a division of ALM Media, LLC
Michael D. Thomas, J.D., Author
Marc Kiner, CPA, NSSA, and Jim Blair, NSSA, Contributing Authors
2019 Social Security & Medicare Facts is a one-stop guide for attorneys, CPAs, and retirement and financial planning professionals to advise on tax and policy changes affecting Social Security and Medicare. Organized in a unique and convenient Q&A format, this book helps professionals find exactly what theyre looking for quickly and easily to solve clients important planning issues in a timely manner.
The 2019 edition has been fully revised, featuring:
New question & answers sections on the Windfall Elimination Provisions to the Social Security Act and Government Pension Offset
Additional information regarding Delayed Retirement Credits and Self-Employment Insurance
Expanded coverage of disability benefits, mother and fathers benefits, spousal and surviving spouse benefits, childrens benefits
Updated status of the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act
Additional coverage of rights and benefits for same-sex marriages
Case studies illustrating real-life scenarios of how maximization of benefits strategies can be applied
The effect of Excess Earnings on benefits for Social Security recipients
2019 inflation-adjusted numbers for Social Security and COLA increases
Significant expansion of coverage of Railroad Retirement benefits and benefits for federal government employees, including new questions relating to FERS and Civil Service Retirement program
Additional coverage of Military Retirement including addition of coverage of new Blended Retirement program, military disability pay, and coverage for National Guard and Reservists
Expanded coverage of disability benefits for Social Security, military, government, and railroad worker
Expanded coverage of Medicare Advantage, as well as Medigap insurance, included the elimination of the popular Plan F
This new edition continues to deliver completely up-to-date answers to over 840 Social Security and Medicare benefits questions, covering:
Retirement & disability benefits
Filing for benefits
Loss of Social Security benefits due to excess retirement earnings
Social Security taxes
Railroad retirement benefits
Benefits for federal government employees
Medicare , Hospital Insurance
Medicare , Medical Insurance
Medicare , Medicare Advantage
Medicare , Prescription Drug Insurance
Medigap insurance
How to submit Medicare claims as well as filing appeals
Social Security coverage
Benefit computation
Taxation of Social Security benefits
Wages & self-employment income
Benefits for service members & veterans
Authored by retirement planning and estate planning experts, 2019 Social Security & Medicare Facts is the practical, comprehensive reference you can rely on.
Related Titles Also Available:
The Tools & Techniques of Trust Planning
The Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning for Modern Families
Tax Facts on Insurance & Employee Benefits
Tax Facts on Investments
Tax Facts on Individuals & Small Business
Health Savings Accounts Facts
The Tools & Techniques of Employee Benefit & Retirement Planning
Field Guide to Estate Planning, Business Planning & Employee Benefits
Healthcare Reform Facts
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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations.
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ISBN 978-1-949506-22-8
Copyright 2019
The National Underwriter Company
a division of ALM Media, LLC
4157 Olympic Blvd., Suite 225
Erlanger, KY 41018
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Printed in U.S.A.
The National Underwriter Company publishes the following Social Security/Medicare publications:
Social Security & Medicare Facts
Social Security Planner
Medicare Planner
a division of ALM Media, LLC
For over 110 years, The National Underwriter Company, a division of ALM Media, LLC has been the first in line with the targeted tax, insurance, and financial planning information you need to make critical business decisions. Boasting nearly a century of expert experience, our reputable Editors are dedicated to putting accurate and relevant information right at your fingertips. With Tax Facts, Tools & Techniques, National Underwriter Advanced Markets, Field Guide, FC&S, FC&S Legal and other resources available in print, eBook, CD, and online, you can be assured that as the industry evolves National Underwriter will be at the forefront with the thorough and easy-to-use resources you rely on for success.
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