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Text copyright: Judy Hall 2014
ISBN: 978 1 78279 791 3
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This third AZ directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles explores the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution and geopathic stress (GS) on health and well-being, and the dis-eases and healing crystals associated with them. Including 20 crystal portraits, the directory assists in identifying the right crystal for your needs whether it is for personal energetic support and healing for EMF and GS effects, or environmental protection against electromagnetic and geopathic stress. With practical applications, the directory also includes essential information on keeping your crystals working for you.
The information given in this directory is in no way intended to be a substitute for treatment by a medical practitioner. Further assistance can also be sought from a suitably qualified crystal healer or anti-geopathic stress practitioner. Healing can be defined as bringing the body, emotions, mind and spirit back into balance. It does not imply a cure.
My particular thanks go to New Zealand Geomancer Nicky Crocker for so generously sharing her research findings with me and allowing me to publish them here, and to Professor Denis Henshaw who graciously gave permission to quote from his research. Thanks are also due to the many lecturers, practitioners and interested parties with whom I have discussed the effects of geopathic stress and electromagnetic hypersensitivity over the past thirty-five or so years. And to those who make their findings accessible through the World Wide Web, all power to you. Workshop participants and clients in many countries have helped me to explore the properties of crystals, blessings to you all.
Introduction:Living in an energetically polluted world
A hundred years from now, we will look back at pylons as relics of the mid-20th century. It probably wont happen in five or ten years, but eventually a new generation will come along, change things, and wonder why we did nothing.
Professor Denis Henshaw, Bristol University
Everything on Earth resonates at a vibrational frequency. Frequency basically means the rate at which the molecules, or atoms, of matter rotate around one another, creating an energetic wave or vibration. The human vibrational field operates in harmony with all other beings animals, plants, minerals and the planet itself and has to be maintained at a specific level to ensure optimal health and well-being. This synergistic bioenergy, including our auric and physiological structure, can be disturbed by disorganised and disharmonious frequencies. Modern technologies and communication devices rely on electromagnetic waves in order to carry out their function. The frequencies these generate can affect human vibrations, leading to the disturbance of our inner biological clock, compromised immunity and a drop in overall well-being.
I live in a house protected by more than a few crystals. Essential as there is an electricity substation nearby. Since attending the Baden Baden Medicine Fair in the 1990s, where electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and geopathic stress (GS) as a cause of dis-ease were regularly discussed, and speaking to researchers, healers and doctors working at the cutting edge of energy medicine, I am well aware that EMFs can have a seriously detrimental effect on health, as may GS. The evidence is increasing year on year. Well be taking a look at it a little later.
My computer, which is surrounded by crystals, runs a programme to counteract its EMF effects and put out healing for myself and the surrounding area. The need for EMF protection was apparent when I had my very first computer. I felt that it drew all the energy from me, leading to rapid exhaustion. But, also, it kept crashing. Clearly something was wrong. The computer engineer also happened to be a martial arts instructor and had a good understanding of how subtle energy works. Having first ascertained that there were no ghosts in the property, he gave his considered opinion: psychics and computers dont mix. It would appear that my energy was interfering with the computer in the same way that it was interfering with mine; the two were incompatible. Agreed. But unfortunately writers and modern-day It utilises the energetic signature of a number of crystals as well as flower essences and homeopathic remedies to strengthen your bodys natural resistance to EMF radiation. As Victor puts it, [the] patterns have been specially selected during the many years of research. Every imbalance in the body has a complementary energetic pattern that will bring it back to optimum health; the bodys consciousness is autonomous and responds by sympathetic resonance to accept the patterns that it needs from Computer Clear. Each pattern that the body resonates with kick starts a particular part of the bodys healing system allowing it to return to homeostasis. I couldnt work without it, and the same applies to my crystals, which perform a similar task in a similar way.
Ive found plane travel particularly taxing, especially long-distance flights not only does the pressurisation and the poor quality of oxygen affect me but also the fact that a plane acts like an electrosmog generator that has nowhere to discharge itself, all the worse now for the proliferation of cell phones and computers on board. And then there is the horror of full body scanners and X-ray overload. Fortunately wearing Shungite and Preseli Bluestone negates the effect and reconnects me to Earth when I land. But it is not only man-made electromagnetic smog that may cause problems. The ground under our feet carries its own geopathic energy, which may be distorted or stressed. Hence the term geopathic stress (GS) which translates as suffering earth.
Living on a magnetic Earth
So why do we need protecting from what may be very weak electromagnetic fields but which on occasion may be distorted to as high as 250 Hz? Well, the correct functioning of our biological rhythms, cell metabolism, physiological state and mental well-being depends on communication between the electrical system of our brain, body and endocrine system, and the weak electromagnetic and magnetic fields generated by the planet. And, our bodies are full of magnetisable materials such as the iron in our blood. Life on Earth evolved against the natural electromagnetic field of the planet and so human beings are accustomed to living within its background oscillation at a frequency of around 7.83 Hz and can adapt to the slight fluctuations in the field created by electrical storms, magnetic irregularities and solar activity. However, larger fluctuations in electromagnetic and geopathic energy may be detrimental to the health of human beings. As Rolf Gordon of Dulwich Health, a pioneering researcher of the effects of GS, puts it, GS does not cause an illness, but lowers your immune system, so you have less chance of fighting any illness. GS also prevents your body properly absorbing vitamins, minerals, trace elements etc. from your food and Research Findings Report at the end of the book), but GS is nothing new. It was identified several thousand years ago by Chinese geomancers who created a system of Feng Shui to harmonise it.