Hi everyone! Im Linda West.
By the time you finish this book, I assure you, your life willhave changed already and completely for the better. The Angels have brought amessage to you through me. You will know this to be true. Once you are touchedby divine truth, you will never forget it and forever recognize it again.
Congratulations! You are loved and you are powerful. You havejust entered the masters class.
This book is written in three parts.
You may jump ahead, or read them in order whichever pleasesyou.
The first part of this book is my personal story about how Iended up being the bringer of this Angelic message to you. It is my story ofthe events around my near death experience and what I know from being on theother side. I also recount how my guardian Angel,White Eagle, began to contactme on Earth and how I began to hear Angels speak.
The second part is channeled by my guardian Angel, White Eagle,and features his channeled messages about the Universal Science of Frequenciesand how it works in the third dimension. This is the science behind your sixthsense. It is universal and it is divine.
The third part is the fun part for me because I get to help youget whatever you dream of in life!
I will show you step by step how to use the universal scienceof frequencies to manifest whatever you desire in your life!
After years of lecturing on my first book on frequencies,Ultimate Power, I knew that people were having the most difficult time graspingthe how-to part of manifesting. By working closely with clients and lectureattendees, I began to develop a step by step way to help people wield the powerof frequencies to help them manifest their dreams, to bring them out of Heavenand down to Earth.
After you learn and follow the 5 Step Method in the last partof this book, you will be amazed and overjoyed at what comes into your life.One of my greatest joys has been in sharing this information and seeing thehappiness it brings to those that understand how to use frequencies.
I want that for you. I know you can do it. And once youunderstand, you really will be able to create anything you truly love foryourself. Just like magic.
What did you think, I went all the way to Heaven and didntbring back gifts for my friends? I adore you. Lets go.
I had a sad, unfortunateincident that caused me to have a near death experience when I was five. It wascaused by a sexual assault, so in many ways my death and rebirth story isdifferent from other NDE accounts. Most people have only physical death to dealwith; I had to deal with a spiritual death as well. Even when my bodyphysically returned from the other side, my mind and spirit did not.
I did not wake up from my embracewith death with an account of a light-filled tunnel and a smiling family memberwaiting for me, as Id often heard about from others accounts with death.
I didnt wake up for seven years.
I dont remember dying, and I dontremember coming back because I didnt have any memory of the event. I also didnot have any memories of my childhood after the event.
I was thankfully pulled out of mybody during the assault so I do not remember the pain. It was as if I justblocked out all the bad stuff and jumped out of my human body, and landed
someplace I can only call Heaven.Unlike others that had died and came back, I decided to hang out in Heaven fora while longer.
I walked around down on Earth; I justwasnt inside my body. I was running my body from Heaven by remote control. Ittook the Angels a long time to convince my soul/spirit to get back inside mybody.
When I look back, I remember lots oflights and illuminations, the warm glow of ivories and whites.
Heaven seemed full of twinkles.
I remember more how heaven felt.
Good. Safe. Home.
I dont remember seeing an old whiteguy with a beard.
Interesting to note, however, is thatthe Angelic and master beings that surrounded me did seem to be wearing robes.Which is pretty cliche religious garb. In retrospect now, robes are actually avery comfortable and Heavenly choice. If I had my way, Id walk around in mybathrobe all the time. Just another part of being heavenly, I guess. Eternalcomfort.
They say you die and that its allover. Well, I am here to tell you thats a big fat lie.
And Angels floating around on cloudsis a big fat lie too.
did not see one single being floatingaround on a cloud. That said, if you really have a cloud-sitting desire, Imsure you can do it!
In Heaven, you get everything you wantright away.
Its funny that this truth is acceptedand literally taken for granted. Its the learning experience that is of thehighest joy and desire for beings on the other side. Learning, and growing inconsciousness. Not just linear learning and not just in the head, one-sidedlearning.
Triangle learning.
What you dont understand whatTriangle learning is? No problem, I have an entire chapter on that coming upfor you later. :)
Thats why Earth is such a hoot.
Its funny for the Angels and mastersto watch us work so hard on Earth for things that we can effortlessly magnetizeto us on the other side.
Of course, that ability is open to ushere on Earth too, but our false past beliefs get in the way.
Earth was slowed down manifesting-wiseand not given this information so beings could get down to the nuts and boltsof where they were stopping their own power of creation. As children of God, weare in our most divine state of joy and connection when we are creating.
Art, music, businesses...love!
We find the cricks in our system bygetting down to the lowest possible physical dimension we are able to takematerial shape in ta da! Welcome to the third dimension!
So here we are back to the triangle.
Working with that number three.
Holy trinity.
You gain a whole self understandingwhen you connect to your triangle in mind/body/spirit.
Some beings still know and utilizethis science on Earth.
The Egyptians and Mayans and AmericanIndians they all knew how it worked. Nowadays, it is what they say theIlluminati and Masons use. Im sure they do.
Just know that in the end, the onlyreal POWER in all the realms of existence is Love.
Thats the greatest takeaway from myHeaven encounter.
Many things APPEAR to have power. Butthe only things that have any REAL power are fueled by the same thing, which isSOURCE LOVE.
All things of force are filled withlove.
Everything else is a false idol notbecause you cant worship it, but because they are false.