A Safe And Effective Abdominal And Back Exercise Program
Mark Tolle, MS, ATC, CSCS
A Safe And Effective Abdominal And
Back Exercise Program
Mark Tolle, MS, ATC, CSCS
Copyright 2020 FIT-TO-PERFORM, LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information retrieval system, without written permission from the author.
Neither the publisher nor the authors are engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or health care provider. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Neither the authors nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions in this book.
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Mark Tolle, MS, ATC, CSCS
W elcome to a safe and effective core exercise program. Exercise is essential to maintaining your health. For over thirty years, I have worked in the health field promoting wellness and fitness. It has been my experience that starting an exercise program is not easy. But then again, it's easier than you think. This book is designed to guide you in building strength and endurance in your abdominal and back muscles. Anyone looking to improve athletics, strength and prevention of back pain will benefit from stabilization training.
It is also for anyone of you who feels frustrated with your overall health and needs the guidance of exercises beneficial to improving your health. Strengthening your core will enable you to prevent
and help alleviate present and future health issues.
I understand that you may not be ready or willing to work with a personal trainer to get started, but I strongly recommend it. I am writing this book as a home guide for building a stronger core, possessing appealing abdominals and preventing lower back pain.
For these reasons, I have put together this simple and proven plan for you to implement. It is a program that will motivate you to start the correct way and provide you with the knowledge to progress and move forward. This is a plan that can give you fundamental principles that can be implemented today.
There are many reasons why you may be hesitant in starting an exercise program or performing a workout at home. I am going to discuss some principles for motivation, as well as present some of the challenges and frustrations you may experience with beginning a regular exercise program. I want to give you some practical strategies that you can quickly execute.
There is a chapter defining core training and the reasons you should utilize it. Based upon my own research and experience, three different and practical plans will be explained and easy to follow. Included are photos coupled with written directions. In addition, links to my YouTube channel are also included so you can follow along with video demonstrations.
One of my primary goals is to gather all of the complicated information you have seen online concerning core exercise and dispose of them. This is practical and research-based information that is easy to follow and implement. So, let us get started!
Chapter 1 - Commit To a Core Exercise Program
J ust like anything in life, having the motivation to start a task can oftentimes be challenging. I totally understand because I, myself, have experienced finding the motivation to exercise and make healthy choices overwhelming. I am not an expert in motivation or psychology, but my experience in the health and fitness world has provided me with some insight into the challenges you may encounter to obtain a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few suggestions that I have seen work. Give them a try and see what works best for you.
Success in anything begins with your mindset. Mindset is about having internal beliefs in what you want to accomplish. Your thoughts, attitude, and beliefs shape your commitment and habits of working towards a result. Having a proper mindset towards exercise and health will enable you to get through any challenges or roadblocks that you may encounter on your journey.
To help develop a proper mindset for exercise, I want you to diligently make a commitment. The commitment I want you to make is to ask yourself some questions. I want you to dig deep into yourself to find answers. Why did you get this book? Why are you considering or currently exercising? Why is exercise important to you? How does it benefit you? Before you continue, sit down and write out the answers to these questions. Then continue to read.
Answering these questions will not only give you a healthy mindset, but can help you in establishing exercise, fitness, and health goals. To develop goals, you must look into the future and understand the big picture. There are things that you have done in the past that have gotten you to where you are today. There are things that you are going to need to start doing immediately if you want to change your present situation. Then there is the future; the rest of your life. There are specific practices and rituals that you are going to need to put into place if you want to look better, feel better, and make the changes you desire.
So, develop a better mindset, set your goals, commit to them, and know you can make these small sacrifices to accomplish your goals.
Commit to your core program
An essential step is making a dedicated commitment to your program and resolving yourself to regularly working out. This may sound pretty basic, but it is possible that you may not reach your goals. Commitment begins with believing in yourself and your ability to obtain a goal and accomplish it.
We all have times in our lives when we have difficulty in making commitments or decisions regarding one thing or another. Often, it is because of built-in fears, faulty beliefs, or lack of attaching a strong emotion to the accomplishment of the goal. That is why it is essential for you to answer the questions presented earlier.
I believe involving your mind and belief system with utilizing self-talk; then the commitment to accomplishing your goals is less intimidating. A beneficial equation for you to remember is "Thought + Emotion = Commitment and Commitment = Results ." After all, results are what we are looking for, and results do not occur without a purposeful emotional thought, commitment, and effort.
Excuses are the roadblock to committing to an exercise program. Excuses are mostly beliefs which prevent you from accomplishing results. It is imperative that you recognize the reasons you are using as excuses and leave them behind. Without understanding the excuses that slow you down, you will not overcome them. That is a fact! Next time you skip your workout, ask yourself why and explore how easy it is to come up with an excuse. Then ask yourself why you did not try harder to overcome the reason.
Earlier I alluded to the number one reason people don't get what they want is that they genuinely don't know what they want . You must have a clear set goals or results that you want to accomplish with your exercise program and then continually focus on it.
You must also know, on an emotional level, why you want to achieve this particular result. How will it make you feel when you accomplish it? The more you analyze it, the stronger it becomes. This thinking elicits a strong emotion or a certain level of satisfaction. That is when you know that you are serious regarding your commitment.