Hybrid Rule and State Formation
Neoliberalism has been the reigning ideology of our era. For the past four decades, almost every real-world event of any consequence has been traced to the supposedly omnipresent influence of neoliberalism. Instead, this book argues that state power across the world has actually grown in scope and reach.
The authors in this volume contest the view that the past four decades have been marked by the diminution of the state in the face of neoliberalism. They argue instead that we are witnessing a new phase of state formation, which revolves around hybrid rulethat is, a more expansive form of state formation that works through privatization and seeks pacification and depoliticization as instrumental to enhancing state power. Contributors argue that the process of hybridization, and hybrid rule point towards a convergence on a more authoritarian capitalist regime type, possibly, but not necessarily, more closely aligned with the Beijing modelone towards which even the United States, with its penchant for surveillance and discipline, appears to be moving.
This volume sheds new light on evolving public-private relations, and the changing nature of power and political authority in the 21st century and will be of interest to students and scholars of IPE, international relations and political theory.
Shelley L. Hurt is Associate Professor at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, USA.
Ronnie D. Lipschutz is Professor of Politics and Provost of College Eight at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA.
RIPE Series in Global Political Economy
Series Editors: Jacqueline Best (University of Ottawa, Canada), Ian Bruff (Manchester University, UK), Paul Langley (Durham University, UK) and Anna Leander (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Formerly edited by Leonard Seabrooke (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Randall Germain (Carleton University, Canada), Rorden Wilkinson (University of Manchester, UK), Otto Holman (University of Amsterdam), Marianne Marchand (Universidad de las Amricas-Puebla), Henk Overbeek (Free University, Amsterdam) and Marianne Franklin (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)
The RIPE series editorial board are:
Mathias Albert (Bielefeld University, Germany), Mark Beeson (University of Birmingham, UK), A. Claire Cutler (University of Victoria, Canada), Marianne Franklin (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK), Randall Germain (Carleton University, Canada) Stephen Gill (York University, Canada), Jeffrey Hart (Indiana University, USA), Eric Helleiner (Trent University, Canada), Otto Holman (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Marianne H. Marchand (Universidad de las Amricas-Puebla, Mexico), Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College, USA), Robert OBrien (McMaster University, Canada), Henk Overbeek (Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands), Anthony Payne (University of Sheffield, UK), V. Spike Peterson (University of Arizona, USA) and Rorden Wilkinson (University of Sussex, UK).
This series, published in association with the Review of International Political Economy, provides a forum for current and interdisciplinary debates in international political economy. The series aims to advance understanding of the key issues in the global political economy, and to present innovative analyses of emerging topics. The titles in the series focus on three broad themes:
the structures, processes and actors of contemporary global transformations
the changing forms taken by governance, at scales from the local and everyday to the global and systemic
the inseparability of economic from political, social and cultural questions, including resistance, dissent and social movements.
The RIPE Series in Global Political Economy aims to address the needs of students and teachers. Titles include:
Transnational Classes and International Relations
Kees van der Pijl
Globalization and Governance
Edited by Aseem Prakash and Jeffrey A. Hart
Nation-States and Money
The past, present and future of national currencies
Edited by Emily Gilbert and Eric Helleiner
Gender and Global Restructuring
Sightings, sites and resistances
Edited by Marianne H. Marchand and Anne Sisson Runyan
The Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights
The new enclosures?
Christopher May
Global Political Economy
Contemporary theories
Edited by Ronen Palan
Ideologies of Globalization
Contending visions of a new world order
Mark Rupert
The Clash within Civilisations
Coming to terms with cultural conflicts
Dieter Senghaas
Capitalist Restructuring, Globalisation and the Third Way
Lessons from the Swedish model
J. Magnus Ryner
Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration
Bastiaan van Apeldoorn
World Financial Orders
An historical international political economy
Paul Langley
Global Unions?
Theory and strategies of organized labour in the global political economy
Edited by Jeffrey Harrod and Robert OBrien
Political Economy of a Plural World
Critical reflections on power, morals and civilizations
Robert Cox with Michael Schechter
The Changing Politics of Finance in Korea and Thailand
From deregulation to debacle
Xiaoke Zhang
Anti-Immigrantism in Western Democracies
Statecraft, desire and the politics of exclusion
Roxanne Lynn Doty
The Political Economy of European Employment
European integration and the transnationalization of the (un)employment question
Edited by Henk Overbeek
A Critical Rewriting of Global Political Economy
Integrating reproductive, productive and virtual economies
V. Spike Peterson
International Trade and Developing Countries
Bargaining coalitions in the GATT & WTO
Amrita Narlikar
Rethinking Global Political Economy
Emerging issues, unfolding odysseys
Edited by Mary Ann Ttreault, Robert A. Denemark, Kenneth P. Thomas and Kurt Burch
Global Institutions and Development
Framing the world?
Edited by Morten Bs and Desmond McNeill
Contesting Globalization
Space and place in the world economy
Andr C. Drainville
The Southern Cone Model
The political economy of regional capitalist development in Latin America
Nicola Phillips
The Idea of Global Civil Society
Politics and ethics of a globalizing era
Edited by Randall D. Germain and Michael Kenny
Global Institutions, Marginalization, and Development
Craig N. Murphy
Governing Financial Globalization
International political economy and multi-level governance
Edited by Andrew Baker, David Hudson and Richard Woodward
Critical Theories, International Relations and the Anti-Globalisation Movement
The politics of global resistance
Edited by Catherine Eschle and Bice Maiguashca
Resisting Intellectual Property
Debora J. Halbert
Globalization, Governmentality, and Global Politics
Regulation for the rest of us?
Ronnie D. Lipschutz, with James K. Rowe
Neoliberal Hegemony
A global critique
Edited by Dieter Plehwe, Bernhard Walpen and Gisela Neunhffer
Images of Gramsci
Connections and contentions in political theory and international relations
Edited by Andreas Bieler and Adam David Morton