
Table of Contents
List of Tables
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Appendix A
List of Illustrations
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Appendix A
Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer
Study Guide
Exam AZ-500

Shimon Brathwaite

Copyright 2023 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Published simultaneously in Canada and the United Kingdom.
ISBN: 978-1-119-87037-1
ISBN: 978-1-119-87039-5 (ebk.)
ISBN: 978-1-119-87038-8 (ebk.)
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I have had the pleasure of working with professionals from Wiley to create this study guide.
I would like to thank Kenyon Brown, senior acquisitions editor, for recruiting me and working with me to get my proposal approved for production. He was very helpful in helping me to understand the requirements and getting started with writing the book.
I would like to thank Christine O'Connor and Janette Neal, who oversaw the edits for my book. They are extremely helpful in making sure that my book was up to Wiley's production standards and helped to coordinate my interactions with everyone else on the team.
I am very grateful for Magesh Elangovan, who worked as the content refinement specialist. He helped me to ensure that the quality of the images and overall content of the book was appropriate for all readers and that the ideas of the book will be conveyed clearly to all readers.
Lastly, I would like to thank Mahalingam, the technical editor who helped me refine the book's content. He was extremely knowledgeable on Microsoft Azure and provided excellent feedback on technical concepts that helped me to improve the overall quality of the book.
About the Author
Shimon Brathwaite is author and editor-in-chief of securitymadesimple.org
, a website dedicated to teaching business owners how to secure their businesses and helping cybersecurity professionals start and advance their careers.
Before starting his career in cybersecurity, Shimon was a co-op student at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada, where he received a degree in their Business Technology Management program before deciding to specialize in cybersecurity. Through his work at Toronto Metropolitan University and post-graduation, he accumulated over five years of work experience in cybersecurity across financial institutions, startups, and consulting companies. His work was primarily focused on incident response, where he helped companies resolve security incidents and perform digital investigations.
About the Technical Editor
Mahalingam is an Azure Consultant and works with enterprises to design and implement their solutions in Azure. He also assesses large-scale applications hosted on Azure and provides recommendations to optimize them. He started his Azure journey five years ago and is a certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Azure Security Engineer Associate, and Azure Administrator Associate. In addition, he is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and delivers workshops on Azure IaaS and PaaS.
The Microsoft Azure Platform is one of the most popular and diverse cloud-computing platforms in existence. It includes a wide range of security features designed to help clients protect their cloud environments. The Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam, AZ-500, focuses on testing a candidate's ability to be a subject matter expert on implementing Azure security controls. The exam focuses on four main areas:
- Managing identity and access
- Implementing platform protections
- Managing security operations
- Securing data and applications
What Does This Book Cover?
This book covers the topics outlined in the Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer exam guide available at

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