What is a ShitTest?
So what is a Shit Test?
Exactly m y question when I first resear c hedthe te r m. At first, it conjured up all these g ross ima g esof human e x cretions that h a v e nothing to do with h o w w omentreat men.
1. Is it a test w econduct after a b ow el m o v ementto dete r mine h o w w ell our food hasbeen di g ested?
2. Does it h a v e something to do with anal sex, li k e tests men might g iv e w omento dete r mine if theyre into it?
3. Does it describe the point in a relationship when a w oman feels comfo r table enough with a man to g o Number 2 in his presence?
Y ou cat c h m y drift, and I do n t w ant to g ross us out any fu r the r .
SoI did some resear c h through the hand y , authoritat i v e source of info r mationfor basically e v e r ything on the planet, Googl e , and disc o v ered the te r mspopularity within the pi c k-up a r tist (P U A)com m unit y , a com m unity of men (and some w omen) who tea c h andstudy the a r t of approa c hing,dating, and seducing w omen.
T he P U A blo g osphere w as filled with definitions of the Shit T est , but I found the foll o wingthe most succinct and helpful.
Definition 1:
T he pu r pose of a Shit T estis n t to ann o y a guy or test his patienc e .Its not done to be ne g at i ve . A c hi c k, pa r ticularlya g ood-looking on e , has many guys throughout her life c hasing her for attention. She m ust d e pl o y me c hanismswhi c h qui c kly test a guy to jud g ehis w o r thines s , to test his mettl e . T he most efficient w a y for her to do this is to spring fo r th what are seemingly crazy questionswithout real pu r pose or to act in wa y whi c hseems incomprehensibl e .
Definition 2:
Shit T est is when a w oman g i v es a guy a hard tim e , usually for the pu r poseof seeing h o w he will react. Because w omen (especially attract i v e w omen) are hit on all the tim e , they h a v e de v elopedbeh a viors that qui c kly disqualify potential suitors who arenot of a high enough v alue for he r . T he Shit T est is one wa y to do thi s . Shit T ests can be c hallen g e s , IODs or reframes that an HB uses totest the P U A.
F or the most definit i v e definition, I tu r nedto Neil Strauss glossa r y at the end of The Game, his bestselling P U A classic about his transfo r mation from an AFC ( a v era g e f r ustrated c hump) into one of the w orlds g reatestpi c k-up a r tist s . T his is h o whe defines Shit T est .
Definition 3:
Shit T est (noun): a question, demand, orseemingly hostile comment made b y a w oman intended to g au g e whether a man isstrong enough to be a w o r t h yb o yfriend or sexual pa r tne r .If he ta k es the question, demand, or comment at face v alu e ,he fails and g enerally loses the oppo r tunity to m o v e for w ard in his interaction with he r . Examples include telling him he is too y oung or old for he r , or asking him to perfo r man unnecessa r y f a v o r .
T his book will include many examples of Shit T est s , but here are a few to g et us sta r ted:
A man app r oaches a w oman at a pa r ty after fli r ting with another pa r t y goe r , and she say s , So did y ou hit onall the w omen he r e?
A man and w oman a r e meeting for adrink, and shell look at theattract i v e , voluptuous ba r tenderand sa y , She p r oba b lyattracts a lot of male customer s , dont y ou think?
A w oman e x cuses herself f r oma conversation with a man, and he asks her w he r e shesgoin g , to w hich she say s , Y ou r e so possess i ve!
A couple has an a r gument, and a f ew hours later he cuddles up to her for a f f ection, and she say s , Oh, now y ou get a f f ectionate!
Straussdoes not pr o vide us with the originof the te r m Shit T est as hedoes for other te r m s . Nor h a v e I encountered its etymolo g y . W hat exactly does the shit inquestion refer to? Does it refer to the ma n s shit, as in shes testing to see whether hesfull of it? Or does it refer to thedump a w oman ta k es on a man with her unpleasant comment s , question s , and requests? My guess is that the person who coined the te r m imagined the w omen as o wner of the shit.
W hile the etymolo g yremains unsol v ed, Strauss definition pr o videsan e x cellent sta r ting point for understanding the Shit T est. In other w ord s , according tohis definition, a Shit T est is meant to dete r mine ifa guy has enough balls for the w oman.So perhaps the Shit T est should alsobe called the T esticle T est . Shes testing his testies !