And Then
I Thought
Life Insights
Mahmoud Abouzeid

Copyright 2014 Mahmoud Abouzeid.
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Some comments from re aders:
Amen! It is totally about the interconnectedness of us all! Such a tragedy that so many have no comprehension of or compassion for the situation! Thanks Ruth
Mahmoud, thank you for so many of these words of wisdom. Todays was particularly helpful. With love, Larry
I need to remember that participation and engagement are optional K athryn
Thank you once again, you sweet, wise man. Your presence through these messages always blesses me. Sending love, Carol
Thank you for your shared thoughts: another precious gift for which I am grateful. Love, Marsh
Beautiful, thank you for your thoughts :) Na thalie
I have enjoyed your writing, it is light, funny and very wise Thanks , Cris
I searched and searched I needed a thought to help me with this day. This one will do. Thank you. Donald
I love all your positive blogs Write on Love, Patt y xxoo
Yes, we do have our own special world. It is always reassuring to know that you are out there. You are very kind to share some of your most private thoughts . Thank you for being part of my life. You have helped to make it more meaningful David
. Every morning I get up and come downstairs enjoy the beauty of the lake I live on And open my email with the expectation of some wisdom from you. And get it! Sometimes its just what I needed to get my head on straight. Thank you for including me in your circle. I appreciate your philosophy and hard-won perspectiv e. Peg
As a participant in the masquerading for many years, I am, this moment, a grateful Lover. Your reminder is beautifully worded Nina
Your thoughts sound as though they are personal to the very person reading them this one did sound a bit like you were speaking to me. Love, M arilyn
I often think that given our resources and what we have to do and what we can yet do, it just shouldnt be so hard.I wish we didnt get in our own way so much. Pa ulette
I agree that love is worth the risk. Perhaps it is the things that is most worth the risk! Love, Carol
Yes, we have to live every moment as though it is our lastJust why are you thinking about all these things at 3:45 in the morning when you should be sleeping and resting your marvelous brain Love , Dave
Love your stuff. Thank you and keep it coming Renee
Thanks This is very applicable for me today Sarah
I love the phrase stifles my aliveness. Sandy
Wiser words have never been said. Thank you Ossama
This book is dedicated to my sons Mark, Michael, Shareef, Kareem, Tarik, Kalid (God rest your soul) and to my daughter Farah. Thank you all for providing the inspiration necessary to express these thoughts in wr iting.
Unconditional love a lways,
Living meaningfully, it turns out, is an acquired skill. We are not introduced to this stage we call life with that quality that allows us to participate in the production competently. Rather, wisdom is gathered, or not, with experience and the gradual development of good judgment. Some of us come to the task with better tools than others. Some have better models than others. Some simply have better attitudes about the incredibly precious opport unity.
Life itself is the ultimate gift. Every single moment of awareness is a miracle. Applying the presence of mind for that is exactly what it takes to appreciate the unfolding, makes the journey co-creative and worthwhile. Focusing on the destination, on the other hand, robs one of the pleasures of genuine experience, which can only be enjoyed as they h appen.
The thoughts put forth on the following pages represent the distillation of 70 years of living, and more than half a century of contemplation and self-analysis; of, frankly, trial and error. They have been influenced and developed in no small measure by reading and digesting some of the classic sources of thought the major religious treaties, as well as the modern A Course in Miracles. Attending the programs offered by est and The Forum in the 1970s, along, more recently, with lectures by Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer (as well as reading the latter twos books and articles) have had a profound influence. So too the recorded words and thoughts of Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Kant, Shakespeare, Rumi, Gibran, Hafez, Emerson, Thoreau, Theodore Parker, Freud, Eric Fromm, Eric Beirne, Jerry Jampolsky, L. Ron Hubbard, Eckhart Tolle, and most recently, Anita Moorjani, author of perhaps the most important book published in recent times, Dying to b e Me.
Beyond the sources of wisdom listed above, so many people have been part of my experience and have contributed to my recording of these thoughts. It would be an impossible task to acknowledge them all. Two, however, stand out for their constant encouragement and hands-on contributions to the task of moving the project from planning stage through completion: my dear love and soul mate, Ali Miner, and Bob Greene, owner of Distorted Visions, who has been there for me through the production process, with exquisite sensitivity and extra-ordinary patience. Special thanks to you both.
October 22 , 2012
Carmel-by-the-S ea, CA
There are only two forces in the Universe one positive, and the other negative. One unifying and the other divisive; one uplifting and the other depressing; one peaceful and the other hostile; one hopeful and the other cynical; one joyful and the other despondent; one that is real and one the creation of the ego.
At every moment, I either consciously or unconsciously make a selection. I either choose love, acceptance and serenity, or come from fear, separation and rage. I either come from the core of who I am, or function at a shallow level of scarcity, pretense and de spair.
The truth is I am you and you are me. Only question is: will we ever meet? And if we do, will we like each o ther?
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