Dedicated to all those searching for the truth,and fighting to improve this worldEdition 3.0 - September 2018 - Dott. Ing. Marcello AllegrettiAll rights reserved. The frequencies of Rifing - III Edition
Thanks The frequencies covered in this Rife manual are useful for almost all Rife Machines.However, I think it is particularly suitable for all Spooky2 users. I believe that this device isthe most complete and consistent Rife system on the current market.Thanks to the study and the research performed by the Spooky2 Team and in particularby John White, a great scientist who is revolutionizing the world of Rifing, it was possible toprepare this manual. To them I give my gratitude ( also owe a warm thank to:Echo Lee for the friendship and support she gave me for so many years and for therealization of this work,The Friends of all the Spooky2 Groups in the world, who with their suggestions andindications, helped me make this book better, The frequencies of Rifing - III Edition Legal Notice & Disclaimer This book is to be considered as a notional aid for the knowledge of techniques and application methods of electronic devices, which use electromagnetic fields for various purposes. The information contained herein is not intended as, and should not be used for, therapeutic, diagnostic or prescriptive purposes, nor to prevent, treat or cure disease, but for education and responsible experimentation only.
The information this book contains can in no way replace the work of a medically trained professional. Please consult a licensed health practitioner for medical advice. The author cannot guarantee the reliability of the information contained herein nor errors and/or omissions. The information and concepts within this guide must not be considered or construed in any way to be medical advice or treatment. The author of this book cannot be held liable for any consequences, harmful or otherwise, that may occur by using the information contained in this book. The frequencies of Rifing - III Edition CONTENTS Introduction ....Respiratory System ......Dr.
Royal Raymond Rife .NoseSpooky2 ..Larynx ....Guide to Using this Manual ..Bronchi ..How to Search .Lung ....Database Update ..Breathing ....Colds Diseases ...Various conditions ........................................Cold .......(fever, pain, inflammation, etc.)Flu ....Toxic and poisoning .............................................Digestive system ..Detox ...................................................Mouth ...Cells, amino acids, enzymes, etc..................Gums ..Immune System .................................TeethAllergies and intolerances ...........EsophagusCardiovascular system ...StomachBlood ...........................................................Intestines .Blood vessels ...............................Liver .Blood circulation ..............................Gallbladder .Blood pressure .................Pancreas ..Heart .....Urinary System ..Lymph System ...........................Kidney .Spleen ...................Bladder ..Endocrine System ...Reproductive system and Genital apparatusNervous System ................Genitals .Brain ................Breast .Mind, Psyche and Soul ........Uterus and ovaries(disorders, deficits, emotion, insomnia, etc.)Female pathologies ..Prostate .Human body and Sense organs ...Male pathologies ...Head ..Connective Tissue .Face .Locomotor apparatus ..Eyes ....Pain ....Ears ....Articular mobility ..ThroatJoints .....Chest .......................................................Bones ..Abdomen ..................................................Cartilages .LigamentsMuscles . The frequencies of Rifing - III EditionIntegumentary System ...Skin ..Morgellons .NailsHair .NeoformationPolypsCysts ..TumorsCancerRare, genetic and multisystem diseases ...Pathogens ...Fungi, molds, algae and diseases .Protozoa and diseases ....Bacteria and diseases .Virus and diseases .Worms, Flukes, Tapeworms, Heartworms,Roundworms, Mites .Diseases caused by insects and animals ...Animals ..Light frequencies ....Jade Machine ColorsLED and LASER Therapies .Nogier frequenciesBahr frequencies ..Reininger frequencies .Chemical Elements and MineralsVitamins ...Homeopathy ..Bach flowers...Plants ..Essential Oils ..Chakras ..Meridians .Planets ...SolfeggioFrequencies .Frequencies of various types ..The Spine Frequencies . The frequencies of Rifing - III Edition Introduction Rifing is a technology that takes its name from Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a great scientist, researcher and inventor who, in the early decades of the last century, managed to discover an infallible method to devitalize pathogens (viruses, bacteria and fungi). Rife was one of the first in the world to use electromagnetic frequencies for therapeutic use and certainly the first to use this technology for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by pathogens. More than 80 years after his first successes, the technology invented by Dr. Rife has evolved in an extraordinary way. Today, we can find many modern electronic devices being sold that are programmed with software and provide for an excellent user experience.
The modern Rife equipment cannot only apply the frequencies for disabling individual microorganisms (killing frequencies), but also an immense number of frequencies able to provide health benefits and/or well-being (healing), detoxification (detox) and the application of active ingredients (molecular weight and relative frequencies). Therefore, Rifing means the exposure to electromagnetic fields, characterized by precise frequencies and harmonics, by means of various transmission devices, which are connected to a Rife Machine: i.e., to a frequency generator. This technology offers the most extensive and complete application of electromagnetic waves for therapeutic purposes. In Germany and South Africa, as well as some other countries, frequency devices (such as Rife Machines) are legally authorized as medical instruments. In all other countries, according to the legislation in force, such frequency systems can be legally used only for testing, energy balancing, life extension, relaxation and experiments on bacterial cultures or laboratory animals. The main purpose of this manual is to facilitate the identification of a Subject and the corresponding program of frequencies, according to criteria of logic and of origin, then be used with a frequency device.
Essentially, it aims to remove confusion from the process of choosing the right frequencies to use. More than 7000 frequency programs are listed. They cover the human body organs, pathogens, diseases, homeopathic products, minerals, vitamins, chakras and more. They are sorted and catalogued in a way that makes it much easier to locate the information that will allow the best program choices. Thanks to the
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