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Kay - Dentistry at a Glance

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Kay Dentistry at a Glance
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Note continued: 82.Biopsy -- 83.Suturing -- 84.Complications of exodontia -- 85.Surgical endodontics -- Oral medicine and pathology -- 86.Benign swellings in the oral cavity -- 87.Odontogenic tumours and tumour-like lesions -- 88.Odontogenic cysts -- 89.Other bone diseases -- 90.Temporomandibular joint disorders -- 91.Mucosal diseases -- 92.Oral cancer and precancer -- 93.Salivary gland disorders -- 94.Pigmented lesions -- pt. 3 The medically compromised patient -- 95.Haematological disorders -- 96.Immune disorders -- 97.Cardiovascular disorders -- 98.Respiratory disorders -- 99.Gastroenterology and nutritional disorders -- 100.Endocrine disorders -- 101.Renal disease -- 102.Intellectual impairment -- 103.Neurological disorders -- 104.Drugs and dental care -- pt. 4 Orthodontics -- 105.The developing dentitions -- 106.Orthodontic assessment -- 107.Fixed orthodontic appliances -- 108.Removable orthodontic appliances -- 109.Major malocclusions;Note continued: 54.Implant-retained options -- 55.Partial dentures -- 56.Implant overdentures -- 57.Precision attachments -- 58.Immediate insertion dentures -- 59.Complete dentures -- Treatments for pulpal damage -- 60.Pulp therapy (deciduous teeth) -- 61.Pulp protection procedures for traumatised teeth -- 62.Pulp removal (permanent teeth) -- 63.Pulp canal obturation (permanent teeth) -- Paediatric dentistry -- 64.Patient management -- 65.Local anaesthesia -- 66.Sedation and general anaesthesia -- 67.Caries in deciduous teeth -- 68.Paediatric dental materials -- 69.Fissure sealants -- 70.Dietary control -- 71.Fluoride supplements -- Traumatic injuries -- 72.Classification of trauma -- 73.Accidental injury to primary teeth -- 74.Non-accidental injury -- 75.Tooth fractures -- 76.Tooth displacement injuries -- Oral and maxillofacial surgery -- 77.Instruments -- 78.The patient in pain -- 79.Extraction of teeth -- 80.Surgical extractions -- 81.Impacted third molars;Books in Wileys Dentistry at a Glance series are ideal study aids for undergraduate dental students and recently qualified dentists. All follow the same student-friendly style; each chapter is presented in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text.;Dentistry at a Glance is the central title in the At a Glance series for dentistry students. It leads students through the General Dental Councils learning outcomes, from the principles of core issues such as patient confidentiality and taking a patient history, to the diagnosis and treatment of presentations in key clinical areas, including medical emergencies, endodontics, dental trauma, oral medicine and pathology, the medically compromised patient, and orthodontics. Sections on oral healthcare issues and crucial practical guidance on running a dental practice complete the comprehensive coverage.;Machine generated contents note: pt. 1 Introduction -- 1.Principles of dental practice -- 2.Patient confidentiality -- 3.Record keeping -- 4.Consent -- 5.Communication with patients -- 6.History taking -- 7.Past medical history -- 8.Equipment and operating positions -- 9.Cross-infection control -- 10.Examination of the mouth -- 11.Special tests -- 12.Reading and reporting radiographs -- 13.Diagnostic `surgical sieve -- 14.Charting the oral cavity -- 15.Periodontal assessment -- 16.Treatment planning -- pt. 2 Clinical presentations -- Medical emergencies -- 17.Sudden loss of consciousness -- 18.Acute chest pain and cardiac arrest -- 19.Difficulty breathing -- 20.Convulsions and choking -- 21.Other emergencies -- Prevention of dental diseases -- 22.Caries prevention -- 23.Plaque reduction -- 24.Prevention of periodontal disease -- 25.Prevention of dental trauma -- Teeth and disease of tooth hard tissue -- 26.The `normal dentitions -- 27.Variations in the number of teeth;Note continued: pt. 5 Population sciences and oral health -- 110.Epidemiology -- 111.Social variations in oral health -- 112.Psychology and dental care -- 113.Health, illness and behaviour change -- 114.Special care dentistry -- 115.Ethical care of patients -- 116.Dentistry and the law -- 117.Risk management -- pt. 6 Running a dental practice -- 118.Infection control -- 119.Regulatory bodies and best practice -- 120.Clinical record keeping -- 121.Team management -- 122.Intrateam communication -- 123.External communication -- 124.Being part of the profession.;Dentistry at a Glance books are essential introductory guides to a wide range of topics in dentistry. The explanatory text outlines the key concepts and each bite-sized chapter is superbly illustrated to aid visual learning and understanding.;Everything you need to know about Dentistry... at a Glance!;With each topic presented as a double-page spread and key concepts accompanied by colourful illustrations, Dentistry at a Glance is a concise and accessible introduction to the study of dentistry, as well as a useful revision guide for newly-qualified dentists developing their careers. --Book Jacket.;Note continued: 28.Variations in tooth morphology -- 29.Enamel and dentine defects -- 30.Fluorosis -- 31.Tooth eruption and exfoliation -- 32.Caries -- 33.Tooth wear -- The structures supporting teeth and disease -- 34.The normal gingivae -- 35.The periodontal ligament -- 36.Dental plaque and calculus -- 37.Diseases of the gingivae and periodontium -- Intracoronal restorations of teeth -- 38.Properties of tooth tissue -- 39.Local anaesthesia for tooth restoration -- 40.Tooth isolation -- 41.Cavity preparation -- 42.Cavity liners and conditioners -- 43.Cavity preparation for plastic tooth restorations -- 44.Choice of plastic restorative materials -- 45.Plastic restorations -- 46.Amalgam restorations -- 47.Composite resin restorations -- 48.Building composite resin restorations -- 49.Non-plastic intracoronal restorations -- 50.Crowns -- 51.Glass ionomer cements and provisional restorations -- Replacement of missing teeth -- 52.Resin-retained bridges -- 53.Bridges

