Enigmatic Writing in the Egyptian New Kingdom
Edited by
David Klotz
Andras Stauder
Volume 12/2
Zeitschrift fr gyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde Beiheft
Edited by
Susanne Bickel
John Baines
Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert
Elke Blumenthal
Antonio Loprieno
Julia Budka
Tonio Sebastian Richter
Richard Parkinson
Kim Ryholt
Stephan J. Seidlmayer
Jean Winand
Volume 12/2
ISBN 9783110683660
e-ISBN (PDF) 9783110683851
e-ISBN (EPUB) 9783110684049
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de.
2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
See entry above/below
Abydos 1
Abydos inscription of Ramesses II, el-Noubi 2005, 340 (= , 227).
Abydos 2
Abydos stela of Minmose, Ab K 2280 (= Effland and Effland 2004, 1316).
Book of Amduat, ed..
Enigmatic inscription at Aksha, .
Book of the Awakening of Osiris and Transit of the Solar Barques, ed..
Book of Caverns, ed..
Book of the Earth, ed..
Book of Gates, ed..
Book of the Solar-Osirian Unity, ed..
Coffin Texts, ed. de Buck and Gardiner 19351961.
Book of the Day, ed..
Djehuty H1
TT11, sun hymn, ed. , 306312.
Djehuty H2
TT11, chthonic hymn, ed. , 312318.
Private inscription, ed. Hintze, Ricke, et al. 1989.
Frankfurt Palette
Scribal palette, Liebieghaus IN 1899, in .
Hieroglyphic Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, ed. Van der Molen 2000.
TT 57, in , 214, Text A.
RIRamesside Inscriptions, ed..
Lower Egypt.
Lexikon der gyptischen Gtter und Gtterbezeichnungen, ed..
Louvre C65
Louvre stela C 65, in , 2334, Texts D and E.
Louvre Palette
Scribal palette, Louvre, in , Fig. a.
LEULate Period Underworld sarcophagi, after Manassa, Late Egyptian Underworld ().
MMA Palette
Scribal Palette, MMA 30.7.1, in , 1420, Text B.
Louvre statue 14241, in , 2023, Text C.
Deir el-Medina block inscribed with queens cryptic titulary (Cairo JE 72051), in 7880 and fig. 8.
Book of the Night, ed..
Book of Nut, ed. Von Lieven 2007.
TT unnumbered, private inscription, ed. Kampp 1994 (= , pl. 1, BE).
Cryptic titularies and misc. inscriptions of Ramesses II, in (Luxor unnumbered); Klotz 2019.
RI IXRoberson, Ramesside Inscriptions, vol. IX ().
Cryptic titulary of Ramesses VI, in , 92, figs. 114.
Semna Statuette
Statuette of Djehutymose from Semna, MFA 24.743, in Klotz and Brown 2016.
Cryptic titularies and misc. inscriptions of Sety I, in (Protocols AC, F); and Drioton 1940 (Gurna 112, 1419).
Shadow-Clock text, Osireion, in Frankfort et al. 1933, pls. 8283; Von Bomhard 2014.
Theban Tomb 32 (Djehutymes), semi-cryptic spellings published in .
Upper Egypt.
Urk. IV
Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, ed..
Wrterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache, ed. Erman and Grapow 1971.
HbBook of Caverns, ed..
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