Slave Traders by Invitation
West Africas Slave Coast in the Precolonial Era
![Slave Traders by Invitation - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/250943/images/3_1.jpg)
![Slave Traders by Invitation - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/250943/images/4_1.jpg)
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Copyright Finn Fuglestad, 2018
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Dedicated to the memory of Stephen Ellis (19532015)
Y para Elisa Prez-Gonzlez de la Barreda
The author of the present manuscript written in English is a Norwegian whose first foreign language is French, and who took up residence in Spain many years ago. The implication is that if the manuscript has become at all readable, it is thanks to the toiling of my good friend Ms Juliet Wrightson who has done a tremendous job in correcting my English. My debt and gratitude to her are beyond words. Juliet agreed to take over after her sister, the late Penelope Wrightson, who had offered to help me out with my English, was struck down by a terminal disease.
Another friend of mine who has left us is Selena Axelrod Winsnes, with whom I have had many inspiring conversations, and who provided me with many hints and suggestions with regard to the Danish sources especially.
After completing the first version of the present manuscript, I most fortunately succeeded in persuading fellow-Africanists Adam Jones and Edna G. Bay into reading parts of it: the former read the Introduction, the latter the Introduction and Part A. Those two sections contain the ideas and viewpoints developed in the rest of the manuscript. Ms Bay in particular has saved me from some embarrassing misinterpretations, plus a number of errors. Her endeavour is all the more admirable since she and I continue to part company on certain fundamental matters, as will become clear later on.
I have also had the honour and pleasure to discuss some of the ideas expressed in the following with the legendary Professor John Donnelly Fage (19212002). I still hear his voice.
I would like finally to express my gratitude to all those archivists and librarians in many countries and on three continents who assisted me during my research, which I initiated, if my memory does not fail me, nearly forty years ago.
If these acknowledgements are unusually short, it is because the present manuscript belongs, for many reasons, to the in-spite-of category, rather than the thanks-to one.
As for the rest, the usual disclaimers pertain.
Figure 1: | European lodges in the inland town of Savi, then the capital of Hueda and hub of the local slave trade (17th century). From the Des Marchais archive, British Library |
Figure 2: | Map of the Slave Coast before 1724. From the Des Marchais archive, British Library |
Figure 3: | Restored main building of Ouidahs Portuguese fort (2010). Photograph by Finn Fuglestad |
Figure 4: | View of the River Weme at Porto Novo (1980s). Photograph by Finn Fuglestad |
AAP/EB or Anais | Anais/Annaes do Archivo Pblico/do Arquivo do Estado da Bahia (Salvador da Bahia, Brazil) |
AAR | African Archaeological Review |
AD | Archives Dpartementales |
ADM | Admiralty |
AEH | African Economic History |
AHR | American Historical Review |
AHU | Arquivo Histrico Ultramarino, Lisbon |
AM | Archives Municipales |
AN | Archives Nationales, Paris |
APEB | Arquivo (Pblico) do Estado da Bahia |
BCEHSAOF | Bulletin du Comit dtudes Historiques et Scientifiques de lAfrique Occidentale Franaise (predecessor of BIFAN) |
BIFAN | Bulletin de lInstitut Franais/Fondamental dAfrique Noire |
BNE | Biblioteca Nacional de Espaa |
BT | Board of Trade (UK) |
CAOM-DFC | Centre des Archives dOutre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence Dpt des Fortifications des Colonies, Ctes dAfrique |
CA | Cahiers dtudes Africaines |
CO | Colonial Office records |
CUP | Cambridge University Press |
D | tudes Dahomennes |
EHR | Economic History Review |
HA | History in Africa. A Journal of Method |
HAHR | Hispanic American Historical Review |
IAI | International African Institute |
IFAN | Institut Franais/Fondamental dAfrique Noire |
IJAHS | International Journal of African Historical Studies |
JAH | Journal of African History |
JHSN | Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria |
NA | The National Archives (formerly Public Record Office), Kew |
NS | Nouvelle srie/New series |
OR | Ordens rgias/regiaes |
O.s. | Old style (to 1751) |
PRO | Public Record Office, Chancery Lane (later renamed The National Archives and transferred to Kew) |
RAC | Royal African Company |
SA | Slavery and Abolition |
SFHOM | Socit Franaise dHistoire dOutre-Mer |
T (as for instance T70) | Treasury records in NA |
THSG | Transactions of the Historical Society of the Gold Coast and Togoland/of Ghana |
UP | University Press |
WIC | Generaele/Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie |
![Common sense may tell us that trade on a significant scale cannot flourish for - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/250943/images/15_1.jpg)
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