SocietyNow: short, informed books, explaining why our world is the way it is, now.
The SocietyNow series provides readers with a definitive snapshot of the events, phenomena and issues that are defining our twenty-first century world. Written by leading experts in their fields, and publishing as each subject is being contemplated across the globe, titles in the series offer a thoughtful, concise and rapid response to the major political and economic events and social and cultural trends of our time.
SocietyNow makes the best of academic expertise accessible to a wider audience, to help readers untangle the complexities of each topic and make sense of our world the way it is, now.
Poverty in Britain: Causes, Consequences and Myths
Tracy Shildrick
The Trump Phenomenon: How the Politics of Populism Won in 2016
Peter Kivisto
Becoming Digital: Towards a Post-Internet Society
Vincent Mosco
Understanding Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union
Graham Taylor
Selfies: Why We Love (and Hate) Them
Katrin Tiidenberg
Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online
Crystal Abidin
Corbynism: A Critical Approach
Matt Bolton
The Smart City in a Digital World
Vincent Mosco
Kardashian Kulture: How Celebrities Changed Life in the 21st Century
Ellis Cashmore
Reality Television: The TV Phenomenon that Changed the World
Ruth A. Deller
Digital Detox: The Politics of Disconnecting
Trine Syvertsen
The Olympic Games: A Critical Approach
Helen Jefferson Lenskyj
Praise for Food in a Changing Climate
Food in a Changing Climate could not be more timely, as Covid-19 has revealed the enormous institutional vulnerabilities of existing food system while the Black Lives Matter movement is propelling a long overdue reckoning with the insidiousness of racial capitalism. With impressive grounding in international scholarship, Alana Mann asks her readers to attend to the complex ecologies, cultures and political economies in which food is entwined and commit to a food politics that does not shy away from the difficult questions.
Julie Guthman, Professor of Social Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz
Don't be fooled, this compact book speaks volumes to the civilizational crisis facing our societies and to the strategies that can help us put our food systems back on track. Food in a Changing Climate brings together a wide range of data, information and expert opinion as well as ancient wisdom for a trenchant analysis of our dysfunctional capitalist food system. Can we feed the world with GMOs? Will fake meat cool the planet? Is the Blue Revolution the answer to overfishing? Alana Mann bravely takes on these issues in clear, no-nonsense language. Uncompromisingly honest, this book is a must-read for students of food studies and food activists seeking the facts and the language to speak truth to the power in our food system.
Eric Holt-Gimnez, Former Executive Director of Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First
Wielding the food lens brilliantly, Alana Mann issues a wake-up call to the plunder of life-worlds and ecosystems at this geological tipping point. Her comprehensive account of planetary and species damage by industrial food, now intensifying claims to a future of lab-grown nutritionism, is exceptional. She brings her remarkable communication skills to critique the corporate scientism of food engineering and the urgency of restoring sovereignty to diverse food cultures in the illiberal shadow of standardisation. Food in a Changing Climate is a disturbing reminder of the plantation-like mindsets and practices of a globalized food system, and the need to replace it with an ethical world in which many worlds may fit sustainably.
Philip McMichael, Professor of Global Development, Cornell University
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2021
Copyright 2021 Alana Mann
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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ISBN: 978-1-83982-725-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-722-8 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-724-2 (Epub)