Materia Medica
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Glen-Martin Swartwout, A.B., B.D., O.D., N.D.,F.I.C.A.N., F.C.S.O.
Copyclaim MMXII, A.D. by Dr. Glen-Martin:Swartwout
Published by The Shire
Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom
at Smashwords
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Cataract Solutions:Prevention & Reversal Via AcceleratedSelf-Healing
Electromagnetic PollutionSolutions
MacularDegeneration......Macular Regeneration
The Shire: CultivatingYour Future Self
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Table of Contents
This book is a hallway with many great and fantasticrooms along its corridor. Each room is arrayed with its own decorand theme, and each one, too, leads on to greater spaces not yetseen from here, but hinted at by beckoning sound and playing shaftsof light, by wafting breezes of the freshness of flowers and thedelicate dampness of the dew...
This book draws on a life spent exploring thediverse terrains of natural healing not only out of necessity, butout of fascination, affinity and ultimately love. I love how thiscreation works with seemless interweaving, and endless variety. Ilearn through careful observation at each new stage in healing, notonly my own, but the thousands of people I have measured and fittedwith precisely matched natural medicines, many of which are thetopics of this book.
My mission here is to share my mind with you, dearreader. This is a mind that works contextually, relationally,synthetically... a mind that seeks the fullness of the truth, andthe details of each story within it, and then explores every avenueat hand to map out the fullness of that terrain. You could say I ama collector of natural remedies. My job here is to organize acomprehensive, if never complete, tour of the landscape of naturalhealing, what I call accelerated self healing...
Historically there have been, and continueto be many different approaches to the art of healing. What I lovethe most about biocommunication is the ability to cross-referencemany if not all of those competing conceptual structures about thenature of this life and its perfection within the same linguistic,syntactic structure that is the native tongue of this biologicalvessel in which we dwell here for a time...
To S.L. Luscombe who keeps me anchored here.Thank you.
Solutions to life and health issues can take manyforms. Nature is ultimately the source for all at the most basiclevel, but the manner in which natural ingredients are processed,the energies they are exposed to, and even the intentions andthought forms which become associated with them along the way haveprofound effects on their potential for healing or harm.
Synthetic drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, andsurgery tend to contravene the healer's oath to first do no harm,especially when offered as the first or only option for healingsupport. Allopathy means the introduction of a new disease.
Beyond the nature of the medicine itself, theapplication, and more specifically the intention with which it isapplied, makes a profound difference in the outcomes produced aswell. Half of the toxins in our tissues are from our thoughts. Andhalf of the healing we are capable of resides there as well...
The dark side of healing goes deep. Allopathyapproaches disease through diagnosis and treatment, or as it iscalled more appropriately and more often these days, diseasemanagement. Disease here means a diagnostic category, somethingthat exists in the mind of the diagnostician, and can, like a newdisease, be transmitted to the mind of the poor patient. Drug andsurgical treatment are also new diseases in themselves, and rarelydo they even hope to cure the original disease, or even remove ormitigate an underlying cause. The typical therapeutical goal is tosuppress the most annoying expression of the body's lonely attemptsto heal itself. If only someone were really willing to listen, andstop trying to shoot down the messenger... Suppression of symptomsincreases the body's toxic burden and increases the layers of needfor real healing. Real healing can only be facilitated byaddressing the sources of an issue, not the symptoms. Symptoms arethe wagging tail of the active causal chains of interrelatedactivities going on constantly within the intelligent body.Efficient and rapid healing comes when address the head of thecausal chain on each successive layer of activity of the vitalforce, the minding body, the brilliant energetic regulatory systemthat keeps us alive.
When treatment attempts to independently accomplishwhat a function of the body is designed to do, there can be atendency for the physiological pathways to lack the stimulusnecessary to maintain even the weak level of function that theyhave been trying to sustain. Examples may include hormonesupplementation, such as thyroid, digestive aids such ashydrochloric acid and enzymes.
Treating a symptom may temporarily improve qualityof life by palliating the grossly observable behavior of thebiological system, but any lasting healing benefits will beincidental and unplanned. Unfortunately many attempts atpalliation, such as with pain killers and anti-inflammatoriesprevent the completion of proper healing by over-alkalizingaffected tissues, leading to recurrent symptoms and chronicdegenerative states. Such pH effects will be introduced in thesection on the Biological Terrain.
Providing the fundamental building blocks of healthand function, when they are deficient or inefficiently utilized,supports the body's innate physiological healing mechanisms tofunction more efficiently and effectively. This could includefundamental nutritional needs like minerals, vitamins, amino acids,fatty acids and nutritional cofactors not considered essential forsurvival, but essential for optimum health and performance, liketrimethyglycine to support optimum methylation or even supplyingfree electrons to optimize antioxidant performance.
Food is a fundamental support for life and healingprocesses. Thus, we recall the perrenial truth from Hippocrates,the Father of Medicine, "Let your food be your medicine and yourmedicine be your food."
Ultimately healing is an action made by the body.Stimulatory medicines such as homeopathy or flower essencesaccentuate the biocommunication function of medicines as a stimulusto produce a broader healing response by the organism.
Beyond all this is the timing of the intervention.Harmful treatments must be licensed by process of Commercial Law inorder to regulate the damage achieved against its public Orcs intraining. Information therapies seek to support simultaneous andintegrating coherence in the bio bodysuit, the minding body and itsspirit vessel, the immortal, superconducting and superfluidsoul.
Sample Curriculum
Bio Bodysuit: Anatomy (East & West),Biofield Analysis, Eye Stretch, FIR Sauna, Homeopathy, Massage,Nutrition, Phototherapy, Rebounding, Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage,Yoga, Zen
Minding Body: Affirmation, Breath & BodyAwareness, Cognition, Consciousness, Color, Focus, Gratitude,Humor, Intelligence Training, Jungian Dreamwork, Meditation, Music,Prayer, Peripheral Awareness, Sensory Integration, Suppression,Visualization, Thinking, Virtues, Volition, Word
Spirit Vessel
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