Question Helps for students of Mysteries of John
Chapter 1
1. What is the original creative word or logos?
2. Explain why the Word and the divine creative process are identical.
3. What is the metaphysical significance of the Book of John?
4. Explain the parallel between Genesis and John in relation to the ideal man.
5. What does John the Baptist represent?
6. What is the nature of the rock upon which Jesus built?
7. What is the true light?
8. How do we become children of God?
9. When was the "Christ or Word" incorporated into man's being?
10. Why are receptivity and belief essential?
11. How does the Word become flesh?
12. What is meant by "The law was given through Moses"?
13. Explain the statement "Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."
14. Compare discernment with intellectual perception.
15. Explain the office of "baptism through denial, plus forgiveness" in the regenerative process.
16. Why is the recognition of oneself as the "Son of God" of primary importance?
17. What does baptism by John the Baptist symbolize?
18. What is the nature of the Father-Mind?
19. What is the function of the Holy Spirit?
20. How is the spiritual mind cultivated?
21. What mental attitudes are necessary to "put on Christ"?
22. What is the result of conscious recognition of the Christ Mind?
23. What quality does Andrew represent? Why is it important?
24. What is the metaphysical significance of Philip, Andrew, and Peter's being of the city of Bethsaida?
25. Why is it wise to develop the faculty of imagination under the direction of Spirit?
26. What does Bartholomew represent?
27. What is "consciousness"? "Form"?
28. What spiritual faculty is necessary for penetrating into the "fourth dimension."
Chapter 2
1. What is the spiritual interpretation of marriage? Of Mary? Of Eve? Of Jesus? Of the disciples?
2. What does the name Cana mean? Galilee? Philip?
3. What mind activities are involved in the process of regeneration?
4. Give the inner meaning of "waterpots."
5. Explain "I, if I be lifted up... will draw all men unto myself."
6. What does the marriage in Cana of Galilee symbolize? Give the symbolism of this miracle in detail.
7. What does Capernaum designate?
8. What does the Passover symbolize?
9. Name the steps taken in body cleansing. Why must we deal with the mind in both the absolute and the relative?
10. Symbolically what is "the Christ light"?
11. How is a thought atmosphere produced?
12. Explain Paul's admonition "Think on these things."
13. What is the result of man's mastery of mind?
14. When is the word of God fulfilled in man?
15. Is Truth self-evident?
Chapter 3
I. What does Nicodemus stand for in individual consciousness?
2. What is the "new birth"?
3. What are the steps in evolution?
4. How is permanent peace to be established?
5. How is man restored to the heavenly state?
6. What does believing in Jesus do for man?
7. How do we become like Jesus Christ?
8. How do we experience salvation?
9. What is represented by Jesus? By Judea? Metaphysically interpreted, what is the relationship of Jesus and John the Baptist?
Chapter 4
1. What does Samaria represent? Sychar?
2. Where is "Jacob's well" situated?
3. Interpret metaphysically Jesus' resting by Jacob's well.
4. How does one worship God truly?
5. What is the spiritual significance of Jesus' journey from Judea to Galilee?
6. What is the "well of water springing up unto eternal life"?
7. Is the subconscious the true source of wisdom? Why do you answer as you do?
8. What is the symbology of the Samaritans' being regarded as pretenders by the Israelites?
9. From what sources does the soul draw its life? What is the ultimate source?
10. What is the explanation of spiritual things on a material basis?
11. In what way is Christ the discerner of thoughts?
12. Explain metaphysically the relation between Jews and Gentiles.
13. Jesus met the Samaritan woman by Jacob's well. Interpret.
14. Distinguish between intellectual reasoning and Spiritual perception.
15. Differentiate between the outer symbol of worship and worship in Spirit.
16. Is spiritual substance omnipresent? Explain.
17. Why is God no respecter of persons?
18. Why is it important for man to apprehend the laws of Spirit?
19. Why is absent healing possible? Give an instance of such healing.
20. What is the result when we attain oneness with the spiritual forces that move the mind?
Chapter 5
1. What does Jerusalem represent?
2. Metaphysically interpreted, what is a feast in Jerusalem?
3. What do sheep symbolize?
4. Interpret spiritually the Pool of Bethesda and its five porches.
5. Why is the work of Spirit not confined to physical activities?
6. Why does divine life take no cognizance of intellectual laws?
7. What is the place in demonstration of the "sabbath of the Lord"?
8. What is the living power back of all nature?
9. Is the divine creative power continually alive?
10. Explain the relationship between the Father and the Son.
11. How does one honor the Christ?
12. Should one exercise wisdom in handling the life one has? Why?
13. What is the process involved in "raising the dead"?
14. Explain the relationship between judgment and love.
15. Why can one not successfully substitute the Scriptures for the living Word?
16. How did Jesus create?
17. Why is the Bible not the living Word of God?
Chapter 6
1. Why is it important to have an understanding of soul anatomy and the mind centers in the body?
2. Explain the nature of the I AM.
3. What part do the spiritual faculties have in the activity of the I AM?
4. How does one learn to live by the "living bread"?
5. What is the spiritual significance of Jesus and His disciples' going to the mountain?
6. Why did Jesus withdraw "into the mountain himself alone"? What is the significance of this for us today?
7. Explain the relationship between faith and power in one's walking "upon the waves of life."
8. What is the nature of the true source of substance?
9. Explain the interpretation of the Almighty as El Shaddai.
10. What process is involved in bringing spiritual substance into manifestation?
11. What is meant by the "last day"?
12. What is the nature of the body of Christ?
13. What is the true inner self of every individual?
14. How does one form one's environment, one's heaven or hell?
15. How do words become active in the body?
Chapter 7
1. Why did Jesus' disciples want Him to go up to Jerusalem?
2. What human limitation of His ability to demonstrate did Jesus experience?
3. Explain the difference between the Pharisaical mind and the spiritual mind.
4. What effect does the outpouring of the Holy Spirit have within the soul?
5. What is the procedure for handling a mixed state of consciousness?
6. What is symbolized by the chief priests and officers?
7. What does Nicodemus' spiritual conversion prove?
Chapter 8
1. What is represented by Jesus' going up to the Mount of Olives?
2. What bearing does the story of the woman taken in adultery have on our own unfoldment?
3. Explain the Scripture "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."
4. How does man hinder his soul unfoldment? How can he accelerate it?
5. Why must man abide in the Truth?
6. How does man gain freedom? What part does concentration play in the quest of freedom?