Celibacy and Transmutation of
Sexual Energy for Deeper Meditation
Written by Russell Symonds
(Yogi Shaktivirya)
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Copyright Information
Copyright (1st Edition) Oct. 28, 2012
Copyright (2nd Edition) April 21, 2014
Copyright (3rd Edition) Sept. 25, 2014
Copyright (4th Edition) Jan. 12, 2016
Unless otherwise stated, all images for this publication were painted,
designed and Copyright Mar. 5, 2014 by Yogi Shaktivirya. Related
information contained in this ebook can be found elsewhere on my websites,
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All the information in this book is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure any illness. As with any written material that advocates personal changes to ones diet, alternative ways of thinking, and alternative therapies, and even though I do all I can to safeguard the reader from anything that could be hazardous or dangerous, I cannot be responsible for any loss or damages resulting from any accidents related to and/or deliberate misuse of this most valuable and extraordinary material. By accessing this material, you agree to use this information responsibly, carefully and at your own discretion. Please consult with your physician before trying any health product or making changes to your diet or lifestyle. Please be sure you know exactly what sort of illness you are treating before determining that any of the following information would be of any interest. Thanks and be safe!
Table of Contents:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Introduction : Transmutation of Celibacy
Just as humankind has learned to master and control many natural forces in the world, a yogi (or yogini) is a very special (and unfortunately rare) individual who's inclination is to control and master the inner forces of nature, such as thoughts, emotions, cravings, and desires, especially the biological force of sexual or vital energy, libido or innate sensuality.
The yogi or yogini manages to successfully master his or her emotions and sexual energy not by force, but through purification of brain and body cells and then by absorption of vital prana. The transmutation of sex into inner peace, bliss, joy and love is the wonderful end result.
One of the greatest mysteries of life is sex, sexual desire, and sexual energy. This instinct to procreate came about as a natural result of the evolutionary process throughout eons of time. Without sex, there would never have been the development of all the different forms we now experience throughout the animal kingdom. Sex is a huge and inseparable part of the evolutionary process toward the ever-growing complexity and advancement of species toward greater efficiency and intelligence.
As a result of the vital importance of sex in the evolutionary and procreative process, some of the main pathways of the human nervous system are dedicated to sexual behavior and fulfillment in a very huge way. Naturally, the fulfillment that comes as a result of sexual and romantic activity is what nearly everyone would consider to be the most ideal, exciting and desirable experience ever enjoyed.
However, when libido is spent or used up in the process of reproductive activity, the spiritual side often suffers. During the loss of sexual fluids, much of the neurotransmitter dopamine (responsible for emotional excitement) in the brain is removed and replaced by prolactin, another neurotransmitter which has the effect of making further sexual activity undesirable. Too much sexual activity over time may cause a couple to break up from each other and look for another partner. People who want to stick together need to redirect their sexual energy into bliss and unconditional love. This book will explain several unique ways how to achieve this effect if stability and love in one's relationship is to remain part of one's experience rather than living at the mercy of the awful evolution-boosting habit of bouncing haphazardly from partner to partner.
There is what I would like to call "nature's conspiracy" or the strong tendency in many humans to mix and intermingle with as many partners as possible in one lifetime. If one does not wish to remain a pawn or biological slave of Mother Nature, libido vitality can and should be conserved to create a subtle biological energy substance called "ojas" which can not only be used by individuals to greatly enhance their relationships, but also helps yogis to enhance their meditations and powers greatly.
A certain level of experience in samadhi can only be achieved while being celibate, fasting as long as comfortable between whole, nutritionally complete meals and living on only the most natural, ancient human diet while flooding every cell in the body with the transmuting essence of prana which can be found in nature.
Chapter One (1)
Learn How to Conserve Vital Sexual Energy for Bliss
Regular sexual activity is considered normal and healthy, yet on a higher level of wellness, that is not true at all. There is a "beyond healthy" where sexual or vital energy can, through a practice derived from the Taoist "deer exercise" provide profound fulfillment without the usual loss of vital fluid and precious sexual energy.
The Taoist "deer exercise" originated from ancient China before the time of Confucius when the idea of conserving vital sexual energy for greater pleasure was widely practiced, honored and revered. Using this technique to prevent ejaculation is very, very simple: simply contract all the muscles in the anal and pelvic area which controls the release of urine right before orgasm or release of sexual fluid to prevent ejaculation (in men) and loss of sexual fluid (in women).
To make sure this technique is being done correctly, while urinating contract those muscles in the anal-pelvic area, immediately stopping the flow of urine midstream. Practice this contraction (at first while urinating) over and over every day for several weeks or until it becomes a fully ingrained habit. Always practice or apply this method to stop the release of vital sexual fluid during sexual activity. However, this method may not work or be suitable for those who have a prostate or other related medical condition. For example, there is a condition called "pelvic myoneuropathy" in which contracting the muscles to stop ejaculation might even be harmful.
This is why successful transmutation is essential to be physically fit, whole, and healthy in all the vital organs of the body, especially the sex organs. I will, many times throughout this book, discuss the importance of eating a preagricultural, whole foods diet of super foods and adaptogenic herbs, plus regular water fasting, exercise and deep breathing prana from nature. Otherwise, the conservation of sexual fluid may cause more problems than it is worth. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS REGARDING YOUR HEALTH IN GENERAL AND YOUR SEXUAL HEALTH IN PARTICULAR BEFORE STARTING TO USE THE "DEER EXERCISE" TO CONTROL LOSS OF SEXUAL FLUID.
Conserving vital energy while being in a state of high-level wellness can bring one incredible states of bliss and natural happiness throughout one's lifetime. However, trying to conserve one's libido while not in the optimal states of health and while there are subtle energy blockages in the spine can result in frustration. It is therefore vital to stay always in a state of inner purity and freedom from addictions to remain comfortably celibate. Yet it would make much more sense for an older person to conserve vital sexual energy than for a younger person, because older individuals tend to not create as much. If a young person in his late teens loses sexual fluids, he can recover within a few days, but it could take as long as a month for an older man to fully recover.
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