Essential Oils & Aromatherapyfor Beginners:
Secrets to Beauty, Health and WeightLoss Using Proven Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Recipes
Copyright 2014 byLindsey P - All rights reserved.
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Table Of Contents
Chapter1 Using Essential Oils
Chapter2 Skin Care
Chapter3 Hair Care
Chapter4 Carrier Oils
Chapter5 Stress and Pain Relief
Chapter6 Weight Loss
Chapter7 Caution When Using EssentialOils
I want to thank you andcongratulate you for downloading the book, Essential Oils & Aromatherapy for Beginners: Secrets toBeauty, Health and Weight Loss Using Proven Essential Oil andAromatherapy Recipes .
This book contains provensteps and strategies on how to use essential oils, either pure orin combination, to solve common problems in beauty and health.Using essential oils as opposed to commercial formulations for yourvarious problems can help you maintain an all-natural lifestyle.This is good for the environment, for yourself and, in certaincircumstances, for your wallet too.
Thanks again fordownloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
hapter 1 --Using Essential Oils
Essential oils have beenused for centuries in many cultures to cure common health ailments,solve various household problems, soothe the soul, make someonefall in love with you, drive evil spirits away and many others.While some of these uses may have been proven false by science,many are retained particularly for beauty and over-allhealth.
Technically speaking, anessential oil is the oily liquid that is distilled from the wholeplant or certain parts of it. The color, oiliness and viscosity ofan essential oil vary depending on the plant. Some essential oilsfeel like water and are as clear as water while some will feel oilyand will have a yellowish or brownish color.
Essential oils are giventhat name because they are, in a sense, the essence of the plant.Think of them as the concentrated goodness of the plant. This iswhy they ought to be used sparingly and also why they can,especially for topical uses, be good for your wallet. Depending onthe brand and on the essential oil, a 30 ml. bottle will usuallycost around US $20, but since you only use 1 to 2 drops at a time,that small bottle will go a long way.
Essential oils will havetheir own scent and are commonly used in making fragrance, but theyshould be differentiated from fragrance oils which are artificiallyscented oils. The latter are commonly used in oil burners, forpotpourri and sometimes for cheap scented soaps and candles. To theuninitiated, fragrance oils and products made with them can seemlike a better buy because they are cheaper, but there will be adifference in the scent of true essential oil and artificialfragrance oil. The longer you have used true essential oils, themore you can distinguish between them and artificialscents.
Some proponents ofaromatherapy will insist that only true essential oils will giveactual benefits. This is debatable since there have been no seriousstudies made on this yet. If you are using fragrance oils for youroil burner or for making candles because they are cheaper, and youthink the scent is giving you some benefits, then by all meanscontinue to use this fragrance oil. However, I will encourage youto splurge on true essential oil to learn the difference. Soon, youmight find that true essential oil gives you better benefits andyou will find that the difference in cost is worth it.
Fragrance oils can be usedsafely for oil burners and scenting potpourri, BUT they shouldnever be used topically on the skin. Some cheap kinds of soapswhich are scented with fragrance oils may not irritate the skinsince only a small amount is used, but if you use pure fragranceoils directly on the skin, even the most insensitive skins canexperience irritation. Also, since fragrance oils are onlyartificially scented oils, you will not get any skin care benefitsfrom them as you would from true essential oils.
If cost is really aproblem with essential oils, you should know that they areconcentrated and are usually used diluted with vegetable oil. Thisis commonly called carrier oil because they carry the essentialoil. The best carrier oils are those which do not have a naturalscent like jojoba or grape seed oil. These oils also feel light onthe skin since they have a similar composition to sebum or ourskins natural oil. For drier skins, olive, rose hip, coconut oravocado oil may be better options but they can have a natural scentof their own and can affect the overall scent of your essentialoil. We will further discuss carrier oils per se in chapter4.
You need to experiment onthe right ratio of essential oil and carrier oil for your specificskin type. Always start with a 1:1 ratio then add more carrier oilif you experience irritation or add more essential oil if you arenot seeing the results you want.
Always keep your essentialoils in a cool dark place regardless whether they are diluted orpure. Take note that most essential oils are stored in darkbottles. As much as possible, when making your own combinations,use dark bottles as well. Also, it is better to buy small amountsof essential oil and wait until this is used up before buying a newone. This way you can be assured that the essential oil you use isalways fresh.
The potency of essentialoils must always be stressed since you might hurt yourself if youare not careful. Certain essential oils can also be extremelyirritating to the eyes and mouth when they are used near theseareas. Those with sensitive skins must be particularly carefulbecause they can still experience irritation even when essentialoils are used diluted.
Also, it is possible to beallergic to essential oils. If you have a lot of allergies, it isbetter to do a skin test first before using the essential oil foryour topical skin care. If you will not use the essential oil fortopical purposes, then you need not do a skin test.
To do a skin test, apply asmall drop of the pure essential oil on a hidden part of the bodylike the inside of your elbow. Wait for 24 hours to see if anyredness or irritation will happen. If you do not experienceirritation, you can safely use the essential oil for skin andhealth care. You should do this for every essential oil you need touse.
There are some who saythat even if you experience irritation with the pure oil, you canstill use it diluted. If you wish to test this on yourself, do thesame skin test described above but dilute the small drop of pureessential oil with the same amount of your choice of carrier oil.However, do not risk doing this if you have extremely sensitiveskin.
The succeeding chapterswill teach you which essential oils are the best for many problems.It might seem as if you need to buy several bottles of variouskinds, but if you read carefully, you will notice that oneessential oil can have various uses. For example, lavenderessential oil can be used for acne, for calming the mind, forwrinkles and for minor skin burns. Thus, if you are already usingthis for your acne, you can use the same bottle for other purposesas well.
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