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Caroline Koh - Diversifying Learner Experience: A kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies

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Caroline Koh Diversifying Learner Experience: A kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies
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Book cover of Diversifying Learner Experience Editor Caroline Koh - photo 1
Book cover of Diversifying Learner Experience
Caroline Koh
Diversifying Learner Experience
A kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies
1st ed. 2020
Logo of the publisher Editor Caroline Koh National Institute of Education - photo 2
Logo of the publisher
Caroline Koh
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
ISBN 978-981-15-9860-9 e-ISBN 978-981-15-9861-6
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
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Caroline Koh
Part I Diversifying Learner Experiences Within the Classroom
Michael Hast
Kah Loong Chue
Nasyita Mohtar
Hester Oh
Caroline Koh
Part II Diversifying Learner Experiences Beyond the Classroom
David Bell and Jeffrey Smith
Isabelle Ong
Steven S. Sexton and Sandra Williamson-Leadley
Syazlin Sazali , Alicia Franklin , Anthony Dillon and Alexander S. Yeung
Part III Diversifying Experiences for Learners with Special Needs
Miriam Mason , David Galloway and Andrew Joyce-Gibbons
Minglee Yong and Boon Ooi Lee
Adeline M. Y. Yeong and Anuradha S. K. Dutt
Caroline Koh
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
C. Koh (ed.) Diversifying Learner Experience https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9861-6_1
1. Introduction: Diversifying Learner Experiences to Promote Engagement and Performance
Caroline Koh
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
Caroline Koh

The purpose of this book is to present a repertoire of strategies and approaches used by educators to engage learners in diverse educational contexts. It aims to explore the ways in which learner experiences can be diversified in order to meet their needs in an environment that is constantly changing. For instance, the reader is introduced to new technologies used in the conceptualization and implementation of innovative strategies that lead to novel learning experiences. Furthermore, in situations that pose serious challenges to learning, there is a need for educators to deviate from conventional modes of instruction to provide contextualized learning experiences.

1.1 Diversification, Differentiation and Development

All mammals undergo a certain degree of diversification. Darwin knew that. When he drew a family tree, it had many branches on it.

(Donald Johanson, n.d.)

For too long, classroom instruction and practice have been driven by the so-called one-size-fits-all model, based on the premise that all students respond equally well to the prescribed pedagogy and curriculum structure. However, the individuals within the classroom form a microcosm of the world outside and reflect its diversity in every aspect of the word. In its simplest form, diversity can be defined as variation within a population, but many authors, such as Zepke () seems particularly apt. In this instance, diversity is conceptualized as the understanding that each student brings unique experiences, strengths, and ideas to our classroom, and the process of diversification is thus the exploration and incorporation of these differences to enrich learning and in our classrooms. Hence, diversifying learner experience involves being cognizant of learner differences and, on the basis of these, designing and creating resources, teaching strategies, learning modes and opportunities that would engage learners and enrich their experiences.

With improved transportation, international migration rates have risen steadily over the years (He, Phillion, Chan, & Xu, ) highlighted the need of high-ability learners to be provided with a wide spectrum of learning experiences, given the diversity in the group. These authors found that when students were given the opportunity to explore different kinds of functions independently, they performed better than those who went through the conventional, text-based program.

Thus, one of the main shortfalls of the one-size-fits-all approach lies in its failure to recognize the diversity of individuals within and outside the classroom, the need to differentiate between their varied needs, and finally, the imperative to develop diverse tools and approaches to instructional design and delivery. The idea of diversifying learning opportunities arose in the 70s, when Baker and his colleagues () investigated student preferences in terms of three different modalities of instruction: conventional mass lecture, small groups and independent study. These authors found that the majority of students still preferred the conventional lecture style, followed by small group learning whereas independent study was generally not favored. It is easy to understand why students and educators subscribed to the one for all mode of delivery despite its shortfallsa decade or so ago, it would have been highly impractical to design different modes of instruction and/or curricula for different groups of students within the school/educational institution, let alone within the classroom.

However, the emergence of IT and new technologies have altered the educational landscape and opened up a multitude of opportunities for the proliferation of diverse modes of instruction catering to the diverse student populations. Educators have been emboldened to explore new online resources and students are no longer reliant on the traditional classroom as their sole learning platform. In Darwins words, and later Johansons, the tree of learning was able to branch out, with the emergence of new and hybrid forms of education. This was, in a sense, timely, as educators in both developing and developed countries came to the realization that reforms were needed to cope with twenty-first century challenges. As Klaus Schwab (), founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, wrote:
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