Do More Pushups
- Complete Edition -
By Barry Rabkin
Certified Sports Nutritionist & National Council on Strength & Fitness Personal Trainer
Foreword by Nick Nilsson, Author of Muscle Explosion and Mad Scientist Muscle
Copyright 2015 Barry Rabkin. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the publisher's written consent.
Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutrition program. We are not liable for any injuries or damages. You train at your own risk.
This book is proudly dedicated to all the brave men and women serving their countries in the military and law enforcement. Your strength inspires us all.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Nick Nilsson Author of Muscle Explosion and Mad Scientist Muscle
#1 Introduction 13
#2 - Strategy and Goals 19
Balance 20
Function Follows Form 21
Eliminate Your Weakest Link 25
Grease the Groove 28
Reps+Rest= Results 31
Keep Records 33
Wanna Bet? 36
Never Be Sore Again: Workout Secrets 37
Never Be Sore Again: Post-Workout
Secrets 41
Hair of the Dog that Bit You 49
Kill Your Cortisol 50
Rest for Your Test 51
Alcohol vs. Athlete 52
Practice Perfection 54
Visualize 56
#3 - Workout Formats 61
21s 62
Beat the Clock 63
Make the Most of Your Time 64
Pyramids 67
Relays 68
Rep Targeting 71
Rest Reduction 73
Tabata Drills 74
Tag Team 76
Volume Training 79
#4 Plateau Busters 82
2-Up 1-Down Negative 83
Aftershock 90
Failure Is Only the Beginning 91
Hands Off 93
Muscular Overload 94
Odds & Evens 97
Partials/ Burns 100
Plyometrics 100
Pre-Exhaust 102
Rest-Pause 104
Do the Twist 105
#5 - Pre-Test Preparation 111
Break a Sweat 112
Fight or Flight? 113
Meditate 117
Work to Rest 118
Post-Activation Potentiation 121
#6 - Test Taking Techniques 125
Bare Foot 126
No Restrictions 130
Breathe Easy 131
Valsalva Maneuver 133
Chest Out 135
Explode 137
Muscular Activation 139
Grab the Floor 140
Irradiation 142
Efficient Range of Motion 144
Mix It Up 150
Rest Between Reps 152
Pace Yourself 154
Rest Right 158
Side Foot 159
Wide Legs 163
#7 Conclusion 166
The Push-Up is one of the classic tests of strength and muscular endurance. Practically every organization that tests the fitness of it's members or applicants uses the push-up as a measuring stick. And for good reason! It's true indicator of physical fitness.
And that's where Barry Rabkin and his book "How to Do More Push-Ups" comes in!
Barry has done a tremendous job explaining, dissecting and compiling all the information you need to take your push-up strength and endurance to a whole new level.
With the techniques and workouts found in this book, you will absolutely see amazing gains in your push-up numbers.
I've been in the fitness business more than 20 years and I still learned a lot from this book, especially about how to best take a push-up test. There are tips, tricks and techniques that not help you get ready for testing, but actually perform better during the test as well...and that can mean the difference between success or failure...acceptance or rejection.
If you're looking for a complete manual on how to do more push-ups, the title of this book really does say it all!
Nick Nilsson
Author of Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass, The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of, and Mad Scientist Muscle.
Nick has been weight training for more than 20 years and has been a certified personal trainer for 13 years. He holds a degree in Physical Education and Psychology.
#1 Introduction
Knowledge is power. - Francis Bacon
One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself. - Leonardo da Vinci
Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power. - Seneca
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. - Lao-Tzu
I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself. - Pietro Aretino
Everyone would like to be able to do more pushups. For some of us, it's an opportunity to increase our fitness and physical mastery to finally reach a lifetime goal, such as 50 pushups or even a one-handed pushup. For some, it's a cheap, convenient, and portable workout that we can do anytime and anywhere. Many enjoy challenging friends, co-workers, and family members to pushup contests, either as a motivating challenge or as a demonstration of strength and endurance.
For our men and women in the military and law enforcement, pushups are a job requirement. The following are the current men's minimum pushup requirements for both the military and law enforcement organizations. These numbers represent what you must be able to complete before they will even consider admitting you. More are expected, and you should aim to do double these pushup numbers if you want to set yourself apart:
Delta Force - 55
FBI Hostage Rescue Team - 50
Army Ranger - 49
Air Force - 45
Navy - 42
National Guard - 35
ROTC - 35
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) - 35
FBI Special Agent - 30
Coast Guard 29
To stand out, the maximum pushups for a perfect score on the men's Army Physical Fitness Test is 77 pushups in 2 minutes. No matter how qualified or dedicated you are, unless you meet the minimum requirements above, you will not be given an opportunity to serve. Fortunately, anyone can meet and exceed these goals, as long as you have the preparation, workout, and techniques that I will share with you.
I am certified as a National Council on Strength and Fitness personal trainer, and I have had the privilege of helping candidates apply to both the military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, easily breezing through their physical fitness tests.
This book is broken into 5 sections:
1) Strategy and Goals - Choose your personal goals and customize your training to eliminate sticking points and maximize results!
2) Pushup Workouts - An exhaustively-tested collection of the most effective pushup workouts! Find your favorite or throw new challenges at your body for fresh gains every time!
3) Plateau Busters - Our bodies quickly adapt to our workouts and thrive off new challenges. These methods will let you blast through any plateau!
4) Pre-Test Preparation - Before your pushup test or contest begins, prepare your mind and body to give their best performance!
5) Test Taking Technique - Do more pushups by improving the efficiency of your pushup form. Increase your stability and minimize wasted energy. Dramatically improve your performance by applying these techniques!
Whether doing more pushups for a job requirement, a workout, a personal goal, as part of a healthy lifestyle, or just for bragging rights, I will help you quickly break through your current limits to a new level of physical mastery, confidence, and power.
#2 Strategy and Goals
I have found that the more I prepare, the luckier I get. - Gary Player
Choose your personal goals and customize your training to eliminate sticking points and maximize your fast results!
Your body craves balance. If you have a strong chest and a weak back, not only will the imbalance look strange, it can causes injuries. If you only train pushups and neglect the rest of your body, it will be a sticking point. Your body wants to be proportional.
The 3 biggest muscles groups in your body are your chest, back, and legs. Even if pushups are your primary goal, make sure you exercise your back and leg muscle groups as well. Not only will you look more symmetrical, but it will keep your body growing consistently, burn more calories, stimulate more natural testosterone and growth hormone, and help prevent injuries.
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