Administrative Reforms and Democratic Governance
After a quarter of a century of implementation of New Public Management (NPM) reform strategies, this book assesses the major real outcomes of these reforms on states and public sectors, at both the organizational level and a more political level. Unlike most previous accounts of reform, this book looks at how reform has changed the role of public administration in democratic governance. Featuring case studies on the UK, Germany, France, Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, Scandinavia, post-communist states, Mexico, South Korea, Turkey and the European Commission, and focusing on two issues this book:
- examines the significant variations in the trajectories of administrative reform among West European countries on the basis of empirically rooted research on different national case studies
- assesses the extent to which these constitutive public policies have affected the institutions of government and the governing processes of our democratic occidental states and asks how have NPM-inspired programmes, with their exclusive focus on managerialist objectives and instruments, challenged the political and democratic nature of public administration.
Looking at the broader issues relating to the current recompositions of democratic states, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of all matters relating to public administration and governance within political science, management, public law, sociology, contemporary history and cultural studies.
Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans is a professor at the Institute of Political Studies (IEP), Toulouse, France.
Jon Pierre is a professor in the Political Science department, Gothenburg University, Sweden. He holds adjunct professorships in Pittsburgh and Bod, Norway.
Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science
Edited by Thomas Poguntke, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany on behalf of the European Consortium for Political Research
The Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science series is published in association with the European Consortium for Political Research the leading organisation concerned with the growth and development of political science in Europe. The series presents high-quality edited volumes on topics at the leading edge of current interest in political science and related fields, with contributions from European scholars and others who have presented work at ECPR workshops or research groups.
1 Regionalist Parties in Western Europe Edited by Lieven de Winter and Huri Trsan 2 Comparing Party System Change Edited by Jan-Erik Lane and Paul Pennings 3 Political Theory and European Union Edited by Albert Weale and Michael Nentwich 4 Politics of Sexuality Edited by Terrell Carver and Vronique Mottier 5 Autonomous Policy Making by International Organizations Edited by Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek | 6 Social Capital and European Democracy Edited by Jan van Deth, Marco Maraffi, Ken Newton and Paul Whiteley 7 Party Elites in Divided Societies Edited by Kurt Richard Luther and Kris Deschouwer 8 Citizenship and Welfare State Reform in Europe Edited by Jet Bussemaker 9 Democratic Governance and New Technology Technologically mediated innovations in political practice in Western Europe Edited by Ivan Horrocks, Jens Hoff and Pieter Tops |
10 Democracy without Borders Transnationalisation and conditionality in new democracies Edited by Jean Grugel 11 Cultural Theory as Political Science Edited by Michael Thompson, Gunnar Grendstad and Per Selle 12 The Transformation of Governance in the European Union Edited by Beate Kohler-Koch and Rainer Eising 13 Parliamentary Party Groups in European Democracies Political parties behind closed doors Edited by Knut Heidar and Ruud Koole 14 Survival of the European Welfare State Edited by Stein Kuhnle 15 Private Organisations in Global Politics Edited by Karsten Ronit and Volker Schneider 16 Federalism and Political Performance Edited by Ute Wachendorfer-Schmidt 17 Democratic Innovation Deliberation, representation and association Edited by Michael Saward 18 Public Opinion and the International Use of Force Edited by Philip Everts and Pierangelo Isernia 19 Religion and Mass Electoral Behaviour in Europe Edited by David Broughton and Hans-Martien ten Napel | 20 Estimating the Policy Position of Political Actors Edited by Michael Laver 21 Democracy and Political Change in the Third World Edited by Jeff Haynes 22 Politicians, Bureaucrats and Administrative Reform Edited by B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre 23 Social Capital and Participation in Everyday Life Edited by Paul Dekker and Eric M. Uslaner 24 Development and Democracy What do we know and how? Edited by Ole Elgstrm and Goran Hyden 25 Do Political Campaigns Matter? Campaign effects in elections and referendums Edited by David M. Farrell and Rdiger Schmitt-Beck 26 Political Journalism New challenges, new practices Edited by Raymond Kuhn and Erik Neveu 27 Economic Voting Edited by Han Dorussen and Michaell Taylor 28 Organized Crime and the Challenge to Democracy Edited by Felia Allum and Renate Siebert 29 Understanding the European Union's External Relations Edited by Michle Knodt and Sebastiaan Princen |
30 Social Democratic Party Policies in Contemporary Europe Edited by Giuliano Bonoli and Martin Powell 31 Decision Making Within International Organisations Edited by Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek 32 Comparative Biomedical Policy Governing assisted reproductive technologies Edited by Ivar Bleiklie, Malcolm L. Goggin and Christine Rothmayr 33 Electronic Democracy Mobilisation, organisation and participation via new ICTs Edited by Rachel K. Gibson, Andrea Rmmele and Stephen J. Ward 34 Liberal Democracy and Environmentalism The end of environmentalism? Edited by Marcel Wissenburg and Yoram Levy 35 Political Theory and the European Constitution Edited by Lynn Dobson and Andreas Follesdal 36 Politics and the European Commission Actors, interdependence, legitimacy Edited by Andy Smith 37 Metropolitan Governance Capacity, democracy and the dynamics of place Edited by Hubert Heinelt and Daniel Kbler 38 Democracy and the Role of Associations Political, organizational and social contexts Edited by Sigrid Roteutscher | 39 The Territorial Politics of