How The Jewish Left And The Protestant EliteSabotage America
Copyright 2007 Ari Ben-Tzvi
A Smashwords Edition
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To Those Who Went Through: Life in Hell Shotand Shell. Fire and Ice Lead and Lice. My gratitude Translation ofarchaic Hebrew from front cover: And the Lord said unto Moses, Goget thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of theland of Egypt, Have corrupted themselves... Exodus 32:7 Cicero Tothe Roman Senate 63 BC First Oration Against Cataline
For how much longer, Catiline, will you abuseour patience? How much longer will your madness mock us? What limithave you set to your unbridled audacity...?
Do you not see... the guards posted at nighton the Palatine Hill? Do you not see... the watches postedthroughout the city? Do you not see... the alarm of the people andthe coming together of all good men? Do you not see... theprecaution taken of assembling the Senate in this most defensibleplace? Do you not see... the looks and grim faces of this venerablebody here present? Does this move you not at all?
Do you not feel that your plans are detected?Do you not see that your conspiracy is already arrested and madepowerless by the knowledge everyone here possesses of it? What isthere that you did last night, what the night before-where youwere-who was there with you by pre-arrangement? Do you think wedont know all this? What plot did you hatch there that you thinkwe are unaware of?
What a time this is! What decay! The Senateis aware of these things; the Consul sees them; and yet this manlives. Lives! Not only lives, he even comes into the Senate. Hetakes part in public deliberations; he is watching and marking downand checking off for slaughter every individual among us. And we,gallant men that we are, think that we are doing our duty to therepublic if we keep out of the way of his frenzied attacks!
You ought, O Cataline, long ago have been ledto execution by command of Consul. That destruction which you havelong been plotting against us ought to have already fallen on yourhead....
Because the Introduction provides thebackground material essential to understand the body of the text, Istrongly advise reading it before proceeding to Chapter 1. Noticeto any readers who may prefer an abridged version of the text: Thefollowing schedule will provide an essential summary of theprinciple ideas in the text:
Chapter 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 26
Chapters 32-39
If there were no problem, there would be noneed for this book. The problem is that the Liberty that we enjoyis at risk. The risk is not from foreign invasion, or domesticterrorism. The risk is from internal assault upon the principlesthat serve as the foundation for our liberty. We are at risk oflosing freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom ofassociation, and all of the other rights which we have enjoyed forover two centuries. The necessary precondition for all these rightsis private ownership of property; absent this, all the otherrights, satellites of the first, will collapse. We enter thetwenty-first century in possession of liberty; will we leave it,and our descendents, with as much?
I am a Jew. As such, I am a member of a racethat has suffered more than any other race from the lack ofliberty. I am also of the race that has benefited the most from theenjoyment of liberty. Reason would predict that the greatestchampions of liberty would be those of my race. In fact, thereverse is true. In the United States, at the onset of thetwenty-first century, the most lethal threat to liberty is theJewish Left.
My purpose in writing this book is to explorethis enigma.
A warning to mainstream Jewry: We ignore theJewish Left at our peril. Most of us are too engaged in life to beconsciously aware of their actions and the extent to which theypollute our image. I remind mainstream Jewry of the old truism:Trotsky makes the revolution, but Braunstein pays the price.
Caveat: let no one think that only Jews formthe threat from the Left. The reality is that most members of theradical Left are not Jews, and that what the Jewish Left have beenable to do could not have been done by them alone. This book alsoexplores the role of the Protestant Left, which worked and workssynergistically with the Jewish Left. However, my chief concernwill be with the Jewish Left. Let the Protestants bury theirown.
The Old Paradigm
Although we Jews are, and have been alwaysbeen, highly educated, the behavioral pattern we have evolved topreserve our race is as old as the race itself. This pattern isremarkably resistant to change. We came into being as a peoplesmall in number.
We came to live in a land (the PalestineCoast) that is exposed to mighty empires to the south, north, andeast. To the west of Palestine stretches the Mediterranean basin,open to trade, but also to assault by any maritime power. Theclassical exposition of the behavioral pattern that I call the OldParadigm is the story of Joseph in Egypt. In one form or another,we have repeated it from his time to our own. In the next fewparagraphs I will present the paradigm as clearly as I can. But we,Jew and Gentile alike, must all acknowledge the force that drivesthis behavior. It is a product of the four-thousand-yearold longingfor safety and security. Fear, not evil, is the motivatingforce.
Now for the primeval story that serves asprototype. Joseph was the leader of a small tribe which came tosojourn within a large nation. As a minority that wished topreserve its unique culture, to refuse to assimilate, the Jewishpeople became the archetypical other. To preserve otherness andbe safethat was the problem. Josephs success with Pharaoh wasnoted by the leaders of the Jewish people. They gleaned from hisexperience that the best way to ensure survival was to identify,and then to befriend the highest power in the state. To befriend amultiplicity of lesser powers would be expensive. It would also bedangerous in the face of the ever-shifting alliances of secondarypowers. So the most efficient path to safety is to be at the footof, or better yet, behind, the throne. The goal would be to becomeindispensable to the ruling power, to be its most loyal ally.
There follows from this predictable sequelae.One is the support of the person of the autocrat. (In this case,Pharaoh). This includes support of the office of the autocrat.Through the ages we will see that the Jews in the Diaspora actedaccording to this pattern. From this followed the support for thosemeasures and policies that served to transfer power from lower tohigher levels of government. In the course of this history, we willsee many examples that confirm this. In our time and place, perusalof any daily newspaper will confirm that the Jewish Left is themost dependable supporter of the process of upward concentration ofpower, whether it be from city to county, county to state, or stateto federal levels.
The New Wrinkle
As a consequence of the Enlightenment of theeighteenth century, there was an addition to the paradigm. Itoccurred as a consequence of the new definition of citizenship.What was added to the definition of citizen? Whether we look at thedespotisms of Central Europe, or the proto-democracy of the FirstFrench Republic, a new idea was gaining currency. This was thebelief that all citizens were, or should be, equal before the law.A citizens status before a court of law should not be conditionedby his religion, class, or wealth. That, at least was the theory,and its appeal was rightly very strong. Any contentions inviolation of this precept were hard to defend in serious discourse.Theoretical acceptance, of course, was no guarantee of universalpractical application. But the ideal could not be rejected byfair-minded thinkers. Transferring the ideal to the everyday wouldmake for a stunning advance in the status of European Jews.
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