77 Ways To
Reshape Your Life
77 Ways To Reshape Your Life
Rapidly get the body and life that you always thought youd have
2nd Edition published in 2013 by
Panoma Press
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ
Cover design by Neil Coe
Printed on acid-free paper from managed forests.
ISBN 978-1-909623-16-3
The right of Jean-Pierre de Villiers to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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This book is available online and in bookstores.
Copyright 2011 Jean-Pierre de Villiers
77 Ways To
Reshape Your Life
Rapidly get the body and life that
you always thought youd have
Jean-Pierre de Villiers
Theresa Brady
Howard Brady
My brothers
My sister
Mai Torvits Dam
Morne Welgemoed
Daniel Priestley
Katie Reid
Lazo Freeman
Mike and Sue Harris
Mindy Gibbins-Klein
My Personal Training and Coaching clients
And my amazing friends!
I am fortunate enough to be at the top of my game and an expert in my industry; and I am grateful for this.
Im in the best shape that Ive ever been, mentally and physically. Plus, I have the financial and personal freedom to choose to do what I want, when I want. But it hasnt always been this way
I was always involved in sport. I played Rugby from the age of 7 and converted to road cycling at 13, turning semi-professional at 19. Unfortunately, one thing I never had at that age was the right mindset, and I have no doubt that I could have achieved more as a cyclist if I had thought differently about myself. I would always begin each race saying to myself I want to keep up with the fastest guys when, of course, I should have been saying Im going to win this race. It is absolutely crazy to look back now and realise that in every race for 6 years, I actually chose NOT to win!
Having such a negative mindset stopped me from reaching my full potential in my sport and in life. Because my family struggled financially, as a child it was very common to hear the words Money doesnt grow on trees or Who do you think I am, Rockefeller? I believe this helped mould a negative mindset which many people have, that I wasnt as good as other people who had more money. Growing up, it affected my confidence at school, with friends and girlfriends, and when competing in cycling - as if you know anything about cycling, youll know its a very expensive sport. And so, for many years proving that I was as good as everyone else became a major motivational driver for me.
At 20 I came to London and lets just say that my health took a back seat as I threw myself into another emerging passion, DJing and partying!
As much fun as this was, at 24 I found myself disillusioned and unhappy with where my life was going. Luckily, I had a very good friend, Morne Welgemoed, whose coaching and guidance helped me through this unhappy time, and helped me to find my true passion and purpose by focusing on the things I loved, one of which is Thai Boxing.
This process was a huge revelation as I realised that not only had my mindset led me to this unhappy point, but that it had held me back throughout my past. I had never fulfilled my potential in life, simply because of the way I thought. By changing my own mindset, the way I viewed myself and the World, I realised that anything is possible. I found I could not only dedicate my life to doing something I love; but I could also help and inspire others to do the same.
And so I found my way back to sport, and the health and fitness industry. It was through this process of change that I realised the only thing stopping me from being the best I can be, was myself. By completely turning my life around and becoming very successful in my industry, my passion and purpose in life is now to inspire and motivate people to do the same and believe you can make anything possible.
The purpose of this book is to allow me to get this message to as many people as possible regardless of where they are in the World. I would like to thank Katie Reid for helping to write this book and get my message across in the most comprehensive way.
I truly believe that you will reshape your life by reshaping your body and mindset.
Whether you think you can or cant,
either way you are right
- Henry Ford
Ive written this as if Im having a conversation with one of my clients; its as simple and as uncomplicated as possible. You dont need to know every biological function of your body to be able to make changes and Im not here to lecture on physiology or psychology.
I just want to offer the support and advice Ive been giving my clients over the years to a wider audience, and pass on the tools for change.
Everything you wish to change in your life begins with a change in how you think. For you to experience external changes in your body and lifestyle, you must first go to the point where all your choices and actions begin. And that place is inside your own head.
Some of you might have been surprised to open a book written by a Personal Trainer about changing your health and body, and find the first section to be about what is going on in your head rather than in your stomach. But, for you to significantly change your body, the most important place you need to start working is in your mind.
Every thought youve ever had about yourself and the World has led you to this place, and every belief and habit that you have grown and nurtured in your mind has led you to the body you have now and the relationship that you have with it. This section looks at techniques to help you approach your life, your body and your health in a more positive way, boosting your self-esteem and happiness. Change and transformation can be a difficult and sometimes painful process, but we all deserve the chance to be our best and to live in a healthy body that we cherish and appreciate.
Whatevers stopping you right now from being as healthy and happy as possible whether its a negative opinion of the gym or of yourself, the guidance in this section is here to help change the way you think, and move away from the mindset that is holding you back.
There are literally thousands of books, articles and theories you could spend your life reading - telling you what to eat, on what day, and how to exercise, without ever dealing with the most influential factor in your choices and behaviour: how you think and feel about yourself.
If you are truly ready to Reshape your life and you want these changes to be permanent, your journey must begin with a change in the mindset that has brought you here in the first place.
What we think, we become
Be thankful for what
you already have
You are searching for certain things to make your life better, but what do you already have that you should be grateful for? What in your life works or is good already?
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