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Carlos Castaneda - Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico

Here you can read online Carlos Castaneda - Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 1998, publisher: Harper, genre: Romance novel. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Carlos Castaneda Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico
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Tensegrity is Carlos Castanedas term for the specialized movements -- magical passes -- that were discovered and developed by Mexican shamans in ancient times. Shrouded in secrecy, they are the pathway to shamanistic dreaming and seeing. In this unprecedented book, Castaneda unveils the highly specific positions and movements of the body necessary to spiritual navigation, exercises he learned from his master, Don Juan Matus. Mastering them, readers will experience an unequaled sense of physical vitality, youth, and mental power, and be able to journey on their own to other realms of perception.Offering the spirituality of his New Age favorites The Art of Dreaming and The Teachings of Don Juan in a self-help format, Magical Passes is a pragmatic and original approach to spiritual discovery.

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"Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico" - 1998 by Carlos Castaneda

The two practitioners of Tensegrity demonstrating the magical passes throughout - photo 1

The two practitioners of Tensegrity demonstrating the magical passes throughout the rest of the book are Kylie Lundahl and Miles Reid.

To every one of the practitioners of Tensegrity, who, by rallying their forces around it, have put me in touch with energetic formulations that were never available to don Juan Matus or the shamans of his lineage. -CC

The First Series: Fourth Group: Breathing In the Energy of Intent

The three magical passes of this group are for stirring, gathering, and transporting energy for intent from three centers- around the feet, on the ankles, and right below the kneecaps- and placing it on the centers of vitality around the kidneys, the liver, the pancreas, the womb, and the genitals. The recommendation to practitioners on the execution of these magical passes is that since they are accompanied by breaths, the inhalations and exhalations should be slow and profound; and that there should be a crystal clear intent on the part of the practitioners that the adrenals receive an instantaneous boost while the deep breaths are taken.

35. Dragging Energy from the Kneecaps Along the Front of the Thighs

A deep inhalation is taken as the arms hang by the sides and the hands waver in a continuous tremor, as if stirring a gaseous matter. An exhalation begins as the hands are lifted to the waist, and the palms of the hands strike down in unison, on each side of the body, with great force (fig. 84).The arms are only slightly bent so that the palms of the hands are a few - photo 2 The arms are only slightly bent, so that the palms of the hands are a few inches below the stomach. The hands are three or four inches apart, held at ninety-degree angles with the forearms, the fingers pointing forward. Slowly and without touching, the hands make one circle inward toward the front of the body; the muscles of the arms, stomach, and legs are fully contracted (fig. 85).A second circle is drawn in the same fashion as the air is totally expelled - photo 3 A second circle is drawn in the same fashion as the air is totally expelled through clenched teeth.

Another deep inhalation is taken, and the air is slowly exhaled as three more inward circles are drawn in front of the body. The hands are then retrieved to the front of the hips, and they slide down the front of die thighs with the heels of the palms, fingers slightly turned up, all the way to the kneecaps. The air is fully exhaled then. A third deep inhalation is taken while the tips of the fingers press the bottom of the kneecaps. The head is held facing downward, in line with the spine (fig. 86).Then as the bent knees are straightened the hands with the fingers clawed - photo 4 Then, as the bent knees are straightened, the hands, with the fingers clawed, are dragged up the thighs to the hips, as the air is slowly exhaled. With the last portion of the exhalation, the hands are then brushed on the respective centers of vitality around the pancreas and the liver.

36. Dragging Energy from the Sides of the Legs

A deep inhalation is taken as the hands, held by the sides of the body, shake with a continuous tremor. The hands strike down exactly as in the previous magical pass. An exhalation begins there, while the hands draw, in a similar fashion, two small outward circles by the sides of the body. The muscles of the arms, stomach, and legs are tensed to the maximum. The elbows are held fight but slightly bent (fig. 87).After the two circles have been drawn all the air is expelled and a deep - photo 5

After the two circles have been drawn, all the air is expelled, and a deep inhalation is taken. Three more outward circles are drawn as the air is slowly exhaled. The hands are then brought to the sides of the hips. The fingers are slightly raised as the heels of the hands rub all the way down the sides of the legs until the fingers reach the outside knobs of the ankles. The head is facing downward, in line with the body (fig. 88).The exhalation ends there and a deep inhalation is taken with the index and - photo 6 The exhalation ends there, and a deep inhalation is taken with the index and middle fingers pressing the bottom of the knobs (fig. 89).A slow exhalation begins as the hands with the fingers clawed are dragged up - photo 7 A slow exhalation begins as the hands, with the fingers clawed, are dragged up the sides of the legs to the hips. The exhalation is completed while the palms are brushed on the two respective centers of vitality.

37. Dragging Energy from the Front of the Legs

Again, a deep inhalation is taken as the hands, held by the sides of the body, are shaken. Both arms make a circle by the sides of the body, beginning toward the back, and going over the head (fig. 90)to strike forcefully in front of the body with the palms down and the fingers - photo 8 to strike forcefully in front of the body with the palms down and the fingers pointing forward. A slow exhalation begins there, while the hands, starting with the left, move forward and backward three times in alternating succession, as if sliding over a smooth surface. The exhalation ends when the heels of both hands are touching the rib cage (fig. 91).A deep inhalation is taken then The left hand moves in a sliding motion to the - photo 9 A deep inhalation is taken then. The left hand moves in a sliding motion to the left followed by the right hand sliding to the right; this sequence is executed a total of three times in alternating succession. They end with the heels of the palms against the rib cage, the thumbs nearly touching each other (fig. 92).Next both hands are made to slide down the front of the legs until they reach - photo 10 Next, both hands are made to slide down the front of the legs until they reach the tendons on the front of the ankles (fig. 93).The exhalation ends there A deep inhalation is taken as the tendon is tensed - photo 11

The exhalation ends there. A deep inhalation is taken as the tendon is tensed by lifting the big toe until the tendon seems to pop/up; the index and middle fingers of each hand vibrate the tendons by pressing on them (fig. 94).With the fingers clawed the hands are dragged up the front of the legs to the - photo 12 With the fingers clawed, the hands are dragged up the front of the legs to the hips as a slow exhalation begins. The palms are gently rubbed on the centers of vitality as the exhalation ends.


The Second Series: The Series for the Womb

According to don Juan Matus, one of the most specific interests of the shamans who lived in Mexico in ancient times was what they called the liberation of the womb.

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