Praise for The Akashic Records
Throughout the ages there have been only a few teachers who have found clear and concise ways to bring forth information that might otherwise be so entangled in mystery as to be impossible to understand. Ernesto Oritz has embraced the compendium of mystical information, often called the Book of Life, and developed a teachings that revels how to access this knowledge. He skillfully holds our attention, just as he does in his workshops, delighting us with his expertise and personal insights while making this vibrant and rich material available to everyone.
Lorraine Meyer, founder of Anew Reiki and Healing Arts Miami
Over the last nine years I have seen the transformation and profoundly revitalizing new beginnings folks make as a result of attending workshops with Master teacher Ernesto Ortiz. His new book The Akashic Records now makes many of his teachings and techniques easily assessable. I would recommend this book as an essential primer and resource guide for anyone interested in exploring the vastness of their own hearts song.
Wendlyn A. Stauffer, owner of Villa Sumaya
The Akashic Records is a beautiful manual for finding keys to unlocking the ineffable. This book creates a portal for us to climb through and access all the points on the etheric map to understanding our place as spiritual beings in this human experience. He teaches us step by step to access our records and unlock our own paths to fulfillment. Ernesto brings his spirit into everything he does and this beautiful book is no exception. He has a way of transforming the mystical into an understandable and accessible form for us, untangling confusion and weaving words into clear direction to finding our way in this seemingly chaotic world. He makes us feel purposeful, both for us personally and for the whole of the world. I am honored to call Ernesto Ortiz my teacher and friend. He is a true shaman, spiritual teacher, guide and master. Ernestos wisdom surpasses that of knowledge learned; his knowing is embedded in his soul. Ernesto is a Soul Teacher, a spirited man who walks his talk and lives his purpose. I highly recommend Ernestos work to you as a spiritual traveler.
Janis E. McKinstry, MA transpersonal psychology, psychospiritual counselor and consultant
The Akashic Records
Sacred Exploration of Your Souls journey Within
the Wisdom of the Collective Consciousness
By Ernesto Ortiz
Copyright 2015 by Ernesto Ortiz
All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, The Career Press.
Cover design by Howard Grossman/12E Design
Diagrams on courtesy of SSRF.
Sacred Prayer on pages 128-129 translated by Jim Duyer:
Printed in the U.S.A.
To order this title, please call toll-free 1-800-CAREER-1 (NJ and Canada: 201-848-0310) to order using VISA or MasterCard, or for further information on books from Career Press.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ortiz, Ernesto.
The Akashic records : sacred exploration of your souls journey within the wisdom of the collective consciousness / Ernesto Ortiz.
pages cm
Summary: The Akashic Records is equal parts practical and profound, the culmination of nearly two decades of immersion by Ernesto, personally and professionally, into the Akashic Records for individual healing, growth, and self-realization Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60163-345-3 (paperback) -ISBN 978-1-60163-439-9 (ebook) 1. Akashic records. I. Title.
BF1045.A44O78 2014
I dedicate this book to the Masters and Teachers and the Lords of Akasha. I want to thank them for the constant inspiration and guidance they give me in my life.
Also, to each student who has shared so deeply with me in the workshops and intensives weve experienced together. This book is an outpouring of the knowledge and experience I have gained from my work with you. You all have been and continue to be an inspiration to me. Your stories and personal breakthroughs have been my primary motivations to continue teaching this material.
And finally, to my family and children, for all of their support and for putting up with me and with my crazy travel schedule.
A very special thank you to my student/friend, who did not want her name to appear in the book: Thank you for the countless hours you put into editing the manuscriptyour help was invaluable.
My deepest gratitude to my friend Sushila Oliphant for the diagrams and drawings: Your help and energy throughout the years has been much appreciated.
To your tired eyes I bring a vision
of a different world,
so new and clean and fresh
you will forget the pain and sorrow
that you saw before.
Yet this is a vision
which you must share
with everyone you see,
for otherwise you will behold it not.
To give this gift is how to make it yours.
From A Course in Miracles by Helen Cohn Schucman
This book is intended to provide accurate and helpful information. However, readers are strongly encouraged to consult with a healthcare professional before using any of the information contained in this book. Neither the author or the publisher is engaged in rendering medical advice or services. Accordingly, the publisher and author disclaim any liability, loss, damage, or injury caused by the use or application of the contents of this work. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS DELIVERED BY THE AUTHOR OR PUBLISHER WITH RESPECT TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORK.
A Unique Turning Point
As I complete this book in early 2014, quite a number of crises are putting the world on high alert. We have witnessed economic breakdowns, climate disruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornados, power-plant meltdowns, and more. We have seen the disruption created by oil companies and how that has affected our oceans as well as the human condition.
We see desperation and violent conflicts around the world, wars and the proliferation of weapons. We see a tremendous amount of wealth alongside desperate poverty in many countries. The world seems to be on high alert, and all of this is affecting people at a deep level. We see it when people snap and go on killing rampages out of a deep disconnect from themselves and from humanity. We are losing kindness and compassion. Our modern-day prophets, the movie-makers, are putting images in movies and video games that only seem to cultivate the violence and horror that are being received by the minds of our youth.
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