

A bout Dr. Cris Beer
B BioMedSc i, MBBS (h ons ), FRA CGP, member AC NEM, mem ber AIMA , Cert I V in Fit ness
As an exper t i n nutr iti onal medici ne Dr. Cris s pecialize s not just i n the preventi on and treat ment of illne sses, bu t in the attaini ng of optimu m heal th. By empl oyi ng simple lifest yle and ho listi c medi cine strate gies, Dr Cri s believes that re stora tion of heal th an d vit ality can be ach ieved by anyone . Dr Cri s hold s quali cati ons in medici ne, bi omedi cal scie nce, int egrat ive and nu trit ional medici ne, he alth coachin g, as well as persona l tne ss traini ng. She was the healt h cons ultan t for The Biggest Loser Retre at and is sou ght by th e media for regu lar com menta ry on radi o, TV , newspap er colum ns, as well as pr int magazin es. Sh e curr ently pr actic es at The Medical Sanctu ary on the Go ld Coas t as a registered medica l doct or helpi ng pati ents every day. Fo r more in form ation go to drcris.co m.au
M ore books by Dr Cri s... ISBN: 978 -1 -9 2501 7-5 4-0
H ealthy Ha bits 5 2 Wa ys to Bett er Health is an easy -to- read boo k oeri ng an eecti ve h abit- a-week approach to good hea lth, energy , an d optim um bo dy weigh t.
Ava ilabl e at al l goo d books tores or onl ine a t www. rockpool publis hing.com .au
About Dr. Cris Beer .....................................................
Who Needs a Healt hy Liver? ................................
Intro to Liver Heal th .................................................
Know Yo ur Liver ..........................................................
Liver Haters ....................................................................
Liver Lovers ...................................................................
You r Liver Deto x Plan .............................................
Prepare f or Y ou r Detox ....................................
Eliminate T ox ins .................................................
Foll ow the 7 -Day Liver Detox Die t ...........
Choose Liver Su pplements Wisely ..........
Suppor t Y ou r Detox ...........................................
Maintain Yo ur Heal thy Liv er ......................
7-Day Detox Meal Gui de .......................................
You r Post -Par ty Detox ...........................................
Interest ing Liv er Cases ........................................
Love Y ou r Liver fo r Life .......................................
Easy Refe rence Guid e ...........................................
Liver Hate rs List ................................................
Liver Lovers List ................................................
Liver Sym ptom Tr acker .................................
Liver-Fr iend ly Sho pping List .....................
You r 6-S tep Liver Det ox Sum mary ........
You r Post -Par ty Detox Sum mary ............
Hangover Det ox Guid e .................................
Reference s ...................................................................
C ontents

Who Needs a Healthy Liver?
H ealth y Liver
r the r st few y ears th at I worked
as a genera l pra ctit ioner I had
underest imate d the li ver's sig nican t role
in the general wellbein g of my pa tients . I
had lear ned t hat th e liver wa s impor tant
from a ph ysiolo gical point of vie w and
that it helped to keep us aliv e, but I ha dn' t
fully consid ered how it keeps us fee ling
well on a day -to- day bas is.
I had been ta ught how to detect liver- functi on abnor malit ies in bl ood testi ng and how t o feel f or an enlar ged or ten der liver al l sign s of obv iou s and se vere liver dam age. Bu t as for unders tandin g liver dam aged well before an y obvio us clinica l sig ns begin to show, I was completel y in the dark. I had seen sev ere liver dam age from chroni c alc oholis m and fr om liver di sease such as hepatit is, but the subtler symp toms an d signs of liver imp airme nt was som ethin g I was not adept at detecti ng. It wasnt u ntil I
starte d pract icing holist ic medi cine th at I realiz ed the big par t t he liv er plays in a patient s abili ty to get well a nd sta y well.
Many pati ents who present t o my clin ic are stru gglin g to los e weigh t despit e exercisin g regu larly and eati ng relat ively healt hily . They o fte n have ui d retenti on, horm one iss ues such as lo w libid o, and general ly fee l tired an d unwell . The answer for th ese pati ents is not to ea t less and move more, as popul ar advi ce would suggest, but rat her to i nvestig ate the deep er physi ologi cal is sues in that pat ient s body. This p hysiol ogic al disturbanc e is oft en rooted in poor liver healt h, as a cause o r conseq uence of the pat ient s lifesty le choi ces, genetic s, infecti on and / or somethi ng kno wn as envir onment al overlo ad. Th ese wi ll be explai ned fu rthe r in the sectio n on L iver Haters but fo r now let s look at who can benet from havi ng a heal thy li ver.
W ho Benet s from a Health y Liver?
T his is real ly a rhet ori cal que stion because ev ery one can ben et from havin g a heal thy li ver! If you va lue your wellbein g and wa nt to f eel heal thy an d energetic t hen lo oking afte r your liv er is key . In par tic ular, the fo llo wing issues may indi cate comp romis ed liver hea lth:
W ho Needs A Healthy Liver ?
Strug glin g to lose weight
Carry ing weight ar ound you r mid- section
Fee ling ti red despi te gett ing a good nig ht s sleep (i nclu ding those w ith chroni c fatig ue syndr ome and / or bromyal gia)
Fee ling bl oated
Unexp laine d itchy skin, especiall y at nig ht
Dark circle s under you r eyes
Excess u id, especiall y aroun d your an kle s
A coating o n your to ngue
Bruis ing easi ly
Having a poor immu ne sys tem
Have blo tchy ski n
Frequ ent headac hes
Gallbl adder issu es such as gallsto nes
High ch oleste rol levels or hig h blood p ressure
Having been diag nosed wi th fat ty liver
Having been diag nosed wi th metabolic synd rome
Liver fu nctio n abnorm aliti es detected in blo od testing
Consist ently d rinking too muc h alcoho l or bi nge dr inking
Having taken r egular pain- kille r medic ation s, an ti- depressan ts or oth er mood stabil izing medic ation s, th e oral contra ceptive p ill, horm one- replaceme nt thera py, epile psy medic ation s, an tibiot ics, or cholest erol-low ering medica tions over a perio d of time