SHTF Survival Stories
Selco Begovic
Luther Publishing
SHTF Survival Stories Copyright by Luther Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
There are many books out there on all the different aspects of preparedness and survival that can provide you with information, checklists, and theoretical solutions to potential problems. But no matter how much you read or how well-researched the books you choose are, theres only so much you can take away from these tomes.
Thats why Ive spent the past two years traveling, taking courses, and meeting experts in their fields.
I really hit the motherlode when I went to Croatia and took a course with Selco Begovic and Toby Cowern back in 2019. Out of all the things I have learned, these guys provided a dose of reality that can only be obtained from those who have lived extraordinary lives.
Nearly everyone in the survival world knows of Selco. He survived a year in a city under siege with no supplies, no utilities, and the constant threat of death in a thousand different ways. His business partner, Toby, is the perfect complement to Selcos grim reality. Toby is a former member of the elite infantry British Royal Marines and current member of I19 Infantry regiment which serves above the Arctic Circle, a risk management specialist, and a wilderness survival instructor who specializes in extremely cold environments.
The two are a formidable team. Selco is able to tell the stories that will chill your soul, and Toby is able to pull the lessons out of Selcos stories that can help you to stay alive.
Out of the many courses I have taken and places I have traveled, Ive learned a great deal. But nobody has taught me more than these two gentlemen. And now, if youre willing to let go of your romantic, pre-conceived notions of survival, you can learn from them too.
This book is a collection of stories written by Selco. Its really a collection of memories from the darkest days of the Balkan War, where each moment could have been his last. Youll find notes from Toby and me throughout the book which will provide you with additional points to consider.
Selcos first language is not English. These stories have only been lightly edited for clarity. Theyre much more powerful when shared in Selcos own words.
I have to warn you this isnt a cheerful and uplifting guide to survival. Theres no misplaced optimism.
Theres only Selco, the darkness he faced, and the grim reality of a SHTF scenario most of us cant even fathom. But if you can grasp it all before it happens, youll be much further ahead than those who are frozen in shock.
Part One of this book is assorted stories and memories of Selco himself. In Part Two, he shares the stories of other survivors. The value you will get from reading this book cannot be overstated.
Are you ready?
Daisy Luther
Jan. 23, 2020
Part I
Part One
The Truth About How Things Change When the SHTF
I wrote my first survival article-comment back in 2000, and I still remember why I wrote it, what pushed me to sit down and write it so people who read/discuss survival over the internet for years could read my opinion.
I was checking the survival forums to learn something about wilderness survival because I found I was missing lot of knowledge there, and then I stumbled upon a discussion about what real SHTF looks like and will look like in the future.
And there I realized how the whole survival movement foundation is messed up or built on the wrong perception.
It is like digging through a whole bunch of other peoples good skills and opinions (together with wrong ones of course) but completely misplaced and misguided.
After writing that first article years ago, I am still writing and trying to point out my view of things, and my way is learned through the experience of 4 years of civil war in a destroyed society.
I still do not know a lot of things. I do not know how to operate 20 different weapons, I am not an ex-special forces member, I do not know how to survive in a prolonged period in the wilderness, and I am still learning a lot of things from different kinds of people, on the internet and forums and in physical courses too.
But I know how I survived SHTF and what a real SHTF looks like.
And the real problem is that it definitely does not look like the majority of preppers imagine it.
Over time, a lot of my articles are telling the story about the same thing on different ways, and it might look like I am telling the same story over and over, but again, I am writing from real experience and there are good reasons why I point out the same things often.
So please allow me to address again some common misconceptions about SHTF.
Changing From Before to Now
The biggest problem about SHTF misconception is that people have problems to imagine something that they are not experienced in, so if you have not experienced the collapse of society you will build your opinion about it based on many things: other people experiences, books, movies, documentaries
When you add to this a whole survival industry of selling things for doomsday, you are going to end up forming your opinion about how life in a collapse will look like based on some weird things, and as a result, your prepping and expectations may be completely wrong.
For example, you have been bombarded with information from the internet that if you buy some product, youll be not only safe when SHTF but also, youll thrive and you are gonna have something like best time of your life in the middle of a collapse.
Now when you multiply this with many numbers (products) you end up buying peace of mind for yourself built on the fact that someone wants to earn money from your fears.
And it is not the biggest problem. The real problem is waking up one morning in the collapse realizing that you have the whole bunch of things that simply do not work for your situation.
I like to use an example that I read a long time ago, about transportation in the city when SHTF. One guy offer idea of using a skateboard in urban SHTF as transport and a lot of other folks commented that is a good idea.
On first look, it is a great idea. Theres no fuel, no cars or buses, so a skateboard, as a transport means, looks good.
The only problem here is that probably the man who mentioned it never experienced a real urban SHTF so he cannot know what a useless idea it is.
To put it really concisely:
When the SHTF, city services will collapse, street is pretty soon simply full of everything, there are other people in the city too, because services are gone there are not enough resources and because of that other people will simply almost always mean possible danger, so point is to avoid people, or to be quiet when moving, so
You need to stop to think in terms of normal times. You need to change your priorities when the SHTF. It is a different time.
For example, moving faster (or most comfortably) stops being a priority. The new priority is to move safer (or quieter). You need to stop thinking about having the coolest things. The new priority is to have things that will work best for your situation.
Value of the Things
Again, it is about thinking in new terms, in the terms of SHTF, and those terms are completely different than in normal times.
I have a kind of survival philosophy where my goal is to be ready to survive with the least things as possible, and it is like everything else based on my experienced SHTF.
What does that mean?
By developing and learning skills and techniques I am trying to be less depended on physical things.