Homeland Security Series
Series Editors:
Tom Payne, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Tom Lansford, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
This series seeks to provide a body of case studies to explore the growing importance and prominence of homeland security to national defence policy and to examine the development of homeland security within the broader context of national defence policy in the United States and other major developed states. This series will identify and analyze the major threats that are particular to homeland security, as well as those that affect broader national security interests. Comparative studies will be used to elucidate the major similarities and differences in how states approach homeland security and works which advocate new or non-traditional approaches to homeland security. The series aims to integrate information from scholars and practitioners to provide works which will influence the policy debate and examine the ramifications of policy.
Also in the series
Power Plays
Enriched Uranium and Homeland Security
Christopher Hubbard
ISBN 978-0-7546-7693-5
Calculated Risks
Highly Radioactive Waste and Homeland Security
Kenneth A. Rogers and Marvin G. Kingsley
ISBN 978-0-7546-7133-6
The State and Terrorism
National Security and the Mobilization of Power
Joseph H. Campos II
ISBN 978-0-7546-7192-3
Comparative Legal Approaches to Homeland Security and Anti-Terrorism
James Beckman
ISBN 978-0-7546-4651-8
To Protect and Defend
US Homeland Security Policy
Tom Lansford, Robert J. Pauly, Jr and Jack Covarrubias
ISBN 978-0-7546-4505-4
Protecting Our Ports
Domestic and International Politics of Containerized Freight Security
University of Oklahoma, USA
University of Oklahoma, USA
University of Oklahoma, USA
First published 2010 by Ashgate Publishing
Published 2016 by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
Copyright Suzette R. Grillot and Rebecca J. Cruise with Valerie J. DErman 2010
Suzette R. Grillot, Rebecca J. Cruise and Valerie J. DErman have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the authors of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.
Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Grillot, Suzette.
Protecting our ports : domestic and international politics of
containerized freight security. -- (Homeland security series)
1. Container terminals--Security measures. 2. Container
ships--Security measures. 3. Harbors--Security measures.
4. Terrorism--Prevention--Government policy.
5. Terrorism--Prevention--Government policy--United
States. 6. Terrorism--Prevention--International
I. Title II. Series III. Cruise, Rebecca J. IV. DErman,
Valerie J.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Grillot, Suzette.
Protecting our ports : domestic and international politics of containerized freight security / by
Suzette R. Grillot, Rebecca J. Cruise, with Valerie J. DErman.
p. cm. -- (Homeland security)
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7789-5 (hbk) -- ISBN 978-0-7546-9535-6 (ebk)
1. Container terminals--Security measures. 2. Container ships--Security measures. 3. Harbors-
Security measures. 4. Terrorism--Prevention-
Government policy. 5. Terrorism--Prevention--Government policy--United States. 6. Terrorism--Prevention--International cooperation. I. Cruise,
Rebecca J. II. DErman, Valerie J. III. Title.
HE566.C6G75 2010
ISBN 9780754677895 (hbk)
List of Tables
This book is certainly a result of team effort, and we are extremely grateful to the many officials, representatives, analysts, colleagues, students, family and friends that have supported, assisted and encouraged us along the way to this final product. Many thanks to Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Professor of Computer Science and Tom Landers, Dean of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma (OU) who invited us to participate in the Inter-modal Freight Security project that provided us the purpose and funds necessary to conduct this research. We also thank the other members of the Center for Infrastructure Protection and Hardening Through Education and Research (CIPHER) team at OU for listening to our research presentations and providing important feedback. Our colleagues in the School of International and Area Studies, Department of Political Science, and International Programs at OU have also been instrumental in supporting our research efforts. Numerous individuals have helped to facilitate our research program in the form of arranging, scheduling or providing personal interviews and port visits, which were indispensable to our study. Specifically, we thank officials and representatives at a number of US government agencies, private enterprises, international organizations, foreign governments, and domestic and international seaports. Particular thanks go to Bill Anthony of the US Customs and Border Protection agency who provided tremendous assistance with interviews and contacts. Without a doubt, the on-the-ground field research we conducted for this book, and the people we met throughout the process, was the most rewarding aspect of this endeavor.
Beyond conducting the research, we owe thanks to those who have commented on various portions of our research. We thank the editors and reviewers for Ashgate Publishing, editors and reviewers for the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Rachel Stohl, Jacque Braun, Cassady Craft, Eric Heinze, and Zach Messitte. This project could have never been completed, however, without the work of outstanding research assistants that have provided crucial assistance and feedback. Specifically, we thank Brooke Hammer, Lessa Keller-Kenton, Holly Presnell, and James Roberson for their indispensible work. We also thank our students at the University of Oklahoma for listening to endless stories and examples about port and container security.
Finally, without the avid support of our family and friends, this book would have never seen the light of day. From the bottom of our hearts, therefore, we thank Pat Lannon, Hannah Grillot, Karen Saunders, Jim Grillot, the Beliveau family, the Atkinson family, Mike and Melissa Cruise, Mary Cruise, Stephanie Starr, AJ Kirkpatrick, and Richard and Enzo Marcy for their love, patience, friendship and understanding, and ultimately for reminding us what is really important.