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This edition first published 2016 2016 by John Wiley Sons Ltd Registered - photo 1

This edition first published 2016 2016 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Kay, Elizabeth J., editor.
Title: Dentistry at a glance / edited by Elizabeth Kay.
Other titles: At a glance series (Oxford, England)
Description: Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
2016. | Series: At a glance series | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015033705 (print) | LCCN 2015035022 (ebook) | ISBN
9781118629529 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781118629499 (ePub) | ISBN 9781118629512
(Adobe PDF)
Subjects: | MESH: Dentistrymethods. | Tooth Diseases.
Classification: LCC RK56 (print) | LCC RK56 (ebook) | NLM WU 100 | DDC
LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015033705

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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Contributors Kamran Ali Associate Professor Clinical Lead in Oral Surgery - photo 2

Kamran Ali

  • Associate Professor / Clinical Lead in Oral Surgery, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth University, Devon, UK

Finbarr Allen

  • Consultant in Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation, Cork Dental School and Hospital, Cork, Ireland

Rupert Austin

  • Clinical Lecturer in Prosthodontics, King's College London Dental Institute, King's College London, London, UK

Toni Batty

  • Practice Manager, Torrington Dental Practice, Devon, UK

Igor R. Blum

  • Consultant and Hon. Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, The Dental Institute, King's College Hospital, King's College London, London, UK

Tatiana M. Botero

  • Clinical Associate Professor, Cariology Restorative Sciences and Endodontics School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA

Andrew Bridgman

  • Barrister, St Johns Buildings, St John Street, Manchester, UK

Malcolm Bruce

  • Year 2 Lead and Clinical Dentistry Module Lead, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth University, Devon, UK

Martyn Cobourne

  • Professor of Orthodontics, King's College London Dental Institute, London, UK;
  • Hon Consultant in Orthodontics, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Jennifer Collins

  • General Dental Practitioner, UK

StJohn Crean

  • Dean, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Central Lancashire, Lancashire, UK

Martin Fulford

  • Professional Lead - Dentistry, Bristol, N. Somerset, Somerset and S. Gloucester Area Team, NHS England, Somerset, UK

Sue Greening

  • Consultant in Special Care Dentistry and Clinical Director of the Community Dental Service - Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Wales, UK

Nick Grey

  • Faculty Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Duncan Parker-Groves

  • Dental Officer, Defence Dental Service, RAFC Cranwell, Royal Air Force, Lincolnshire, UK

Stephen Hancocks OBE

  • Editor-in-Chief, British Dental Journal, London, UK

G. R. Holland

  • Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA

Ian Holloway

  • Associate Dean Df1, NHS South West, UK

Matthew Jerreat

  • Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth University,
    Devon, UK

Elizabeth Kay

  • Foundation Dean, Peninsula Dental School; Faculty Associate Dean, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth University, Devon, UK

Nigel M. King

  • Winthrop Professor of Paediatric Dentistry, University of Western Australia, Australia

Russ Ladwa

  • Private Practitioner, London, UK

Kevin Lewis

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