Recent World Bank Technical Papers |
No. 352 Allison and Ringold, Labor Markets in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, 19891995 |
No. 353 Ingco, Mitchell, and McCalla, Global Food Supply Prospects, A Background Paper Prepared for the World Food Summit, Rome, November 1996 |
No. 354 Subramanian, Jagannathan, and Meinzen-Dick, User Organizations for Sustainable Water Services |
No. 355 Lambert, Srivastava, and Vietmeyer, Medicinal Plants: Rescuing a Global Heritage |
No. 356 Aryeetey, Hettige, Nissanke, and Steel, Financial Market Fragmentation and Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa |
No. 357 Adamolekun, de Lusignan, and Atomate, editors. Civil Service Reform in Francophone Africa: Proceedings of a Workshop Abidjan, January 2326,1996 |
No. 358 Ayres, Busia, Dinar, Hirji, Lintner, McCalla, and Robelus, Integrated Lake and Reservoir Management: World Bank Approach and Experience |
No. 360 Salman, The Legal Framework for Water Users' Associations: A Comparative Study |
No. 361 Laporte and Ringold, Trends in Education Access and Financing during the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. |
No. 362 Foley, Floor, Madon, Lawali, Montagne, and Tounao, The Niger Household Energy Project: Promoting Rural Fuelwood Markets and Village Management of Natural Woodlands |
No. 364 Josling, Agricultural Trade Policies in the Andean Group: Issues and Options |
No. 365 Pratt, Le Gall, and de Haan, Investing in Pastoralism: Sustainable Natural Resource Use in Arid Africa and the Middle East |
No. 366 Carvalho and White, Combining the Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Poverty Measurement and Analysis: The Practice and the Potential |
No. 367 Colletta and Reinhold, Review of Early Childhood Policy and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa |
No. 368 Pohl, Anderson, Claessens, and Djankov, Privatization and Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence and Policy Options |
No. 369 Costa-Pierce, From Farmers to Fishers: Developing Reservoir Aquaculture for People Displaced by Dams |
No. 370 Dejene, Shishira, Yanda, and Johnsen, Land Degradation in Tanzania: Perception from the Village |
No. 371 Essama-Nssah, Analyse d'une rparation du niveau de vie |
No. 372 Cleaver and Schreiber, Inverser la spriale: Les interactions entre la population, l'agriculture et l'environnement en Afrique subsaharienne |
No. 373 Onursal and Gautam, Vehicular Air Pollution: Experiences from Seven Latin American Urban Centers |
No. 374 Jones, Sector Investment Programs in Africa: Issues and Experiences |
No. 375 Francis, Milimo, Njobvo, and Tembo, Listening to Farmers: Participatory Assessment of Policy Reform in Zambia's Agriculture Sector |
No. 376 Tsunokawa and Hoban, Roads and the Environment: A Handbook |
No. 377 Walsh and Shah, Clean Fuels for Asia: Technical Options for Moving toward Unleaded Gasoline and Low-Sulfur Diesel |
No. 378 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Kathmandu Valley Report |
No. 379 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Jakarta Report |
No. 380 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Metro Manila Report |
No. 381 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Greater Mumbai Report |
No. 382 Barker, Tenenbaum, and Woolf, Governance and Regulation of Power Pools and System Operators: An International Comparison |
No. 383 Goldman, Ergas, Ralph, and Felker, Technology Institutions and Policies: Their Role in Developing Technological Capability in Industry |
No. 384 Kojima and Okada, Catching Up to Leadership: The Role of Technology Support Institutions in Japan's Casting Sector |
No. 385 Rowat, Lubrano, and Porrata, Competition Policy and MERCOSUR |
No. 386 Dinar and Subramanian, Water Pricing Experiences: An International Perspective |
No. 387 Oskarsson, Berglund, Seling, Snellman, Stenbck, and Fritz, A Planner's Guide for Selecting Clean-Coal Technologies for Power Plants |
No. 388 Sanjayan, Shen, and Jansen, Experiences with Integrated-Conservation Development Projects in Asia |
(List continues on the inside back cover) |