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Do you all know the word trigger point? ?
There are many cases where this trigger point is actually the cause of common pain and those for which the cause is not well understood.
A trigger point is, so to speak, an induration of a muscle, which causes various symptoms depending on the site where the trigger point is created.
Symptoms range from headache to low back pain, arthritis and other joint pains, dizziness, nausea and chest pain, posture collapse, muscle weakness and swelling.
The troublesome point of the trigger point is that the symptom appears at a distance from the place where the trigger point occurred, which is called referred pain.
This can cause indefinite complaints such as pain, numbness, and heaviness in a very wide area of what is created in one place.
If you currently have some symptoms and there is no particular change even if you are prescribed medicine, it is possible that the trigger point is involved as a direct cause.
Painkillers are, so to speak, symptomatic treatments, and the cause remains the same, but they only relieve the symptom of "pain."
In this book, we will also touch on trigger points that can be the cause of various pains, actual treatments, and simple self-care methods that you can do yourself. I made it so that you can treat yourself while actually using your own body, so please read it.
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Table of contents
What is a trigger point?
What is a trigger point in the first place? It is said to be "in the chordal induration that is touched on the muscle tissue, where you feel sharp pain when you press it.
" A cord-like induration is a band of muscles that is stiff like a cable, and it means that there is a trigger point in the band of stiff muscles.
For example, there is a quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh.
If you put your thumb on your thigh and slide it left and right while applying pressure, most people will feel that something that looks like a muscular band hits.
This hard band is a cord-like induration, and the trigger point is inside it.
Normally, muscle fibers are stretched with approximately equal tension in all parts.
However, when a trigger point is formed, only the hardened part contracts extremely. As a result, the surrounding normal muscle fibers are overstretched.
At areas where muscle fibers are extremely contracted, such as trigger points, blood flow is reduced, resulting in oxygen deficiency and accumulation of waste products, which promotes pain.
If you compare it with a rubber band, it may be easier to understand if you imagine the part that is tied up and lumped as a trigger point.
The actual muscle fibers are not tied up, but the lumps do not move much even if pulled, but the surrounding rubber stretches by that much.
In the treatment of the trigger point, if you loosen the dense part of B in the figure AB below, the surrounding muscle fibers can also return to the uniform tension like A.
A Normal muscle fibers
B Muscle fibers with trigger points formed
Trigger points are often found in multiple places within the same muscle fiber, but among them, there is a trigger point that is the cause, and it is called a central trigger point.
And what is formed in other places derived from the induration that was made at the beginning is called a satellite trigger point.
If the central trigger point is treated properly, the satellite trigger point created from it will also have no cause, so it will improve and disappear over time.
Conversely, if the satellite trigger point is treated and the root cause of the central trigger point is not eliminated, it will relapse over time.
Trigger point symptoms
Referred pain
Referred pain is a characteristic of trigger point symptoms.
Referred pain symptoms are characterized by intense deep pain.
Pain may occur depending on the movement.
Speaking of the back and lower back, trigger points formed in the hip joints, abdomen, and legs can also cause lower back pain.
For example, there are people who have surgery due to spinal canal stenosis and their symptoms do not change much, or their condition worsens secondarily due to invasiveness or decreased activity due to surgery.
In that case, it may be a fascial cause such as a trigger point.
Lower abdominal pain and sexual function pain can also be caused by trigger points in the thighs, lower abdomen, and inside the pelvis.
In this case, the trigger point is thought to lead to pain in the internal organs such as the uterus, testicles, penis, prostate, and bladder.
When a trigger point is created in the abdomen, it may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, arrhythmia, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and chest pain.
In this way, referred pain affects not only the place where the trigger point is formed but also the place far away, which causes unexpected symptoms.
Compression of blood vessels and nerves
When a trigger point is formed in the muscle, it presses on nearby nerves and blood vessels in some areas.
The compressed nerves become brittle and affect the electrical signals that travel through the nerves, causing numbness, pain, burning and dysesthesia.
In addition, when blood vessels are compressed, blood flow is obstructed and the area below the compressed area becomes cold.
If a trigger point is created on the calf, it may cause swelling or coldness on the toes and ankles.
Movement disorder
The trigger point deprives the muscles of elasticity by making the muscle fibers short and stiff. Therefore, the range of movement is narrowed.
In addition, the trigger point is a state in which the muscles are constantly contracted, which makes it easier for you to get tired and reduces your resilience.
Decreasing muscle contraction also makes it difficult to apply force, which causes muscle weakness and affects the sense of balance.
Muscles have receptors in the muscle fibers that regulate the length of the muscle, called the muscle spindle.
This is because when the muscles are contracted, they do not work as much as when the muscles are not contracted, and the sensations of the skin and joints become dull.
I think it's easier to understand if you put a small object such as a grain of rice on your palm and compare it in a relaxed state.
If you grab it hard, you probably lose the feeling of having a grain of rice. On the other hand, if you roll your palm in a relaxed state, you will feel that even a grain of rice is on your hand.
Impact on autonomic nerves
It is known that depending on the site where the trigger point is formed, it may affect seemingly unrelated areas such as red eye, excessive saliva and tear secretion, runny nose and arrhythmia.
For example, when a trigger point is formed in the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck, dizziness, nausea, and impaired balance are said to occur as one of the symptoms.
Psychiatric symptoms
If chronic pain continues for many years, I think that many people will suffer mentally. There are cases in which depression continues due to persistent pain of unknown cause.