Producing a book such as this is just not possible without a little help from your friends. Listed below are some of the people who have contributed to this book over the years. I consider all of them my friends.
I would also like to thank all of you who have called or written to say how much you've enjoyed the book. Those kind comments have made all the long hours and hard work worthwhile. Sharon and Joe Happle Gordon Breslow Thaddeous Krom Freddy Brewer John Morgerson Jeff Brady Bob Nance Rodger Robinson Don and Marty Weinberger Don and Donna Arnold Dick Shay Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Brinker Jack Stevens Larry Schulz James McDonald Neal Selznick Larry and Nancy Werner Dan and Jinx Perszyk Phil Perdue Richard Bostwick Ted Oswalt Dave Goddard John Barbier Gary Metz Billy Osborne Robert and Audrey Flinn Jerry Jacobs Bill Whitaker Vincent Jacono Rudy LeCoadic Chuck Hardy Scott Rosenman Chuck Campbell Joe Davis Blaine Martin Leonard J. and Joseph L.
Schiff Don Brunjes Greg Barney, Sr. John Wise James D. Julia, Inc. Darryl Kirbo Larry Dikeman Marc Cardelli Andy Fulks Lamarr Hamman John Yarbrough Tony Labreglio Scott Hill Jim McClane Larry and Beth Markowitz Josh Markowitz Mr. and Mrs. George Hirsh Gael and Rosalie deCourtivron Mike Narvaez Kevin Roche
With Special Thanks To
Thom and Frances Thompson: Thom has always been my number one supporter.
Ever since the first edition, he has unselfishly offered his knowledge and collection to help make this book better. Thom and Frances are among the countries top collectors. This book wouldn't be what it is today without their help. Jim Meehan: His expertise and help with the bottle section of this book was very helpful, as well as his research on Kay Displays. Randy Schaeffer and Bill Bateman: The C.C. The Coca-Cola Company/Phillip F. The Coca-Cola Company/Phillip F.
Mooney, Archives Manager: For supplying me with photos for this book, and always extending an invitation from the archives for any help I might need. Danny Ragsdale: For his hours of bottle photography that helped expand that section of the book is most appreciated. Bob Newman: For allowing photography of some rare pieces from his extensive collection. Fred Dobbs: For his indepth study of the diamond design, and for permitting use of his collection. Scott and Diana Heckel: For consistently supplying me with high quality photos from their impressive collection. In Memory of Bill Enes and Pop Poppenheimer: Two very good friends who always supported this work. In Memory of Bill Schmidt: Bill passed away in 2007. In Memory of Bill Schmidt: Bill passed away in 2007.
Bill and his wife Jan were among the pioneers of organized Coca-Cola collecting. Their collection, museum, and bottling plant were an inspiration to Coca-Cola collectors all over the world. Their support of the hobby has always been from the heart. Bill will be missed but his memory and the collection he and Jan accumulated will live on. Jan remains a stalwart supporter and true friend to The Coca-Cola collecting community. A special thanks to my wonderful wife Rannie and my three children, Dante, Deana, and Vito, who have lived with Coca-Cola as part of their lives for as long as they can remember.
This edition is dedicated to my four fantastic grandchildren: Cross Jordan (CJ), Danny, Tommy, and Roman. My four little buddies, I love you all.
About the Author
Allan Petretti sold his printing and advertising business to devote his full time efforts to soda pop collectibles. He has been collecting and dealing in this area since the early 1970s. In 1976, he began publishing a mail-bid auction dealing specifically with soda-pop collectibles. Thirty-two years and sixty-three auctions later, these fully illustrated semi-annual auctions, conducted through Nostalgia Publications, have become one of Nostalgia Publications, have become one of the main sources of Coca-Cola and other quality soda-pop memorabilia, selling more than 60,000 pieces.
For more information, visit, e-mail, call (201) 4884536, or fax (201) 833-0938.
This continuous buying, selling, evaluating, and staying on top of current market values, combined with a vast library of images, provided the perfect opportunity to produce a book that showed and evaluated Coca-Cola memorabilia. Since the first edition in 1977, Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Price Guide has become the main source of information and current pricing for today's collectors. Now in its 12th edition, the book is not only considered the Bible by most collectors, but it has also set the standard which other price guides attempt to follow. Because of the negative effect that illegal and unauthorized Coca-Cola collectibles have on the market, Petretti has become a leading opponent of counterfeit material, and he insists on uncovering and showing as much of it as possible in his books. He also wrote Warman's Coca-Cola Collectibles, Warman's Coca-Cola Field Guide, and Petretti's Soda-Pop Collectibles Price Guide.
In addition, he co-authored Classic Coca-Cola Serving Trays and Classic Coca-Cola Calendars. Petretti has appeared on many nationally syndicated television shows, including History Detectives, Personal FX, Smart Money with the Dolans, Whatchagot with Harry Rinker, and Rinker on Collectibles. He is also a regular talk show guest on radio stations nationwide and writes feature articles for a number of other antique and collectibles publications. Mr. Petretti conducts seminars around the nation for Coca-Cola collector groups, and has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Robb Report (Investibles), Country Living, Ladies Home Journal, London Times, the New York Times, and a number of collectibles columnists. He has conducted an appraisal weekend and online chat room at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia.
Petretti is a licensed appraiser and is frequently called upon to provide his expertise to insurance companies and to appraise some of the largest collections in the country. Writing about Coca-Cola and soda-pop collectibles, as well as buying and selling these items full time, he has become one of the nation's foremost authorities on values and market trends of soda-pop memorabilia. He also welcomes correspondence from fellow collectors, and any information on rare and unusual items. Write to: Allan Petretti, P.O. Box 4175, River Edge, NJ 07661.