What Would Jackie Do ?
An Inspired Guide to Distinctive Living
What Would Jackie Do?

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First printing, January 2006
Copyright 2006 by Shelly Branch and Sue Callaway
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What would Jackie do?: an inspired guide to distinctive living / Shelly Branch and Sue Callaway.
p. cm.
ISBN: 978-1-1012-1678-1
1. Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 19291994 2. WomenLife skills guides. 3. WomenConduct of life. 4. Etiquette. 5. Home economics. 6. Fashion. 7. Interpersonal relations. I. Callaway, Sue. II. Title.
HQ1221.B785 2006
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For Barbara, Louise, and Liliora,
inspirations in grace,
wit, and beauty.
Ive asked myself what would Jackie do, what would Jackie think on a number of occasions. One time I was sitting in a restaurant next to a woman whod been fooling with my man and I got terrible butterflies. I thought Oh my God and asked myself what Jackie would do. Immediately, my spine straightened. I assumed a position of great dignity. And I just sort of became my posture. It was very much a whistle-a-happy-tune thing. Once I was Jackie in my mind, I was above it all.
W hat was it about her, dammit?
Almost from the moment she made her debutante turn at Hammersmith Farm in 1947, it was obvious that the elegant sylph known simply as Jackie possessed something enviable, intangible.
A true American Idol, she represented a standard that many women have tried to copy, from her clothes to her gestures. But it was her cloak of unusual dignity that earns her the greatest admiration. You cant help but want to be like her. Who can resist such effortless, multilingual poise? People the world over have long marveled at how she handled the jagged, painful turns of the Kennedy legacy and the Onassis years. And how, beneath those iconic pillboxes, she never seemed to sweat.
Which brings us to the point of this book. Dozens of works have sought to portray the real Jackie, and fix her mark on events historic. Yet no book has applied Jackies day-to-day philosophies to your life, or extrapolated her timeless coping skills for the twenty-first-century woman. With the publics interest in all things Kennedy hardly abated, it seems appropriateeven necessaryto now view Jackie through a more modern prism. To connect the dots of her richly textured life and distill them into a practical, instructive guide.
Over the last four decades, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis has attracted almost as many writers as fans. Her public life as a young mother in the White House, followed by more Garbo-like periods in Greece and New York, continue to fascinate people who knew only her photograph. Her allure, and her example, go well beyond the printed page: When New Yorks Metropolitan Museum of Art displayed her White House finery in a 2001 costume exhibit, it attracted an international sell-out crowd. And two Sothebys auctions featuring items from her estate and her homes yielded dizzying bids.
Still, the somber words and the artifacts are not enough. We are ever fascinated by this private womanour royal equivalentwho will always be the pinnacle of beauty and wisdom. What Would Jackie Do? explores the alchemy of Jackies timeless living arts to show what it takes to be a creature of true substance today. The first book of its kind, it aims her famous gaze in the readers direction through advice, insight, and humor (Jackie did, after all, possess quite the wicked wit).
At a time when classic smarts have gone missing in our fractured popular culture, this book is meant to serve as the print equivalent of having Jackie herself analyzeindeed, make overyour life. What Would Jackie Do? will show you how to be steely yet soignea tonic that the Jennifer Anistons and J.Los (starlets with only fleeting fame)crave. With the Elegant One as your personal advisor, you can acquire some of that Jackie O magic, be it of the heart, the mind, or the home.
Youll know, for example, when a designer is worth his couture costs, and when you are better off with a good knockoff. Youll learn to deftly approach everything from mating rituals to office politics with as much savoir faire as Jackie did in her time. If she could make guests both plain and privileged feel at ease in the White House, how can you do the same in your own home? As for her famously strict and successful child-rearing ways, how might you translate and apply similar methods? And how can you interpret for your own purposes her complex ability to handle powerful men?
By definition, this is a work that must straddle the lines of history and myth, observation and advice, reverence and irreverence. We also suggest what Jackie might do today in a world where the rules of social conduct are ever more fluid. Would she e-mail thank-you notes? Use a BlackBerry to deliver bad news? Consign old clothes? Try Pilates? Withhold sex until the second date or fifth? Fly the kids first class or coach?
What Would Jackie Do? takes its cues from dozens of original interviews, as well as biographies, historical references and documents, articles, oral histories, photographs, and other previously published works. As a reality check, let us underscore two key points. First, Jackie, for all her gemlike facets, was hardly without flaws. To that end, this book will help you understand what she knew all too well: How best to transform your weaknesses into strengths. Second, most women lack the financial resources and/or social connections to lead the life that she did. With that in mind, we reveal how even Jackie cut corners and pinched a few pennies.
In summary, this book is designed to give you a solid yet whimsical foundation from which to draw inspiration and advice. To compel you to ask, when confronted with matters sartorial, ethical, practical: What Would Jackie Do?