9 Essential Elements to
Create the Life You Want
Irene Caniano
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Although every effort was made toensure that the information in this book was correct at press time,the author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability toany party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors oromissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence,accident, or any other cause.
Cover and interiorillustrations:
Copyright 2016 IreneCaniano
I dedicate this book to
my mother, Margaret,
for the love and care she gave to ourfamily,
and for her gift of touching so manylives
by being who she was.
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~ Design YourHappiness tips
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~ Updates on the second book ofthis series,
Take Charge of YourLife.
Element 1 - Your Gifts
Element 2 - YourValues
Element 3 - YourBelief
Element 4 - Your Contentment
Element 5 - YourNetwork
Element 6 - Your Boundaries
Element 7 - Your Customized Environments
Element 8 - Your 3 R Kit
Element 9 - Your Perspective
Your twenties and early thirtiesare significant years. During this period, you will make majordecisions. These choices will affect your productivity, yourfinances, your health, your relationships, and your long-termhappiness.
In addition to building a career,you are making changes in your personal interactions. You aredeconstructing parts of your former life and allowing yourassociations with family members and friends to evolve. You areengaging with new people and moving on to new environments. You maybe in the process of selecting a life partner or planning with theone you have chosen. All these changes add up to lots ofstress.
Years ago, I didnt realize justhow much goes into designing a life. My journey would have beenmuch easier if I had identified my unique set of personalstrengths, addressed the limiting beliefs that were holding meback, and clarified my needs and wants. I missed opportunities forgrowth and enjoyment. This lack of self-understanding resulted inunnecessary setbacks, disappointments, and pain.
Over the years, I learned a lot through "trialand error." I also spent hundreds of hours seeking wisdom aboutsuccess, relationships, and happiness from experts. Eventually, Istudied to become a life coach. The training helped me to integratewhat I had learned and led me to a new perspective on how toapproach life. I wish Id had this information when I wasyounger.
Theres a saying,
If I knew then what I knownow
You may not have said it yet, butany older person can surely relate to it. It can be frustratinglearning things that could have benefitted you had you known themsooner.
As a mother, former teacher, andsuccess coach, my passion is passing on what I know now. Thepurpose of this book is to give you the opportunity to think aboutwhats important for your life, so you dont leave things tochance.
Now is the time to understand youradult self. I hope you will learn from the stories in this book,complete the activities, and implement changes. In doing so, youwill create an excellent foundation for the life youenvision.
So, lets get started.
Design Your Happiness will help you to increase your confidence andoptimism, understand your part in relationships and expand yoursocial network. It will show you how to add more joy to youreveryday life and how to prevent setbacks on your journey towardlong-term happiness.
Paragraphs in italics are stories that illustrate the Design YourHappiness element of the particularchapter.
ACTIVITY indicates a short assessment, a time to reflect, or a chanceto brainstorm ways to make the element a part yourlife.
INCORPORATING THE ELEMENT INTO YOURLIFE includes a summary of the strategies for using theelement.
Happiness - overall satisfaction related to
living a meaningfullife
Happiness starts withyou.
Not with therelationships,
Not with a great job,
Not with money orwealth,
Not with status, yoursor
the one you are connectedto,
But with YOU.
-Mandy Hale
design your happiness
Whether you are designing a home, a website,or a dress, there are elements to consider, like color, shape,space, and line. Choices need to be made in each category. Once theideas come together, you can focus your efforts on making thedesign a reality.
With this book, you will plan yourlife by thinking about nine key components. The only difference isthat, unlike the designs above, you wont have to decide on all theelements beforehand. You will concentrate on one part at atime.
Begin with the first chapter. Readit and carefully think about your choices. Then begin toincorporate that feature into your life. When you feel ready, moveon to the next chapter and design that aspect of your life. Youllbuild your life chapter by chapter, instead of waiting until youfinish reading the book.
In the firstchapters , your Fact Finding Mission is todetermine the REAL YOU, not the son or daughter, not the employee,not the person you were two years ago. You'll focus on theimportant steps of identifying your strengths, beliefs, anddesires. This awareness is essential for creating a fulfillinglife.

Your Life Closet
Imagine you are looking into yourcloset. You decide to sort your clothes so that only the items thatwork for you remain. Out go the styles you dont like anymore. Outgo the gifts that youll never use. Out go the pants that are tooloose and the shoes that are too tight. You pack up the unwanteditems and donate them to Goodwill.
Now your life is simplified. The clutter isgone. Youre no longer distracted by all the stuff that serves nopurpose. Next, you pick up a few new items to coordinate with yournewly organized wardrobe. Instead of being an overflowing mess,your closet contains updated clothing choices that match yourcurrent preferences. When you get dressed, youll look and feelyour best.
Your young adult years are forsorting out your life. Youll hold on to helpful thoughts andbehaviors. Youll keep the gifts of advice, standards, andtraditions that you want. Youll let go of whatever isnt workinganymore. Then youll add your personal style. Your choices will fitin with your plans and give you a sense of peace and hope. Each ofthe elements that follow will guide you to make the decisions thatare best for you.
Element One
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