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Margaret Runyan Castaneda - A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda

Here you can read online Margaret Runyan Castaneda - A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2001, publisher: iUniverse, genre: Detective and thriller. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Margaret Runyan Castaneda A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda

A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda: summary, description and annotation

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Carlos Castaneda burst onto the academic and cultural scene in 1968 when he published the first of four books detailing his supposed apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian sorcerer named Don Juan. While academic critics contend Castaneda invented Don Juan, believers say the fog surrounding his existence express the very ideals that Castaneda attributed to his apprenticeship. Little is known of the Peruvian claiming to be Don Juans apprentice, but in addition to leading a generation into a mystical otherworld, Carlos Castaneda was also a man. Married to him for thirteen years was Margaret Runyan Castaneda. A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda reads partly like a love story, partly like a tell-all account of a celebrity writer. Margaret Castaneda concentrates on the years leading up to her marriage in 1960. It was then Margaret and Carlos explored many of the ideas - from controlling dreams to using hallucinogenic mushrooms - that he claims to have learned from Don Juan. Nevertheless, Margaret Castenada believes her husband was indeed a sorcerer, and she still loves him. She insists Castanedas academic critics miss the point. Im willing to accept Don Juan as a spiritual teacher, and it really doesnt matter if hes not real. But the role she claims - in developing the ideas Carlos purports to be Don Juans - ought to be recognized, she says, so she wrote this book.

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M argaret Runyan Castaneda

iUniverse.co m , Inc.

San Jose New York L i n c oln Shangha i

A M agical Journey with Carlos Castan ed a

All Rights Reser v ed 1 by M argaret Runy a n Castaneda

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Don't w rite in stone or w rit e in wood ,

t hat I was honest or t hat I w as good ,

But w rite in s m oke on a passing breeze

S even wo r ds and t h e wo rds are t hese :

Filling m ore than a volu m e could,

He lived, he l a ughed a nd he understood.

Don Blanding , M y Epithet


C a rlos looked at m e w ith those big bro w n eyes that looked like ebony a lm o n ds. He w as in an i m pish moo d. H e w hispered, "Oh , m issa Runyan, I w i l l start a revolution that w i ll last beyond our lifeti m e and you ar e a part o f it!"

He laughed. It sounded a lm ost inhu m a n , like the ca w ing of a cro w . "Carlos, you are crazy!" I said. Then he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I hit him w ith m y purse. W e fell do w n laughing. I w as hooked by this di m inutive m an w ho w ould beco m e m y husband.

One of Carlos's good fri e nds during his early da ys in Los Ang ele s was L ydette Mad u ro, a chubby , dark- ey ed Costa Rican w ho lived i n L os Angeles w ith her m other. He called her Nanecca and saw her frequently prior to the end of 1955. It wa s Lyd e tt e w ho brought Carlos to my apa r t m e n t i n Dece m ber 1955. M rs. Angela M aduro, her m other, had m ade two cocktai l dresses for the Ch ri st m as holiday sea son for me . Carlos acco m panied L ydette on the errand. H e sat silently in the corner w hil e I tried the dresses on to see that they fit just right. Th e dresses w ere beautiful. O ne w as blu e peau-de-soie w ith a dropped w aist l ine and Chanti ll y lace fitt e d top with rhinestone straps. The skirt w a s puffed at the b o tt o m like pantaloons and quite short. Th e other dress w as a m andarin silk brocade w ith Chin e s e motifs on it. They fit perfect ly. As C a rlos and Lyd e tt e w ere leavi n g, she stepped outside the door a nd w ith Carlos beside her she said "Oh M argarita, this is my friend, Carlos fro m South A m erica." He s m iled a t me - said nothing and they turned and w alked a w a y .

I closed the door, stood there ov e rw hel m ed by the look he had given me. M y head pound e d w hi l e my m ind w as thinking o v er the encounter. I couldn't get hi m out of my m ind; I felt t he look he ga v e m e w as a sure sign he w ould call soon. Ho w ever , he didn't.

