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ISBN 978 1 85733 881 2
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Cover image: Seventeenth-century merchants houses fronting onto the canal in Amsterdam. iStock.
Images on the following pages reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license: Paul Kusters.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license: (bottom) Minke Wagenaar from Amsterdam, NL.
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About the Author
SHERYL BUCKLAND is an English management trainer and business studies tutor who lived for sixteen years in the Netherlands, and who has worked for public and private organizations in both Britain and the Netherlands. A member of the British Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, she holds an M.A. in Education and an M.A. in Social Sciences. While living in the Netherlands, Sheryl immersed herself in Dutch culture, conducting research on cultural acclimatization, the role of Dutch-language teachers, and child development. During this time she also worked as an Associate Lecturer for the British Open University Business School, and as a Business Communications Tutor for undergraduates in the Utrecht Hogeschools Faculty of Economics and Management. She and her husband now live in Stratford-upon-Avon, but she retains close links with the Netherlands through her Dutch and expatriate friends and regular visits.
The Culture Smart! series is continuing to expand. All Culture Smart! guides are available as e-books, and many as audio books.
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The publishers would like to thank CultureSmart!Consulting for its help in researching and developing the concept for this series.
CultureSmart!Consulting creates tailor-made seminars and consultancy programs to meet a wide range of corporate, public-sector, and individual needs. Whether delivering courses on multicultural team building in the USA, preparing Chinese engineers for a posting in Europe, training call-center staff in India, or raising the awareness of police forces to the needs of diverse ethnic communities, it provides essential, practical, and powerful skills worldwide to an increasingly international workforce.
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CultureSmart!Consulting and CultureSmart! guides have both contributed to and featured regularly in the weekly travel program Fast Track on BBC World TV.
Map of the Netherlands
Culture Smart! Netherlands is written for those travelers who want to get to the heart of the country. It describes the main features of Dutch society and culture and offers insights and practical advice on what to expect and how to behave in different circumstances.
In painting this picture it has been necessary to use a broad brush. Generalizations, of course, have their limitations. For every description of a typical Dutch person in a typical situation there will be somebody who behaves quite differently. However, over the centuries certain national characteristics have evolved. The Dutch are renowned for their organizational skills and their commercial acumen. They are known for being hospitable, friendly, pragmatic, tolerant, fair-minded, and just. They are famous for their struggle to control the sea that constantly threatens to flood their land, and their hydraulic engineers are highly regarded throughout the world. At the height of its power in the seventeenth century, this small seafaring nation led Europe and the world in cultural and scientific endeavor, and laid the foundations for the modern age.
This book covers different aspects of Dutch life. The chapters on social values and attitudes and on the way business is conducted offer psychological insights and practical advice that will help in your personal and professional dealings with Dutch people. Personal vignettes and case studies illustrate the general points. Other sections provide background information on geography, politics, and government. One of the most important of these is the brief historical outlinea people are their collective memory, and Dutch history and contemporary culture are closely intertwined.
There is also more general informationfor instance on travel, accommodation, and festivals in the Netherlands. You can use the index or the extended contents pages to dip into sections that particularly interest you, or you can start at the beginning and work through from cover to cover.
Culture Smart! Netherlands introduces you to the inner life of the Dutch people and the subtle complexities of their culture. As the historian Simon Schama says in The Embarrassment of Riches: But if there is one Dutch culture, there are many rooms within it it can swim with variety yet remain coherent unto itself. And such puzzles divert. They can even instruct.
Great riches await the visitor. Enjoy your reading!
Key Facts
Offical Name | The Kingdom of the Netherlands | (Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) |
Capital City | Amsterdam |
Main Cities | The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Maastricht |
Area | 16,033 square miles (41,526 sq. km). | Approx. the size of Massachusetts and Connecticut combined |
Climate | Temperate |
Currency | Euro. Since January 1, 2002 |
Population | 17.1 million |
Ethnic Makeup | 78% Dutch, 22% other | About 12% are of non-Western European origin: Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, Antillean. |
Language | Dutch and Frisian (only spoken in Friesland) | In the Dutch Antilles English and Papiamento are also spoken. |
Religion | 44% unaffiliated, 29% Roman Catholic, 19% Protestant, and 8% other, including 6% Muslim, 1% Hindu, and 1% Buddhist |
Government | The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch is head of state currently King Willem-Alexander. The prime minister is the head of government. There are 12 provinces. |
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