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Ravished by the Pirates

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Ravished by the Pirates




The Capture

The fight was over in less then ten minutes, the pirates adroit at surprise. They attacked just as dawn broke; their pirate ship silently sailed within feet of the larger vessel and quickly pulled along side, the pirates swinging by rope to the other ship. They caught the lookouts sleeping, probably bored with looking at the dark horizon for so long, comfortable in knowing that no one would attack one of the King of Spains ships. They failed to recognize the tenacity of Captain James. His hatred for the Spanish was undeniable; their ship in his waters was just too much to pass up. Although outnumbered in men and guns, his pirates fought with a savageness that surprised the sailors, some jumping overboard rather than fight the bloodthirsty pirates. In less then ten minutes, the dark wood of the deck was stained in the bright red of the blood of the Spanish sailors that stood and fought.

His men threw the bodies overboard, the splashing as they hit the water almost continuous. Final count, 75 sailors and five officers killed. Not bad for a crew of pirates numbering only forty. Ten of his men were killed or wounded severely; a trip back to Port Royal in Jamaica would be their next stop, a sail of about twenty days. There they would sell the treasures from this ship and the men would have a chance to spend their plunder in wine and women. They would have a long rest while Captain James re-supplied the ship with arms, provisions and men, his legendary prowess on the high sea would lure many eager to join his crew.

A search of the ship began in earnest now that the bodies had been disposed of. The ship was as quiet as a church, the eerie silence marred only by the waves lapping at the side of the ship. Captain James Bonny led the first party below decks. First Officer Stede maintained the rest of the men topside, their eyes peeled on the horizon to make sure no other ship might sneak up on them. Captain James led a party of ten men, their knives out, too close of quarters below ship for their cutlasses. They raided the Captains quarters, finding a safe left carelessly open filled with jewels and gold. The galley would supply them with rations back to Port Royal with the sort of food they rarely enjoyed, meat, wine and even fresh fruit. He sent one man up to the deck to bring a party down to haul away the spoils. They moved on to the living quarters, but the lowly sailors had little to steal. The door at the end opened up into a long hallway, the officers quarters. They stood quiet, the sound of whispering from the other end of the hall startling them. It sounds like women, one of the sailors whispered.

Maybe our luck has changed for the better, Captain James said quietly. We will have some nice farmers daughters to warm our beds on the way home and make some money selling them in the slave market. Once they returned to Port Royal women were quickly dispatched to the slave market, many sold to serve out the rest of their lives in whore houses, servicing those that wished to pay for the pleasure that their pussies, mouths and assholes would provide. He hoped they were young daughters instead of wives, virgins instead of mothers. His men would enjoy the ravishment of the girls, coercing them with the whip to perform whatever perversion his men could think of, each girl having to take on the whole crew in a continuous orgy. When the pirates tired of waiting their turns, they would take the girls at the same time, all of her orifices filled with the raging hard cocks of lustful pirates.

Captain James would get his pick of the lot, keeping her in his cabin to service his carnal needs, a locker filled with various toys and instruments of torture that he had picked up around the world to use on the lovely flesh of a female, her screams making his cock all that much harder.

They crept quietly toward the doors, each one picking one of the four closed doors, their large knives at the ready, and their hands on the door handle as the Captain counted. At the count of three they burst into the room, screaming at the top of their lungs, hoping to scare anyone inside.

The girls were startled by the pirates bursting into their rooms. They had hidden below deck when the fighting started, shivering in fear as they heard the screaming and yelling on the deck. Things turned quiet quickly, their eyes staring out the port holes as body after body was tossed overboard, the bloodied faces of the ships crew passing before them as they were dumped into their watery graves. Severed heads bobbed in the water before finally sinking from sight, some of the girls vomiting in disgust.

The pirates forced the girls into the narrow hallway, the girls jabbering in Spanish to each other as the men laughed at the distress that shone on their faces. A total of nine girls. Not farmers daughters, not even farmers mothers. These were different; they seemed to be handmaidens for a Lady, a Spanish Noblewoman. The Captain found her among them quickly. While the other girls had a frightened look on their faces, she stood proudly as if she were still in command, the haughty look staring at him in defiance.

They were all dressed regally, as if they were about to attend a formal ball, clothes out of place on a ship in the open sea. Their long dresses almost dragged on the deck of the ship, completely covering their legs, but the fabric of the dresses clung to their asses, molding the taut flesh into pert mounds that begged to be touched. But what drew the pirates attention were the bodices of the dresses. Eighteen pert, white breasts stood proudly, partially revealed by the dress, pushed up by unseen garments that seemed to thrust them into the eyes of the lookers, tips almost sharp enough to poke your eye out if you could get that close.

Large cocks bulged in the trousers of the pirates, none harder or longer than Captain James, who was known for his sexual prowess. And his prowess extended to the cruelty to female flesh that had the misfortune to be captured by his crew and thrown into his bed. For the next twenty days the ship would ring with the cries begging, sobbing and screaming as the girls endured the most horrific pain that the pirates could inflict, all with the express purpose of making their cocks hard. And then they would be ravished, each girl forced to watch as their friends were fucked one by one, cruelly and harshly in public view, their virginity taken without regard for the pain. In fact, the more painful the better. And not just their vaginas. But their mouths, forced to suck more cocks in a day then most girls would in a lifetime. And the final degradation, sodomized while her friends watched, large cocks filling their most intimate hole in a perverted act that tore their anus, the blood used to lubricate the cock of their pirate that had taken her.

For those that refused, the punishments were harsh and swift, stripped, bound and whipped. If that still didn't loosen the virtues of the girl, the pirates had tools from the Orient that would be used on tender bodies that would make them sing for their captors, sing a song of pain

Take them topside. Bind their arms behind their backs; you dont want to find a knife in your gut. Search the rooms; see what kind of treasure these beauties are hiding.

The men were eager to jump on the girls, pulling their arms behind their backs, metal cuffs used to secure them, the metal clanging noisily as they tightened on their thin wrists.

Dont you dare touch me you illiterate pirate. Dont you know who I am? I am Princess Stefani of Spain. You will find yourself on the end of a hangmans noose if you touch me. She thrust up tall, defiant to the men as she struggled to prevent them from cuffing her.

Ill take care of her, Captain James stated as he moved towards her.

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