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These handy, accessible books give you all you need to tackle a difficult project, gain a new hobby comprehend a fascinating topic, prepare for an exam, or even brush up on something you learned back in school but have since forgotten.
You can read this EVERYTHING book from cover to cover or just pick out the information you want from the four useful boxes: Card Questions, Shark Bites, Johnny Quads' Corner, and Texas Truths. We literally give you everything you need to know on the subject but throw in a lot of fun stuff along the way, too.
We now have well over 300 EVERYTHING books in print, spanning such wide-ranging topics as weddings, pregnancy, wine, learning guitar, one-pot cooking, managing people, and so much more. When you're done reading them all, you can finally say you know EVERYTHING!
Card Questions
Common Hold'em questions answered.
Shark Bites
Quotes from the pros.
Johnny Quads' Corner
Tips from Johnny Quads himself.
Texas Truths
Hold'em history and facts.

Tips and tricks you need to take the pot
John Johnny Quads Wenzel

Adams Media
Avon, Massachusetts
Copyright 2006, F+W Publications, Inc.
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An Everything Series Book.
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Published by Adams Media, an F+W Publications Company 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A. www.adamsmedia.com
ISBN 10: 1-59337-579-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-579-9
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wenzel, John.
The everything Texas hold'em book : tips and tricks you need to take the pot / John Johnny Quads Wenzel.
p. cm. -- (An everything series book)
ISBN 1-59337-579-4
1. Poker. 2. Poker--Rules. 3. Gambling systems. I. Title. II. Series:
Everything series.
GV1251.W46 2006
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To my mother, who knows bridge, who knows writing, but who doesn't have a clue about poker.
Top Ten Texas Told'em: Quotable Quotes
I don't lose because I have nothing to lose. Including my life. Doc Holiday, Gunfight at the OK Corral
To lose patience is to lose the battle. Mahatma Gandhi
In the thick of the evening when the dealing got rough, She was too pat to open and too cool to bluff. Grateful Dead, Scarlet Begonias y
You call this one and it's all over, baby! Scotty Nguyen before winning the World Series of Poker
Be happy with the world. Be delighted. For there are other games, always another game. There are honest men. And we, my friend we are still alive. the late Nick the Greek
Chance favors the prepared mind. Louis Pasteur
My wife made me join a Bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday. Rodney Dangerfield
Many the Wednesday evening, escaping from a domestic or professional crisis, I settled at the table as if my noisy buddies would protect me from life itself. author John Updike
Life is like a game of poker. You have to take chances to win. John Red Morrison
Virtually all the greats have gone broke at least once in their careers, and I'm no different. The key is to learn something from the experience. poker champ Daniel Negreanu
You've heard the name, bouncing around somewhere in the recesses of your mind. Texas Hold'em. It's some card game, you think, maybe poker. The kids are playing it after school, college students are dealing it in their dorms and frat houses, and now your neighbor's even talking about playing it with his beer buddies. The moms are talking about having girls' poker nights. Folks at work are competing online every day for real money against players from all over the world.
On TV, card sharks are winning millions of dollars, and every night there's a new show: The World Poker Tour, The World Series of Poker, Celebrity Poker Showdown with those movie stars, and more. Ben Affleck won $350,000 playing this crazy-looking game. The bestselling Christmas gift last year was a Hold'em table and chips!
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