The world is full of magicthings, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
W.B. Yeats
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Copyright 2014 ElizabethAshley The Secret Healer
There is nothing worse thanfeeling poorly, is there? Stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, evenperiod painand then you cant get to see the doctor for a week.Seven more days of misery aheadit seems almost too much tobear!
Of course, thequestion is: are you brave enough to endure the joys of the surgerywaiting room anyway? Welcome to the worlds most successfulbreeding ground for germs. An old man in the corner hacks up amucous laden cough, and the woman opposite seems positively riddledwith sores. (Could that be leprosy? She certainly doesnt lookgood, does she?!) You can just sense bacteria marching towards youwaving their placards of joy .
Reduced immune system alert,chaps! All aboard, theres room for one more!! Thats it then. Youmight as well put up banners and balloons. They have declared openhouse and are intent on staying a while.
Interestingly enough, thedoctors likely to tell you not to be too quick to leap on themeds. Bugs are antibiotic resistant and our bodies are in drugweakened states. Our centrally heated houses, and air conditionedcars mean we no longer have immune systems that can put up goodfights.
So, the medical fraternity areturning more and more to complementary medicine to findalternatives to shoving chemically engineered drugs into oursystems all of the time. They encourage patients to find ways toimprove their overall health on a day to day basis.
The daysof preventative medicine are here.
Aromatherapy is a great placeto start.
Essential oils ignitephysiological changes to improve health beyond compare. They boostimmune systems, balance hormones, stabilise blood pressure and evenregulate appetite. They can help you to breathe more easily, stopyour skin itching, soothe period pains and even settle yourstomach. Ive not even scratched the surface with that list, so itis wonderful you have searched to find out more.
On the day Iwrite this though, there are 1,120 aromatherapy e-books listed onAmazon. By the time you read it , there will undoubtedly be more. It made me wonderwhat I could show you different to every other introductory guideavailable. What could I give you that none of the other books hadto offer?
Well, before I answer, justindulge me for a moment
Imagine youwere walking through dense woodland on a crisp autumn day. Amongstthe golden leaves you spy a rich , orange fungus glistening in the sun.
Lets you and me toss it in apan and have it for dinner with lashings of parsley!!!
Go on! It should be OK,shouldnt it? Most mushrooms are safe to eat. Some of them areutterly delicious. What harm could it do to have just a weetaste?
I would be too, and despite thehype of the all the pages on the internet that is exactly the samecaution you should be expressing about essential oils. Planthealing is wonderful in the hands of an expert, or even with a wellread beginneryou simply have to know a few tricks of thetrade.
The problem is, with the adventof the internet, not everyone writing about them has experience attheir fingertips. And thats where problems can start.
Sprinkle thewrong oil in your bath and you may as well douse yourself withacid; some will irritate your skin that much. Fail to understandthe capacity of an oil and a visit to the emergency room is not outof the question. Wrongly used , essential oils are very dangerousthings . Withoutthe right knowledge, choosing the best one is very difficult todo.
Make nomistake though; aromatherapy can do amazingly beneficial things too. Astonishingthings, even. I have witnessed inconceivable changes in peopleshealth. I have watched , gobsmacked , as symptoms have receded, right in front of myface. If you already love the scents of aromatherapy I am going toshow you the sense of our art the alchemy that turns plant essences intocold , hard , clinical tools.
First, let mebe clear. I am not here to scare anyone. But the truth is, nothingmagical only has a white side.I am simply going to raise mylantern so you can see dangers lurking in the dark. I want you tounderstand how to use your sorcery for the power of good in yourlivesand I promise you, life is about to become a damn site moreinteresting. Because, those hands of yours have healing inthem , and I amabout to introduce you to the catalyst to make it flow.
Let me guide you through thewoodlandbecause I know plant medicine very well. A hedge witch,perhaps? Who knows! What I am sure of, is Im not touching thatbrightly coloured mushroom without seeing an expert one of themfirst. Ill even give him time to wash down a chilled glass ofChablis before thats going on my plate. I want to see the evidenceof what it can do with my very own eyes .
I want to know he will put hismoney where his mouth is and back up his claims.
In this book, that is what Ido.
If you want tolearn about aromatherapy I am an excellentguide.
I have 21 years of professionalexperience and hold the Advanced Diploma of Aromatherapy. I knowessential oils extremely well. Perhaps more importantly for you:Ive no interest in airy fairy language, or over scientific jargon.I speak the language of flowers in exactly your dialect. I am easyto understand and (I hope) entertaining to read.
Im here witha few of my qualified friends to show you some tricks of the trade.This is what I want to help you to do.
Discover how to use a massive hundreddifferent oils safely on yourself and on your loved ones.
Uncover the chemistry that makes eachessential oil magical in its own way.
Become versed in the art of blending,creating scents that not only heal but smell incredible too.
Save money on needless prescriptions anddays lost off work feeling ill. For many conditions, aromatherapycan be a faster route to recovery than waiting for antibiotics fromthe doc.
Get the hang of how to match oils tosymptoms.
Specialise in which oils you can usewith no worries, and the ones to make your caution antennatwitch.
Interpret safety datato double check your choices are right. (I reference the industryauthority, Essential Oil Safety, by RobertTisserand and Rodney Young 2013 )
Delight in therichness of just how magical essential oils canbe .
You mightthink this is a long book at over 300 pages. In fact it is only thestart. There are so many nuances, so diverse a capability, and sogreat a delight in aromatherapyI just cannot show you all I wantto, in the 30 or so pages other writers offer. So this book isconsiderably longer . It needs to be!
I want to give you ampleopportunity to wallow in the silken mystery that is plant healing.But still, I suspect when you lift the lid of the aromatherapycauldron and see how many possibilities are bubbling maybe hungry for more.
So if youlike , consider The Complete Guide toClinical Aromatherapy & Essential Oils For The PhysicalBody to be simply Lesson 1 in youradventure, your induction into this arcane world.
Here, youlearn how to treat the symptoms of illness . You gain a good understanding ofwhat an essential oil is. Ill answer the questions, where didthese strange elixirs come from, how are they made, how do we knowwhat they can do? Step by step , Ill walk you through the stages of learning theproperties of each oil, how to mix them together correctly for thestrongest effects, and then Ill list ailments and their treatmentoils for you to use .
For many, thiswill be instruction enough. But for those of you with moreenquiring minds and a studious intellect , I have also included extra bonusmaterial; monographs of six of the most interesting essential oils.These profiles detail the usage of lavender, rose, camomile, myrrh,geranium and tea tree - right back to the Ancient Egyptians andAustralian aboriginal tribes, up to recent clinical trialsundertaken into the oils by drug companies. You will gain uniqueinsights into how our plants might be able to help conventionalmedicine find cures for disease; terminal and otherwise
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