Short l y after that , I w ent to the M aduros to pick up the dresses. T hey w ere ready for a final fi tt ing. Before leaving m y apart m en t , I had an intuitive i m pulse or hunch that pro m pted m e to do so m ething unusual. I w rote my name , a ddress and t elephone nu m b e r in a book by Neville Goddard, T h e Search. I planned to give it to Carlos if the occasion arose.

M y arrival a t L y de tt e's ho u se unexpected caught her off guard. Carlos was there ( wh ich proved m y hunch was right). The cocktail dress w as lying on the bed. Carlos and Lydette we re talking and didn't notice I w as there 'till I cleared m y t hroa t and s a id, ''Hello, Lyde tt e." She turned towards m e startled, while Carlos just s m iled. She said , "Carlos , m other needs yo ur help in the kitchen. "

As he left th e roo m , Lyde tt e s m iled and said sweetly, "Next t im e, call before y ou co m e."

I kne w she was hop e lessl y in love with t he m an she told m e w as only a friend of the fa m ily. She needn't wo rry though. I wo uld never fall in love again. I t was the on l y thing I w as ce rtain about. Still I felt nervous. I w anted to ru n.

Of course I couldn't run. I had co m e to try the dresses on and take them w ith me. I had parties to attend. Then she said the y w ere not quite ready."I'll co m e back," I said , "w hen would be a good tim e?" " M other wi ll call you ," L y dette said. Then wi th a change of mood she became f riendly and talked about ou r t i mes in the past, things we did w ith Carlos and her b r other that I dated w ho had been killed in a revolution in Costa Rica. I had spent many happ y times w ith their family.

As Lyde tt e sho w ed m e to the door, she said , "You really like Carlos , don't you?"

" W e l l, he seem s nice," I said.

"'I wa rn you , be w are of hi m , he has po w er . .. "

"'That litt l e man? Lydette, he only co m es to m y shoulder."

"Not physi c al pow er,'' she whispered. "He can ch a r m yo u r soul, he is a c u r an dero."

"'A what ?"

"Sham an, a magician."

I looked at Lydette in disbelief. Carlos looked more like an Indian w i t h a y o u t hfu l fa ce, than a wizard. "I'm sure he's a magician," I said to hu m or her, because I didn' t belie v e a w ord she said.

"I a m right, " she said. "I kno w w hat I believe is true and you will find out too, if you're not car e f ul ."

Believing she was t rying to sc are m e aw ay f ro m the m an she co n sidered her property, I said, "Don't wo rry, Lydette, I ' m not very at t racted to Carlos."

I w anted it to be true , but so m ething was happening to m e, I don't kno w w hat but I sensed this was not m y last meeting w ith Carlos.

"I t hi n k you are lying , Miss Ru n yan ," ' Lyde t te's e y es said, then she w a l ked me to the door in silence.

W e stood t h e r e a mom ent, Lyde tt e on t he threshold, and I on the step. Suddenly, Carlos appeared beside L y de tt e smiling broadly his teeth looked like pearls. "Goodb y e, Miss a R u n y an ," he said, stepping forward, extending his hand. It was then I s lipped hi m the book fro m m y purse, Neville's, Th e S e a rch . Inside I had written m y telephone num ber and address. He tucked it under his arm out of Lyd e tte's vie w and returne d to the house. Ly d ette w aved goodbye. I walk e d along the side w alk to the bus stop, and sat do wn beside an old la dy wi th a shopping cart full of bottles. She asked for a quar te r. My hand was shaking a s I looked in m y purs e . Some thing had happened to m e at Lyde tt e's house. W hat, I did not kno w but it was exciting.

As the bus ru m bled up Vine Street and onto Wilshire Boulevard, I looked out a t the ci t y lights and s a w Carlos's face re fl ected in each o f the m .

He had m y nu m ber. I w ill not tr y to call him , I told m yself.

But i t was to no avail. Deep do w n I kne w we w ould m e e t again. So I visualized his face and whispered a silent m essage: c a l l m e. T hen t he long w ait began...

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