that I am blessed to be a blessing, allowed me to lay aside my personal preference of being private, to write this book. With Gods help I was able to peel back the curtains of my life so that others can peer in and see what God can do for someone who trust Him.
Special mention, to my husband Ian, and my daughter Sanian for their understanding and love. You afforded me the freedom to write whenever I felt like it. Thanks for standing with me as I endured some of the winter seasons mentioned in this book. You were Gods hands, eyes and ears for me during some of these struggles. Undoubtedly, I could not have survived some of these winters without you. I love you deeply and cannot imagine life without you both. Let us continue to stay together, so that we can provide warmth for each other.
Sher, God knew what He was doing when He allowed our paths to cross. This coming together has generated positive results, over the last five years. Your areas of strengths have complimented my areas of weakness. This allowed me to reach deep down on the inside to do things that I talked about and dreamed of for a long time. This book is a prime example and would not be completed without your labor of love. From being the captain of the cheer leading squad, editor, encourager, and unhesitatingly writing the foreword, I thank you! I love you and cherish the precious friendship that we share. Let us continue to prayerfully blaze trails together!
Stacy Buckley, thanks for being here for me from day one! You are an example of what it truly means to be a rock-solid friend. Thanks for sharing your fleece in some of my winter experiences. It kept me warm, so today I can share my story. Your constant reminder that I had a book to finish helped me to never lose sight of that fact. I love you and appreciate all that you do!
Shakera Sharpe and Nicholette Collins Dryden, thanks for your additional pairs of eyes in reviewing and editing of this manuscript. Your attention to detail and quick turnaround time made a positive impact on the outcome of this book. I love and appreciate you both.
To everyone who has been there for me over the years, in whatever capacity. Your love, care, concern, encouragement, prayers and support served as warmth to help me endure and thrive in my many winters. I honestly would not have made it without the people in my village of which YOU are a part. Today, I can share my journey because of what you all did for me when I could not have done it for myself. You aided in my survival. I love you all and please know that I am forever grateful!
Thanks to all those who will read this book, your investment will not be a waste. My prayer is that within the pages of this book you will find words of encouragement, and practical tips to help you get through your winter season. Stay warm!
I have heard it said that nobody trips over a mountain; it is the pebbles along the way that cause you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will conquer your mountain. When Winter Comes, will help you learn how to pass the pebbles. Dr. Sandra Baileys life experiences have made her a virtuoso in understanding how to navigate the seasons of life. With a freeing transparency, Sandra shares stories from her life that will resonate with you. She writes in such a way that you will feel the cold air hit you as she disembarks the plane in Boston, Massachusetts for the first time. Do not be surprised if hot tears roll down your cheeks when you read her account of going through a financial winter.
If you have read any of her previous books, (Called to Worship ~ A Lifestyle of Praise, Overcoming Job Loss ~ A Spiritual Guide, Waters Edge Volume I and II ~ A 31 Day Devotional), you will know that faith, family and friends are essential to her winterizing process. She does not leave the reader with the false notion that winter will be a walk in the park. Instead, she honestly shares from her experiences, exposing us to the harsh realities of what we may encounter when going through our winter seasons. Sandra blankets us with encouragement, warms the heart with faith-filled anecdotes, and reminds us that winter will not last forever.
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