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John Mahoney - William Wordsworth: A Poetic Life

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Wordsworth: A Poetic Life is a new biography of the great father of British Romanticism. It is new in several ways, most notably in the way it approaches the life of the poet. Paying its proper respect to the classic lives of Wordsworth by Mary Moorman and Stephen Gill, it attempts to tell the story of the life through a more rigorous reading of key and representative works of the poet, through careful blending of life and poetry. Wordsworth offers the story of the literariness of the poets life - childhood and adolescence in the Lake District, education at Cambridge, love and political radicalism in France, the long period of residence in Grasmere and Rydal, celebrity, and national and international recognition. Its reading of the poems, in tune with current theoretical practice, offers a sense of the continuities in Wordsworths career as it moves away from familiar theories of a Golden Decade of creativity and a period of long decline. The book also works closely and rigorously with Wordsworths poetry as a method of dramatizing the essentially poetic character of the poets life.

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title William Wordsworth the Poetic Life author Mahoney John L - photo 1

title:William Wordsworth, the Poetic Life
author:Mahoney, John L.
publisher:Fordham University Press
isbn10 | asin:0823217167
print isbn13:9780823217168
ebook isbn13:9780585125695
subjectWordsworth, William,--1770-1850, Poets, English--19th century--Biography.
publication date:1997
lcc:PR5881.M33 1997eb
subject:Wordsworth, William,--1770-1850, Poets, English--19th century--Biography.
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William Wordsworth
A Poetic Life
John L. Mahoney
William Wordsworth A Poetic Life - image 2
Fordham University Press
New York
Page iv
Copyright 1997 Fordham University Press
All rights reserved.
LC 96-39355
ISBN 0-8232-1715-9 (hardcover)
ISBN 0-8232-1716-7 (paperback)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mahoney, John L.
William Wordsworth, A poetic life / by John J. Mahoney
p. cm.
ISBN 0-82324715-9. 1716-7 (pbk.)
1. Wordsworth, William, 1770-1851Biography. 2. Poets, English19th
centuryBiography. I. Title.
PR5881.M33 1997
[B]Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 696-39355
Picture 7Picture 8Picture 9Picture 10CIP
Printed in the United States of America
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For Ann, as always
Page vii
1. Becoming a Poet: Education and Early Poems
2. The Deepening of a Poetic Vocation: Revolution and Response
3. Enter Coleridge: Poetic Plans and Counter-Plans
4. To Germany: Poetic Solitude and Return
5. The Poetic Life as Epic: The Prelude
6. Varieties of Poetic Experience: The 1807 Poems
7. The Post-1810 Wordsworth: The Maturing of a Poetic Life
8. Endings and Completions: The Full Poetic Life

Page ix
This book has been a good while in the making. Having published a study of William Hazlitt as Romantic critic and a book on the evolution of a Romantic mimesis, and having co-edited and contributed to a collection of essays on Coleridge, Keats, and the imagination, I wanted to do something biographical. As always, I discussed the idea with my former teacher and continuing mentor, Walter Jackson Bate. He responded most helpfully to my plan for what I have called a literary life, and has continued to be a good and generous adviser as the work has gone forward. James Engell continues to be most supportive of all my efforts in the general area of our mutual interest, the period from 1660 to 1830 in British literature and criticism. J. Robert Barth, S.J., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston College and my colleague in the English Department, has afforded me many opportunities to tap his rich knowledge of Wordsworth and Coleridge, and has read and offered candid and constructive criticism of sections of my work. Mark Reed made vital suggestions at the beginning and end of the project, and has remained a willing and helpful adviser.
Yet nothing has been more instructive, indeed inspirational, to me than the classes I have taught in recent years and the conversations I have had with colleagues in colloquia and in informal settings. The continuing "Romanticism" seminars of the Harvard University Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, especially the contributions of David Perkins and Charles Rzepka, are notable examples. In these settings I have learned in a special way how to nourish my knowledge and admiration of Wordsworth's poetry and have lost some of the critical innocence that has limited my ability to view that poetry from some of the vantage points provided by the extraordinary theoretical developments of the last twenty-five years.
The names I mention in what I hope is not simply a de rigueur list of present and former Boston College colleagues may surprise some of them, may even make them struggle to recall a specific
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occasion, but they should be assured that not only advice but example have helped me to shape my reading of and approaches to the poetry and criticism over the years. John Anderson, Joseph Apple-yard, S.J., M. J. Connolly, Alan Crowley, Paul Doherty, Anne Ferry, Dayton Haskin, Robert Kern, Thomas Lloyd, John McCarthy, Alan Richardson, Richard Schrader, Dennis Taylor, Andrew Von Hendy, William Youngren, Christopher Wilson, and Judith Wilt are stimulating, supportive, and properly critical teacher-scholars who make the community in which I ply my wares such a splendid place to be. Professors Anderson, Richardson, Schrader, and Taylor were especially generous in reading and commenting on various sections of the developing manuscript. Professor Schrader was my never-failing consultant on matters bibliographical and editorial.
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