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Ann Herriges - Sea Turtles

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Ann Herriges Sea Turtles
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    Sea Turtles
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A sea turtle uses four flippers to move through the ocean water. Its flippers help it paddle, turn, and stop. Discover where sea turtles live, how they look, and all about baby sea turtles.

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Note to Librarians Teachers and Parents Blastoff Readers are carefully - photo 1
Note to Librarians, Teachers, and Parents:
Blastoff! Readers are carefully developed by literacy experts
and combine standards-based content with developmentally
appropriate text.
Level 1 provides the most support through repetition of high
frequency words, light text, predictable sentence patterns, and
strong visual support.
Level 2 offers early readers a bit more challenge through varied
simple sentences, increased text load, and less repetition of high
frequency words.
Level 3 advances early-fluent readers toward fluency through
increased text and concept load, less reliance on visuals, longer
sentences, and more literary language.
Level 4 builds reading stamina by providing more text per
page, increased use of punctuation, greater variation in sentece
patterns, and increasingly challenging vocabulary.
Level 5 encourages children to move from "learning to read"
to "reading to learn" by providing even more text, varied writing
styles, and less familiar topics
Whichever book is right for your reader, Blastoff! Readers are the
perfect books to build confidence and encourage a love of reading
that will last a lifetime!
This edition first published in 2007 by Bellwether Media.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the
publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Bellwether Media Inc., Attention: Permissions
Department, Post Office Box 1C, Minnetonka, MN 55345-9998.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Herriges, Ann.
Sea turtles / by Ann Herriges.
p. cm. (Oceans alive!) (Blastoff! readers)
Summary: "Simple text and supportive images introduce beginning readers to sea turtles. Intended for
students in kindergarten through third grade."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-10: 1-60014-022-X (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-60014-022-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Sea turtlesJuvenile literature. I. Title. II. Series. III. Series: Blastoff! readers
QL666.C536H47 2007
597.92'8dc22 2006000610
Text copyright 2007 by Bellwether Media.
Printed in the United States of America.
Sea turtles are reptiles a cold-blooded animal that has a backbone and lays - photo 2
Sea turtles are reptiles a cold-blooded animal that has a backbone and lays - photo 3
Sea turtles are reptiles
a cold-blooded animal that has a backbone and lays eggs to produce young They are cold-blooded animals that have a body temperature that changes with - photo 4
They are cold-blooded
animals that have a
body temperature that changes with the temperature of their surroundings and have scaly skin Sea turtles live in warm ocean waters - photo 5
and have scaly skin.
Sea turtles live in warm ocean waters Most sea turtles have a hard - photo 6
Sea turtles live in warm
ocean waters.
Most sea turtles have a hard bony shell Large scales called scutes - photo 7
Most sea turtles have a hard,
bony shell.
Large scales called scutes pieces of hard skin that covers the top of a sea - photo 8
Large scales called scutes
pieces of hard skin that covers the top of a sea turtle's shell cover the top of the shell Sea turtles have four flippers They use - photo 9
cover the top of the shell.
Sea turtles have four flippers They use their front flippers to paddle - photo 10
Sea turtles have four flippers.
They use their front flippers
to paddle.
They use the back flippers to turn and stop Sea turtles have strong - photo 11
They use the back flippers to
turn and stop.
Sea turtles have strong jaws for biting and tearing food Most sea - photo 12
Sea turtles have strong jaws
for biting and tearing food.
Most sea turtles eat seaweed plants that grow in the sea seaweed needs - photo 13
Most sea turtles eat seaweed
plants that grow in the sea; seaweed needs sunlight to make its own food. crabs fish and jellyfish Sea turtles migrate to move from one - photo 14
crabs, fish, and jellyfish.
Sea turtles migrate to move from one place to another some sea turtles - photo 15
Sea turtles migrate
to move from one place to another; some sea turtles migrate more than 1,000 miles to nest; the female always goes back to the beach where she hatched. in late spring and summer Females swim to beaches to lay eggs The - photo 16 in late
spring and summer. Females
swim to beaches to lay eggs.
The female sea turtle drags her heavy body onto the beach She digs - photo 17
The female sea turtle drags
her heavy body onto
the beach.
She digs a nest in the sand with her flippers She lays about eggs - photo 18
She digs a nest in the sand
with her flippers.
She lays about eggs in the nest The eggs are round and soft The - photo 19
She lays about eggs
in the nest. The eggs are
round and soft.
The female sea turtle covers the eggs with sand She crawls back to - photo 20
The female sea turtle covers
the eggs with sand.
She crawls back to the ocean The baby turtles grow inside the eggs - photo 21
She crawls back to the ocean.
The baby turtles grow inside the eggs They are ready to hatch in about two - photo 22
The baby turtles grow inside
the eggs. They are ready to
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