Praise for Healing Touch
I depend on Healing Touch practices to fill in the chasm between lifes unmet needs and my capabilities...
Dorotheas book is an absolute must for anyone and everyone who lives a real life, which is what we are essentially here to do. We are here to be a light from heaven on earth, even while walking, talking, working, loving, arguing, sleeping, and simply being. We are here to light the world, whether in a grocery store, doctors office, or day care center. We are here to give and receive light, and that is the instruction really provided by Healing Touch.
Author of the award-winning bestseller The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy
This is a superb book! Your hands can be powerful tools for healing. While our ancestors knew this well, we have forgotten. Healing Touch is a wonderful guide for re-embracing your natural healing abilities. It shows you how to use your hands to bolster the energies that are the foundation of health.
Author of Energy Medicine and Womens Health with Energy Medicine
Healing Touch is an essential part of the education in being human we always needed but never got, skills that we need today more than ever. And Dr. Hover-Kramer is the perfect expert to provide it. Do take advantage of the opportunity this book gives you to learn directly from her how to add HT to your education in being human, whether for yourself or to help others.
Integrative psychologist, ACEP cofounder, eight-time award-winning author of The New IQ, and Americas Integrity Expert
Dorothea Hover-Kramer expresses the same compassion on every page of Healing Touch that I feel when Im with a roomful of Healing Touch practitioners. The book contains everything you could possibly want to know, whether you are a novice or an accomplished practitioner: delightful true stories, easy-to-follow descriptions of techniques, scientific studies, and a short history of energy healing. Both easy and fun to read, I had trouble putting it down.
Author of The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine and founder of the International Association for Energy Healers
Learning to consciously tap into and work with the intelligent, loving flow of energy that gave us birth, the reason we wake up every day, is such a gift. Healing Touch: Essential Energy Medicine for Yourself and Others puts back into our own hands the power to affect our health and well-being and to share that with others. This book should be right next to the toothbrush or water glass, something we use every day.
Actress, author, Oneness Deeksha, and related energy medicine trainer
This delightful, well-organized, easily readable book does indeed present Healing Touch in a format accessible to everyone. Reading it, I find myself eager to pursue further training in Healing Touch to benefit my patients, family, friends, and myself. The methods presented here should be invaluable to anyone feeling the stresses of life in this complex, fast-paced world. Thank you, Dorothea, for such a gift of a book.
When Janet Mentgen founded the Healing Touch Program in the late 1980s, Dorothea partnered with her to assure the quality and professionalism of this popular and highly respected Western medical-based energy therapy program. Twenty-one years later, she continues to get the good word out to the world about the benefits and practicality of Healing Touch.
Healing Touch: Energy Medicine for Yourself and Others is enjoyable and comprehensive in its presentation and provides enough detail to guide the reader in some of the basic practices of Healing Touch. It is sure to inspire many interested people who would like to learn to use their hands and hearts to facilitate healing in themselves and others.
Director, Healing Touch Program
An energy medicine must! Dorotheas book offers a cooperative application to bring traditional medicine and energy medicine together. Her perspective allows the patient the best of care through integration of science, theory, and practical application.
Founder of Healing Touch for Animals
List of Energy-Related Exercises and Methods
7.1 Chakra Meditation
7.2 Self-Chakra Connection
7.3 Sensing Your Protective Field
8.1 Life-Giving Breath
8.2 Imaging a Peaceful Place
8.3 Bringing Consciousness into Every Activity
8.4 Connecting with the Unlimited Supply of Energy
9.1 Brush Down
9.2 Magnetic Clearing
11.1 The Chakra Rotation
11.2 The Chakra Connection
13.1 Integrating Self-Affirmation into the Body
13.2 An Energy Psychology Pattern to Release Trauma
13.3 Installing New Possibilities with Acupoints
Magnetic Passes for Headaches
Magnetic Passes for Pain Relief Anywhere in the Body
Mind Clearing
List of Illustrations
Photos and illustrations related to Healing Touch throughout this book are provided with the kind support and permission of the Healing Touch Program, with central offices in San Antonio, Texas.
4.1 The Human Biofield with Its Major Layers
4.2 The Seven Major Energy Centers
9.1 Attuning to the Client
9.2 Practitioners Hands in Motion over an Affected Area
9.3 Hands Still on or above the Painful Area
9.4 Grounding and Releasing the Client
10.1 Holding the Front and Back of the Head to Relieve a Tension Headache
10.2 Practitioners Hands in Motion over a Painful Knee
10.3 Practitioners Hands Still on a Painful Knee
10.4 Model of Energetic Ultrasound
10.5 Models of Energetic Laser
10.6-10.13 Mind Clearing Sequence
11.1-11.17 Sample Hand Positions for the Chakra Connection
4.1 The Energy Centers and Their Predominant Physiological and Psychological Aspects
by Cyndi Dale
Two hundred years ago, our great-great-great grandmothers and grandfathers would have been shocked to hear about todays advancements in Western medicine, perhaps to the point of disbelief. A shot will prevent polio, mumps, or yellow fever? A small pill, called an antibiotic, will cure deadly diseases or prevent gangrene? Surgical procedures will reattach severed limbs? Something called stem cells will regrow fingertips or even entire organs?
Far across the ocean in the Orient, Easterners were already practicing a form of medicine that included using needles to move invisible energies in and out of the body. Our Western ancestors would have considered this form of health care nonsenseor possibly witchcraft. They might have asked how acupuncture could work when a needle is meant for sewing, not healing.