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Originated by Capstone Global Library
Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication
Townsend, John
Amazing animal communicators / John Townsend.
1st ed.
p. cm.( Animal superpowers)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978- 1- 4109- 4744- ( hb)
ISBN 978- 1- 4109- 4751- ( pb) ISBN 978-1-4109-9153-9 (eBook) 1. Animal communication Juvenile literature. Animal
communicators Juvenile literature. I. Title.
QL776. T69 2013
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Animals Can Be
Superheroes in stories communicate
in special or secret ways. Many
animals also use amazing tricks to
communicate with each other. Read
this book to find out which animals
send and receive messages in
super- amazing ways.
Super Warning
How can a small animal say, Dont
eat me without talking? Easy! It
has bright colors, which make
it look scary. Many animals give
clear messages just by the way
they look. arrow frogs have
bright colors that say, Keep away
Im deadly.
Did You Know?
Just one of these tiny
South American frogs
has enough poison
to kill people.
Super Dance
The way you move can say a lot
about you. It is called body language.
When a bee finds food, it uses body
language to tell other bees. By doing
a special dance, it shows them where
to get to make honey.
A bees waggle dance is in a figure eight. The dance points other
bees toward where
there is food.
Super Light
Telling your friends where you are
in the dark is easy if you can shine
bright signals. Some insects do this
with their flashing bodies. Glowworms
are a type of beetle. Female
glowworms light up to attract males
and to warn to stay away.
Fireflies communicate
at night by lighting up.
Super Messages
Ants living in large groups often have
to get messages around their colony
( home) in a hurry. They need to warn
others of danger and tell them about
food. Ants tap or feel each other with
their to pass on information.
Did You Know?
Ants messages are
often sent as smells
and chemicals.
Super Signals
Elephants can keep in touch with
other elephants from a few miles
away by making a long- distance call!
The elephants make very deep, low
rumbles that other elephants can pick
up with their huge ears, heads, and
even trunks.
Did You Know?
Elephants feel
from other elephants through
the ground with their feet
and the tips of their trunks.
Super Color
Some superheroes change color.
Some animals can, too. Chameleons
can change their skin color very
quickly. When they blend in with
their surroundings, their
makes them almost
to predators.
Did You Know?
Bright colors say, Lets
fight, and pale colors
say, You win.
Super Display
Sailfish are super- fast fish. They also
have other superpowers. When they