Praise for Powerful Task Design
Antonetti and Stice turn the bubble-sheet culture on its head offeringreaders a path for implementing rigorous and engaging tasks that promotemeaning-making and sustained learning. Through Powerful TaskDesign, they provide a way of thinking about our main goal in theclassroomcreating rigorous and engaging tasks that power up learning. Ilove this book! The cognitive demand, thinking strategies, and engagingqualities of this book WILL change the way I interact with my ownlearners... and my two small children.
John Almarode, Author
Visible Learning for Science, Grades K12 and From Snorkelers toScuba Divers
Waynesboro, VA
An easy-to-follow tool for educators wishing to reflect on the rigor oftheir classroom tasks with excellent tips to take learning to the nextlevel!
Clint Heitz, Instructional Coach
Bettendorf Community School District, Bettendorf, IA
It is painfully obvious that something needs to be done to do more thansimply engage students; we need to cognitively engage them and this bookgives you the tools with which to do just that. Everything is here foryou to make those changes.
Melody (Dani) Aldrich, High School English Teacher
Casa Grande Union High School, Casa Grande, AZ
Finally! A resource that focuses first on the TASK (what it is we areasking of our students) and then the RESOURCES (what technology is atour disposal to accomplish the task?). For decades now, the process hasbeen backwards and the focus has become bells-and-whistle technologythat is mistaken for authentic engagement. This book will give tangibletools for the teacher toolbox while keeping the eye on the rigor prizefor students.
Matthew Constant, Chief Academic Officer
Owensboro Public Schools, Owensboro, KY
With this collaboration, Antonettis expertise with designing engagingand rigorous student tasks is combined with Stices vast knowledge ofeffective technology use in the classroom. Both Antonetti and Stice haveworked with our districts teachers and administrators and have helpedbring about increased teacher effectiveness. This book is the perfectnext step resource for our districts continuous-improvement journey aswell as for any educator ready to effectively take theirstudent-task-design practices to the next level and meaningfully engagetodays techie student.
Kelli Bush, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning
Elizabethtown Independent Schools, Elizabethtown, KY
As educators, we are on a continuous journey to stretch and grow to ourfullest potential and we all have a ceiling of effectiveness. Theinteractive approach of Powerful Task Design will serve as avaluable tool for educators as they stretch and grow toward a higherceiling.
Kellianne Wilson, Secondary Instructional Supervisor
Meade County Schools, KY
Are you grappling with how to create an instructional task that bothchallenges and engages? Do you continue to struggle with issues relatedto effective integration of technology into lesson designs? Are youseeking to understand how rigor and engagement can move beyond overusedand empty clichs? Explore these and other essential questions in thishighly practical, well-researched book that offers practitioner-friendlytools brought to life by a treasure-trove of examples across the contentareas of K12 classrooms. Inviting reflection and personal response atstrategic points, the authors skillfully integrate video and othertechnology with written text to create a book that exhibits the designprinciples they propose. Powerful Task Design is a must-read forindividual educators and a practical guide for PLCs.
Jackie A. Walsh, Author and Consultant
Montgomery, AL
Powerful Task Design will help you rethink how to get the full value fromthe technology tools you have available in your classroom. I foundAntonetti and Stices work to be both practical and transformative.Teachers will come back to this book time and time again as we arechallenged to find ways to push thinking, rigor, and engagement to ahigher level for our students.
Amy Berry, National Board Certified Teacher, Coordinator for StudentServices
Meade County Schools, KY
Antonetti and Stice push educators to create well-designed tasks thatfully engage students and create powerful results. We want the studentsto learn first and then utilize technology tools to make learning moremeaningful. Combining Antonettis brilliant work with his engagementcube and Stices technology genius is just mind-blowing.
Allen Martin, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher
Bowling Green Independent Schools, KY
Antonetti and Stice once again provide outstanding leadership, research,and guidance through an ever-expanding and vital conversation onlearning design. This book further shifts the conversation fromtechnology to learning, from simply rehashing techno-centric approaches,to ready-to-implement rich learning experiences for students furtherempowered through digital tools and resources.
In this book, youll discover creative solutions to interesting digitalinstructional design challenges from real classrooms and real students.These best-practice models will help any teacher, new or experienced,formulate a blueprint for digital learning experience design with atremendous emphasis on learning and cognitive engagement. I especiallylove the connections made in with technology and questions. Through this book, Antonetti and Sticedemonstrate that they are two highly connected teachers who getit.
Marty Park, Chief Digital Officer for the Office of EducationTechnology
Kentucky Department of Education, Lexington, KY
Powerful Task Design
Rigorous and Engaging Tasks to Level Up Instruction
- John Antonetti
- Terri Stice
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Antonetti, John V., author. | Stice, Terri, author.