The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life
2023 John P. Bevere
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good New Translation in Todays English VersionSecond Edition. Copyright 1992 American Bible Society. Used by permission
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Unless otherwise noted, all Greek and Hebrew word definitions are from: Warren Baker and Eugene E. Carpenter, The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2003); Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2000).
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My magnificent wife, best friend, and
cherished love, Lisa Bevere.
A woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.
I wrote this book in our fortieth year of marriage.
Each year with you only gets better, and if given the
chance, I would marry you again in a heartbeat.
No words can express the delight and
joy you bring to my heart.
I would not be the man I am today had it
not been for your love and support.
You are wise, fun, delightful, strong,
adventurous, and gorgeous.
I love you forever.
Dear Reader,
This isnt just any message; its a life message that, if believed and acted on, will transform you forever. I am confident in this because these truths have changed my life and countless others. Whenever Im asked for advicewhether its about marriage, family, or ministrymy immediate go-to is whats contained in this book.
Due to its importance, a lot of time and contemplative prayers have gone into how to present it. Considering the ebb and flow of our lives todaythe demands of our schedules and the rapid pace at which we moveI felt the need to adapt and present the truths in bite-sized chunks so that you will be able to deeply ponder these small bits.
At first glance you may think this is a devotional, but I assure you its not. Let me explain. A devotional often has different topics for each day that dont necessarily build into a concise and systematic message. Even though this book may look like a devotional, each day builds on the previous days chapter to form what is typically found in a full nonfiction book. The advantage of this is that you can decide how to read it. It certainly can be read in a day or two, if that is your preference; however, I strongly recommend you read it in either a six-week period (a chapter a day) or a three-week period (a chapter in the morning and another in the evening).
At the conclusion of each chapter, you will find five tools to help deepen the benefit of its contentwell call this section , and it contains the 5 Ps:
- Passage: I will include a passage from Scripture that is crucial to that days message found in the body of the text, or one that was not brought up in the main body of that chapter but adds strength to what was presented. I highly recommend memorizing these passages.
- Point: This is a main thought contained within the chapter to drive home its importance. Seeing it again will strengthen its effectiveness and give you a quick reference when coming back and reviewing the chapter.
- Ponder: This is crucial. The psalmist states, I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways (Psalm 119:15 NKJY). We meditate by rolling over in our minds how the Word of God applies to us in our present state. In doing so we are told our ways will be prosperous and we will have good success (see Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1, and 1 Timothy 4:15).
- Prayer: There will also be a prayer that reflects the teaching of the chapter. Its so important that God hears our voice and that we give Him the permission to change us according to His Word.
- Profession: We are told that death and life are in the power of what we say (see Proverbs 18:21). In speaking what He declares over us, our spirit, soul, and body come into alignment with His will for us, which is the proven way to experience life to the fullest.
Again, I encourage you to take your time going through this book so the truths from Gods Word penetrate your heart and mind. Spending the coming weeks dwelling on these truths daily will help them to sink in and take root in your life. This is more than mere information; it is the path to growing closer to our God. I also recommend that you read the chapters and go through each of the 5 Ps in with a journal alongside you. Put your thoughts and prayers into the journal each day so that when you return to it later you can refer to what the Holy Spirit revealed to your mind.