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Bonnie Burton - Girls Against Girls: Why We Are Mean to Each Other and How We Can Change

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Bonnie Burton Girls Against Girls: Why We Are Mean to Each Other and How We Can Change
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Girls Against Girls is a must-read for todays strong, smart, and capable generation of young women. Complete with:
  • Guidance on how females can band together and quit breaking each other down
  • Popular movie quotes
  • Advice from female artists and athletes
  • A resource section of girl-power organizations

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First published in 2009 by Zest Books an imprint of Orange Avenue Publishing - photo 1

First published in 2009 by Zest Books, an imprint of Orange Avenue Publishing 35 Stillman Street, Suite 121, San Francisco, CA 94107 www.zestbooks.net

Created and produced by Zest Books, San Francisco, CA 2009 by Orange Avenue Publishing LLC Photographs 2009 by King Morgan, www.kingmorgan.com

Typeset in Adobe Jenson Pro, Arial Black, Quay Sans, and Minya

Teen Nonfiction / Social Issues / Girls and Women

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008931234 ISBN-13: 978-0-9790173-6-0 ISBN-10: 0-9790173-6-X

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher.




ART DIRECTOR: Tanya Napier

WRITER: Bonnie Burton


EDITOR: Karen Macklin


COVER DESIGN: Tanya Napier


TEEN ADVISORY BOARD: Carolyn Hou, Lisa Macklin, Maxfield J. Peterson, Joe Pinsker, Hannah Shr

Printed in China

First printing, 2009

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Every effort has been made to ensure that the information presented is accurate. Readers are strongly advised to read product labels, follow manufacturers instructions, and heed warnings. The publisher disclaims any liability for injuries, losses, untoward results, or any other damages that may result from the use of the information in this book.


In todays culture, girls are told they arent good enough the way they are. It feels like they cant escape the pressure to compete with each other, or with themselves. This dynamic is everywhere, from the hallways of high school to reality TV shows, as girls try to one-up each other no matter whether its a Sweet 16 party or a boyfriend. Its become normal for girls to think that other girls are naturally their enemies or soon will be.

While most people might laugh this off and say girls will be girls, I dont think its that funny. Girls are not intrinsically mean. We act that way out of feelings of insecurity and fear, or because we see ourselves portrayed that way by the media and then try to replicate what we think is expected of us. But when we constantly tear each other down, we lose out on the connection, support, and friendship that we can offer one another.

Of course, it doesnt have to be that way. We can do better and thats what Bonnie Burtons book, Girls Against Girls, is about. It illuminates the ways in which we antagonize each other and teaches us how to better understand ourselves so that we can make a change right now!

I know that this book will open your eyes to ways we can work together to build up our self-esteem and create a more positive world. I needed this book when I was a girl. I am so glad its here for you now.

Jess Weiner author and advice columnist wwwwithjesscom Note From the - photo 2

Jess Weiner, author and advice columnist www.withjess.com

Note From the Author

When I was suffering through school, I distinctly remember the unspoken politics of being a girl. You could be making plans with your best friend one week and being given the silent treatment the next. Or some girl you dont even know might make you the victim of a terrible rumor for no reason at all. I went through all of this, like everyone else.

I remember lots of awful things that happened to me. Once, one of my best pals started a rumor that I was planning to steal another girls boyfriend, and suddenly people I didnt even know were staring me down. It took what seemed like forever for the truth to dismantle that lie, and I never knew why she started it in the first place. I also remember times when I was on the ipside like when I was angry with a friend for ditching me at the mall, so I commented to a known gossiper that she was caught shoplifting. In a heartbeat, I ruined her rep just as that previous friend had ruined mine.

Thats why this book is so important. Its the kind of book I wish I had back then a manual for figuring out why we do the cruel things we do to each other. It also explains that we all have the ability to choose whether we want to be destructive or supportive. Sure, girls and women can be mean and spiteful. But we can also be positive, compassionate, and downright cool! Shouldnt we choose to be the latter?

Writing this book and interviewing the amazing artists and athletes who are quoted inside cemented for me how awesome all of us girls really are. I hope that reading it will leave you feeling as inspired as I felt after writing it.

Bonnie Burton author wwwgrrlcom WHY We Hurt Each Other Y ouve - photo 3

Bonnie Burton, author www.grrl.com

WHY We Hurt Each Other Y ouve seen it in school at camp at home and at - photo 4


We Hurt

Each Other

Y ouve seen it in school, at camp, at home, and at your part-time job. We girls can be cruel. While most of us dont resort to slugging it out in the hallway or schoolyard, many of us do go for sneakier and more drawn-out types of infighting like mind games, gossip, and rumor spreading. It happens so much that expressions like Girls are mean are favorites among our parents, brothers, and even ourselves.

Psychologists even have a name for the way we engage in emotional warfare: relational aggression. And unlike physical violence thats easy to spot, this type of girl drama can stay way below the radar. So parents and teachers often dont even see it happening and, if they do, dont take it seriously. Sometimes the girls who are psychologically beating up other girls dont even realize that they are, in fact, doing it.

You have probably been a victim and a perpetrator. We all have. So the big question is: Why do we do it? Just like with anything, we have to understand the problem before we can find the solution. On the following pages are some theories about why we fight the way we do.

theory ITS BIOLOGICAL According to a number of scientists some of our - photo 5


According to a number of scientists, some of our fighting is due to the way we are wired.

The Brain

Research has shown that the differences between womens and mens brains are very real, and that womens brains are much more complex than mens. Many scientists say that women, in general, are more communicative than men, have better facility with language, are more in tune with their emotions, have a stronger ability to sustain deep friendships, and have a better memory. These brain differences account for why women are so good at recognizing the emotions of others (Honey, whats wrong?) and also for remembering every detail of an argument forever (You said I was fat, and you said it at precisely 8:15 pm on Friday night while you were wearing that ugly blue shirt with pinstripes).

Meanwhile, scientists say that boys cannot easily sense when someone is annoyed or upset with them or even remember what yesterdays fight was about, while girls are so in tune with everything going on around them that they observe and notice

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