Essential Guide to the Federal DepositInsurance Corporation (FDIC) - Reports and Plans, Deposit InsuranceCoverage, Foreclosure Options, Overdraft Fees, FinancialInformation Privacy
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FederalDeposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Annual Report
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC) is an independent agency created by the Congress to maintainstability and public confidence in the nation's financial systemby:
* insuring deposits,
* examining and supervising financialinstitutions for safety and soundness and consumer protection,and
* managing receiverships.
The FDIC is a recognized leader in promotingsound public policies, addressing risks in the nation's financialsystem, and carrying out its insurance, supervisory, consumerprotection, and receivership management responsibilities.
The FDIC and its employees have a traditionof distinguished public service. Six core values guide us inaccomplishing our mission:
1. Integrity
We adhere to the highest ethical andprofessional standards.
2. Competence
We are a highly skilled, dedicated, anddiverse workforce that is empowered to achieve outstandingresults.
3. Teamwork
We communicate and collaborate effectivelywith one another and with other regulatory agencies.
4. Effectiveness
We respond quickly and successfully to risksin insured depository institutions and the financial system.
5. Accountability
We are accountable to each other and to ourstakeholders to operate in a financially responsible andoperationally effective manner.
6. Fairness
We respect individual viewpoints and treatone another and our stakeholders with impartiality, dignity, andtrust.
550 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20429
April 30, 2012
Dear Sir,
In accordance with:
* the provisions of section 17(a) of theFederal Deposit Insurance Act,
* the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990,Public Law 101-576,
* the Government Performance and Results Actof 1993 (as amended) and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010,
* the provisions of Section 5 (as amended) ofthe Inspector General Act of 1978, and
* the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000,
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC) is pleased to submit its 2011 Annual Report (also referredto as the Performance and Accountability Report), which includesthe audited financial statements of the Deposit Insurance Fund(DIF) and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation(FSLIC) Resolution Fund (FRF).
In accordance with the Reports ConsolidationAct of2000, the FDIC assessed the reliability of the performancedata contained in this report. No material inadequacies were found,and the data are considered to be complete and reliable.
Based on internal management evaluations, andin conjunction with the results of independent financial statementaudits, the FDIC can provide reasonable assurance that theobjectives of Section 2 (internal controls) and Section 4(financial management systems) of the Federal Managers' FinancialIntegrity Act of 1982 have been achieved, and that the FDIC has nomaterial weaknesses. However, the U.S. Government AccountabilityOffice did identify a significant control deficiency in theloss-share area. The FDIC has efforts underway to address thedeficiency. We are committed to maintaining effective internalcontrols corporate-wide in 2012.
Martin J. Gruenberg
Acting Chairman
The President of the United States
The President of the United States Senate
The Speaker of the United States House ofRepresentatives
Table of Contents
Message from the Acting Chairman
Message from the Chief Financial Officer
1. Management's Discussion and Analysis
The Year in Review
Supervision and Consumer Protection
Resolutions and Receiverships
Effective Management of StrategicResources
2. Financial Highlights
Deposit Insurance Fund Performance
Corporate Operating Budget
Investment Spending
3. Performance Results Summary
Summary of 2011 Performance Results byProgram
2011 Budget and Expenditures by Program
Performance Results by Program and StrategicGoal
Prior Years' Performance Results
4. Financial Statements and Notes
Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF)
FSLIC Resolution Fund (FRF)
Government Accountability Office's AuditOpinion
Management's Response
Overview of the Industry
5. Corporate Management Control
Management Report on Final Actions
6. Appendices
A. Key Statistics
B. More About the FDIC
C. Office of Inspector General's Assessmentof the Management and Performance Challenges Facing the FDIC
In its unique role as deposit insurer ofbanks and savings associations, and in cooperation with the otherstate and federal regulatory agencies, the FDIC promotes the safetyand soundness of the U . S . financial system and insureddepository institutions by identifying, monitoring, and addressingrisks to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) .
The FDIC promotes public understanding andthe development of sound public policy by providing timely andaccurate financial and economic information and analyses . Itminimizes disruptive effects from the failure of financialinstitutions . It assures fairness in the sale of financialproducts and the provision of financial services .
The FDIC's long and continuing tradition ofexcellence in public service is supported and sustained by a highlyskilled and diverse workforce that continuously monitors andresponds rapidly and successfully to changes in the financialenvironment .
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