My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gut
Buffering: Unshared Tales of a Life Fully Loaded
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Photographs by Dane Tashima Photography
Photographs on by Maxwell Poth
Screenshots on courtesy of the author
Doodles by Hannah Hart and Kelly Diamond, Shutterstock, and Lorie Pagnozzi
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hart, Hannah, 1986 author.
Title: My drunk kitchen holidays! : how to savor and celebrate the year / Hannah Hart.
Description: First edition. | New York : Plume, 2019.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019022580 | ISBN 9780525541431 (hardback) | ISBN 9780525541448 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Holiday cooking. | LCGFT: Cookbooks.
Classification: LCC TX739 .H37 2019 | DDC 641.5/68dc23
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Dear Hannah,
I cant believe youve written your third book! This has been a hard one, huh? Thats okay. Youve only just learned how to savor and celebrate the year, so its pretty ambitious of you to think you could teach others to do the same. But whats another word for ambition? Arrogance. Just kidding. Wow. Dont take yourself too seriously over there, kiddo. You may be thirty-two and have two other books under your belt, but every creative craft is different. Especially this one.
Remember when you wrote your first book? My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gutthat seems like so long ago now, doesnt it? Over two hundred pages of heartfelt gibberish and photos taken in an apartment you lived in for less than a year. And recipes that some people actually wanted to make! Wild. Its even more wild to think that youve signed copies of that book for the last six years since it was published. Six years! Congratulations, buddy.
Oh, and then you wrote Buffering: Unshared Tales of a Life Fully Loadedthat was a doozy, wasnt it? A book that surmised your entire life to date. An autobiography. The book youve always wanted to write about homelessness, and family, and love, and mental health. The book that took years off your life and then put them back on. A book made from equal parts tears and joy. A book that showed you so much shared community that you never knew how to find but always wanted. Remember the day the book came out and you cried the whole plane ride homereading the reviews online and in the New York Times? Holy hell, Hannah! Theres a lot to be proud of, isnt there?
Oh, whats that?
You dont know how to be proud?
You dont know how to slow down and take it all in?
Or even pat yourself on the back for a job well done?
Well, youre in luck cuz this book is for YOU!
Over the last few years, Ive spent a lot of time celebrating. Books, movies, TV shows, etc. Theres been a lot to do. Now that all the above has slowed down (for the time being!), theres not much left to celebrate, is there? WRONG. Theres a LOT to celebrate. And you can celebrate all year long!
The Holidays (capital H for the big ones) can be equal parts exhilirating and exhausting. And thats not really fair considering its your chance to let loose and take a break. That got me thinking... is there a smaller way to savor and celebrate all year long? That way, the months prior to The Holidays dont have to be a constant trudge toward obligatory hosting and family time. How do you even host something, anyway? And why do you love your family so much but feel so drained after seeing them?
This book seeks to answer all those questions and more. And to give some shout-outs and recognition to the lesser holidays that so often get passed over. Holidays like:
Middle Childs Day!
Left-Handers Day!
Just Get Over It Day!
Be a Millionaire Day!
... And so many more!
Its pretty cool that youve written another cookbook to pass along some tips and tricks to others. Youre pretty lucky to get to attend a lot of celebrations throughout the year. Now, your job is to share that with others and keep the party going! (In a refreshing and relaxing way, of course.)
So lets take a look at how you did, shall we? I really hope this book doesnt suck. Ive been looking forward to reading it. Even if it did suck, the act of writing it and finishing it is definitely something worth celebrating. So lets bust open a bottle, baby. Dont save champagne.
P.S. For real, though... I hope this book is good.
Here we go again! Whos ready for another trip around the sun? I know I am!
Or rather, I know that I can be...
Welcome to January! An arbitrary start point for all your anxiety for the year ahead! For those of you in school, this is in the middle of your year. For those of you who work full-time jobs, this is... another month! Because guess what, kidsafter youre out of school, there is no Summer anymore! And it sucks! Trust me. This is coming from someone old who still calls the end of December Winter Break.
January is the month where you begin (and end) all your resolutions for the self that you seek to be. But why so much pressure? What a rough way to start the year! Instead of chastising yourself for the things you didnt do, lets look at all the things you did.